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Table of Contents


1. Corrective work orders in general

‪Corrective work orders for suppliers are specific requests issued by a company to its (external) supplierscontractors to address and resolve issues related to products, services, or equipment. These work orders are used when there is a need for repair, maintenance, or replacement of items supplied by the supplier contractor .

The work order process gives transparency to the service teams about the progress of the work orders being handled by supplierscontractors. Overall, a work order system in facility management streamlines the process of reporting and resolving issues, leading to improved efficiency, better communication, and enhanced facility maintenance. It helps ensure that the facility remains safe, functional, and comfortable for its occupants.


This module enables service teams to forward requests to (mostly external) suppliers contractors to fix the issues reported by the internal employees. Unlike with requests, in corrective work orders, the estimated costs can be registered, a tendering process can be initiated to request quotations and select the suppliers with the best fit, and execute mandate approval on the estimated work order costs.


  1. Use corrective work orders in general, or determine whether to use corrective work orders per problem type. If it only applies to creating corrective work orders for particular problem types, this can be determined at the problem type level. The other option is to be able to create work orders for all problem types.

  2. Approve the handled corrective work order: The internal responsible needs to review the executed work and can approve or reject the work order. This is a general setting applicable to all work order processes.

  3. Financial processing step in the workflow: If this option is enabled, the workflow task to financially handle the work order becomes applicable for the internal responsible after the work order is handled and the work is approved. This is a general setting applicable to all work order processes.

  4. Automatically close the request once the last open work order is handled. Once all work orders related to a request have been handled, the request can be automatically closed without the internal responsible having to close the request manually.

  5. Use catalog items in corrective work orders. By default only generic cost items can be used, where the name and price are , quantity, price, VAT percentage, etc. can be manually registered. It is also possible to enable pre defined cost items via catalog items. Relevant information (like the name and purchase price) from the catalog item is automatically transferred to the work order as a cost item. For example, if specific work has a fixed price, then these work activities can be pre defined via a catalog item and can be added to a work order without the need to add a generic cost item and having to add the name, price, etc. manually for every similar work order.

  6. Use preferred suppliers in corrective work orders. The corrective work order can be automatically created and assigned to the preferred supplier with the corresponding role via the problem type linked to the request. If there are multiple preferred suppliers, these are shown within the corrective work order for the user to select the applicable contractor.


When a module is activated, the relevant navigation menu options become available to users with the correct authorizations (based on the system groups). Next to that, a module-specific key user startboard tab becomes available for that particular module and is visible depending on the user's authorizations. This tab gives users insights and day-to-day work overviews relevant to the specific module.

For more general information on the navigation menu and startboard, see: Navigation menu and Startboard

For the Corrective work orders module, the following navigation menu options become available:

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Navigation menu option


Available to system groups




Work orders


  • View work orders

  • Corrective work order manager

  • Preventive work order manager


The option to search for all work orders.




  • Planner via planboard


The option to view already forwarded work orders and plan not yet forwarded work orders via drag and drop on a calendar view.


Work orders dashboard


  • Management dashboards work orders


A management dashboard with overviews and graphs related to corrective work orders (Planned vs actual costs, Costs per building, etc.)

For the Corrective work orders module, the following starboard tab becomes available:

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This tab is available for the following system groups:

  • Servicedesk employee

  • Management dashboards requests

This startboard tab has some buttons that are similar to the navigation menu options with the same names. Next to that, this tab has the following includes (most are only visible if they contain data):


Requests for my team, not yet assigned


Requests assgined to me


Corrective work orders for me or my team not yet forwarded to contractor


Corrective work orders for me or my team in progress


More information about the navigation menu and startboard options applicable for Corrective work orders see: Corrective work orders - Navigation menu & Startboard

5. Additional reports

Additional reports can be available for some modules via the ‘Reports’ navigation menu option.
For the (corrective) work order module(s), there are reports available via:


For the user manual with a more step-by-step explanation of the process itself, see: Corrective work order module for (end)users
