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Difficulty: novice


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Create a reservation.

  • Add items to your reservation.

  • Look up your (recurring) reservations and adjust them.

  • Create a recurring reservation.


A reservable area, workplace, asset, or room can be reserved by using the reservations functionality in Workplace Management.

titleHow to make a reservation?

How to make a reservation?

Create a reservation

You can make a reservation by clicking on the ‘Reservation+’ button on your startBoard.

  1. To create a reservation fill in the fields. The fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
    - Requestor: For whom is the reservation? Your own name is filled in here. Key users can also create reservation on behalf of some one else. Fill in the name of that person here.
    - Type: the type determined the options available when making a reservation. For example, some types might not allow catering to be added to the reservation, where other types can only be used to reserve a company car. The details of the types are determined by the system administrator
    - Subject: subject of the meeting
    - Property: in what property does the reservation take place. This setting acts as a filter for the items (areas, equipment, etc.) that can be added to the reservation
    - From/ Until: start - and end time of the reservation
    - Persons: how many people will attent the meeting
    - Arrangement: choose a seating arrangement. This field acts as a filter for the areas that can be added to the reservation. You can leave this field empty if the seating arrangement does not matter or if you simply want to see all available areas

  2. Now press the button “Show availability”

  3. Depending on the input so far (type, property, etc.), the list of items that can be added to the reservation is shown/ updated

  4. In the tabs on the bottom of the page, select the items (e.g. areas, catering, and visitors) you want to add to the reservation by clicking on the checkbox. Adding items to an reservation is explained in detail in the next section of this article.

  5. Click on the button “Next step

  6. On this screen you can check if everything is correct. Several quick access options are available to change the reservation, e.g.:

    1. Add remarks

    2. Delete areas

    3. Duplicate catering items (for example to add ‘coffee’ a second time)

    4. Add/ delete visitor

  7. Click on ‘Previous step’ if you want to change the reservation, or press the “Confirm reservation” button to finalize the reservation.

titleAdd items to a reservation

Add items to a reservation

When you create a new reservation, you have different tabs for adding items to your reservation.

Available areas

On this tab you can select the desired room for your meeting. You will see a list of areas depending on your meeting settings (property, persons, and seating arrangement) and the room availability on the required time.


Tip: you can change the settings on the reservation (for example the number of persons) and click 'Show availability' again to update the available items.

Available equipment

In this section you can add equipment to your meeting. For example a beamer.


If needed you can add catering items to the meeting. For example you can add coffee, lunch and bitterballen to the reservation.


Below an example of the “visitor” tab.

If there (external) visitors, you can add them to the meeting by using this tab. You can select a visitor from the list or create a new visitor. When creating a new visitor, you need to fill in the details regarding the visitor.

Field name



The name of the visitor


The organization name of the visitor

Expected arrival time

The expected arrival time of the visitor

Expected end time

The expected end time of the visitor


The person whom the visitor is visiting


Description of the visit, for example : training


Yes or No

License plate

If Yes on the option car, you will be able to enter the license plate number of the car

titleReservation overview

Reservation overview

You can see an overview of your request by using the “My reservations' button on your startboard.

In the next screen, you can choose for which period you want to see your reservations by adjusting the “Start time since” and “Start time until” and then press the “Search” button. Leave all fields empty to display ALL your reservations.

The reservations will be listed as shown below.

titleHow to cancel/change a reservation?

How to cancel/change a reservation?

  1. Click on a reservation in your reservation overview to open it

  2. Click “Change”.

  3. Apply the changes you want to make (e.g. change time/date or add or remove items).

  4. When you are done, click ‘Submit’.

  5. To cancel a meeting press the button “Cancel”.


Note: depending on the settings make by your administrator, you might not be able to change the reservation x hours before it starts. If a change is necessary, please contact a key-user (reservation coordinator).

titleMaking a recurring reservation

Making a recurring reservation

If you have the option to create recurring reservations, you will have the additional button “Create reservation schedule“. This button is available:

  • On the screen where you confirm a newly created reservation

  • When you open a reservation in the status ‘Confirmed’.

Let`s create a new reservation:

1. Press the “Reservation +” button on your startBoard

2. Fill in the requested fields, Press the button “Show availability,” and add the items needed

3. Press “Next step.” In this screen you can confirm this single reservation, but also see the “Create reservation schedule” button.

4. Click on “Create reservation schedule” to create a recurring reservation.

5. You will see a pop-up warning that the current reservation will be converted to a periodic reservation. Press ‘Ok’ to continue.


The initial reservation is used as a template for the reservation. This status of the initial reservation is therefore now changed back to 'Draft'.

6. After pressing OK, the recurring reservation is created. Now you can add the details of the recurring reservations:

  • The time of the reservation

  • The recurrence daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.

  • The start date of the series

  • An end date or the total number of occurrences

A example of settings of a recurring schedule for a reservation every month on the second Wednesday from 10-12 am for the next 10 weeks

A example of settings of a recurring schedule for reservation every week on the Wednesday from 10-12 without an end date.

7. If you are satisfied with the settings, press “Create/submit/update Reservations” to confirm the recurring reservation and create the reservations for this schedule.
Note: Depending on the settings, creating the reservations can take a while as authorizations and availablibiliy need to be checked for every reservation.

titleChanging a recurring reservation

Changing a recurring reservation

As an end user you don`t have an overview of your recurring reservations. You only have a overview of all your reservations. Every occurrence of your recurring reservations is shown as a separate reservation.

1. Open a reservation that is a part of series

2. Now you can click on the recurring reservation, see screenshot marked in red.


3. Click ‘Change’ and ‘Ok’ when you see the popup

4. Now you can change the details of the schedule

5. You can also open the 'Reservation template' by clicking on the hyperlink. On the reservation template you can add/ delete item, etc. After making the desired changed, click ‘Save and return’ to navigate back to the reservation schedule

Changing the reservations

6. In the include ‘Open generated reservations’ select the reservations you want to update

7. Click on ‘Change selected reservations’ > in the list you now see that the status of these reservations changes to “Change”. Only reservations with the status 'Change' can be changed in the next step.

Image Removed

8. Click on 'Create / submit / updateClick on ‘Create / submit / update’ on the recurring reservation



Create / submit / update Reservations

If you changed the details of the recurring reservation, for example the end date or number of occurrences changed. Use this button to created/ submit the changes and generate the new reservations.

Change selected reservations

Select the reservations you want to change en click this button to change the status of the selected reservation to ‘Change’. Only reseravations with the status ; Changes are update/ changed.

Cancel selected reservations

Cancel the selected reservation.


Go back to the previous screen without saving,

Save and return

Save your changes and go back to the previous screen.

  • To change to name of the reservation, you need to change the name of the reservation template! Not the name of the recurring reservation.


Rw ui textbox macro
  • To create a reservation use the reservation button on your startBoard

  • It is possible to add items to your reservation

  • To create a recurring reservation, use the “Create reservation schedule” while creating a reservation

  • (Recurring) reservations can be cancelled.


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