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Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Set up preferred suppliers

Preferred suppliers

By using Image Added

Using preferred suppliers , makes it is possible to determine which supplier should be automatically selected within a request or an automatically created workorder, work order based on the problemtype problem type of a submitted request.

To be able to use preferred suppliers in the navigationmenu navigate to Admin - Module settings - tab: Requests and ITIL - Preferred suppliers.

Axxerion Workplace Management searches for preferred suppliers linked to f.e. an asset (of the request) , with the same role as the role linked related to the problemtype problem type (linked to the request). if If one is found, this will be the preferred supplier and automatically set in the request or the automatically created workorderwork order. More on roles in problemtypes in Problemtrees. problem types in

Problem tree/ problem type scheme.

titleSetting preferred suppliers on properties
To set a

Setting preferred

supplier on a specific property we

suppliers on properties

We navigate to the property and


the “Team” tab to set a preferred supplier on a specific property. Here we click on: Add contact. Here we can select any contact to add to the role (not only supplier contacts). After


choosing the person, we will be presented with the options below:

Image Modified

The profile will be set by default, as well as the property we just selected.

What we

We have to

select is

decide which role they will get within this property


; if this is a supplier, we can give them a role like:



titleSetting preferred suppliers on assets

Setting preferred suppliers on assets

To set a preferred supplier on an asset, we navigate to the specific asset. On the asset page is a field: “Supplier”


; this is used to fill in the preferred supplier for this specific asset.

titleHow preferred suppliers are selected

How preferred suppliers are selected

Because we can fill in preferred suppliers on


multiple objects in Workplace, there is a specific order in which Workplace determines which contact to select.

  1. Axxerion searches for preferred suppliers linked to the asset (of the request)

  1. with the same role as the role linked to the

  1. problem type (linked to the request).

  1. If one is found, this will be the

  1. preferred supplier and automatically set in the request or the automatically created

  1. work order.

  2. When no asset is linked or no preferred supplier is found specifically linked to the Asset, Axxerion searches for preferred suppliers linked to the Area (of the request)

  1. with the same role as the role linked to the

  1. problem type (of the request).

  1. If one is found, this will be the

  1. preferred supplier and automatically set in the request or the automatically created

  1. work order.

  2. When no Area is linked, or no preferred supplier is found specifically linked to the Area, Axxerion searches for preferred suppliers linked to the property (of the request)

  1. with the same role as the role linked to the

  1. problem type (of the request).

  1. If one is found, this will be the

  1. preferred supplier and automatically set in the request or the automatically created

  1. work order.

  2. When no preferred supplier is found within the property, Axxerion searches for preferred suppliers without

  1. context and the same role as the

  1. problem type. If one is found, this will be the

  1. preferred supplier and automatically set in the request or the automatically created

  1. work order.


When using preferred suppliers for assigning requests to contractors (And thus, no work orders are used for a specific problem type), the following applies:

As soon as the request is assigned to an internal executor, it will immediately be visible which supplier has the preference for the


problem type concerned.

Please note


the request is not automatically assigned to the supplier. This remains a manual task for the internal executor. After a request has been submitted, the service group members

of the treatment group

determine which contact is internally responsible for the request. This user can then decide whether the request is


sent to the (preferred) supplier.

Work orders

When using preferred suppliers for automatically creating a


work order for a submitted request (A setting on the problem type), the following applies:


Suppose a


preferred supplier is found (for a request

that is

not marked as a possible duplicate after submitting and linked to a


problem type for which "Auto create


work order" is set to yes). In that case, a work order is automatically created for that supplier (Contractor). If the


problem type is also set to "Auto assign" the


work order, it will


automatically assign this


work order to the contractor (Otherwise, this task is up to the


service desk employee). The request will automatically go to the status "


Awaiting workorder(s)".


Preferred suppliers can also be imported using the import

: FMB-F-005

functionality in Workplace Management.

Rw ui textbox macro
  • Preferred suppliers are used within requests

  • Preferred suppliers can be set within the properties,


  • areas, or assets.


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