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Release date DATE27-01-2024 |
Key | Release note |
AXX-1310 | Administrators The module activation overview now also shows which modules are needed to be activated before the current module can be activated |
AXX-855 | Administrators: Performance improvements have been made for the Workplace Management and workplace Experience integration on the reservation level. |
AXX-1279 | Administrators: The Axxerion Script find command has been extended with 'orderBy', 'qLimit', and 'qOffset' functionality. This can be used to limit and control a finder query. For more details and how to use this, look up these terms in the 'WIKI' module in any Axxerion tenant. |
AXX-590 | Administrators: The field categoryFolderId on the object 'ObjectNote' now has an index. This will make searching for ObjectNotes via the category field a lot faster. |
AXX-873 | Administrators: The object 'Area' now has a new field 'uniqueReference'. This will automatically be populated with a unique reference and can thus be used as a unique identifier of an area. |
AXX-854 | Administrators: The object 'Systemuser' now has a new field 'uniqueReference'. This will automatically be populated with a unique reference and can thus be used as a unique identifier of a system user. |
AXX-1016 | Administrators: A new 'Module activation' has been added for the Workplace Analytics Reservation Dashboards integration. Via this module activation, the external app that allows the Analytics team to link the Reservations dashboard to this Workplace management environment is generated. Functionally, this module activation does nothing within the Workplace management environment itself. You will, however, receive an overview of the required (technical) information that you must provide to the Analytics team for this integration. Enabling this 'module' will also result in an extra module settings tab under 'integrations': 'Workplace Analytics'. This settings page also contains a button to request the required (technical) information that you must provide to the Analytics team for this integration again. |
AXX-1299 | Administrators: The object 'Reservable' now has a new field 'externalReference'. This can be used as a key value when reservables are imported from another system. |
AXX-1128 | Announcements: A new field is added to the Announcements: 'Only display for Property', in which a location can be specified. If this is done, the announcement is only displayed to users that have that location as their location (Based on the Contact.propertyId field). Any other restriction fields on the announcement (Like start/end time, profile, and user group) are of course also taken into account when showing announcements to users. |
AXX-1129 | Announcements: A new field is added to the Announcements: 'Only display for user profile', in which a user profile can be specified. If this is done, the announcement is only displayed to users that have that user profile. Any other restriction fields on the announcement (Like start/end time, location, and user group) are of course also taken into account when showing announcements to users. |
AXX-694 | Assets On the page of an asset, the include 'sub-assets' was only displayed if any sub-assets already existed. This include is now always shown and users with the group 'Edit assets' can now directly create a sub-asset via this include |
AXX-695 | Assets: A catalog item can be linked to an asset. There was no filter applied, so every catalog item could be linked. A filter has been added to Asset.catalogItemId, so that the default categories 'Meter types', 'Reservable items' and 'Rent component' will no longer be taken into account. |
AXX-679 | Catalog items: Meter types can now also be created and managed by the '3. Edit catalog items' group. |
AXX-1067 | Compliance: The 'Compliance tasks' overview is now also added to the general startboard tab. This will make sure that if a user has compliance-related tasks, these are shown directly on the startboard (just like 'my reservations, my visitors, etc). This overview is of course only shown if the compliance module is used and the user has compliance-related tasks. |
AXX-1166 | Compliance: Via a new general setting (Module settings, Compliance tab) It is now possible to indicate that every new legislation document requires approval. It is still possible to change this per legislation document, but this setting makes it possible to set the initial value to 'true' for each new legislation document. |
AXX-1292 | Compliance: The default Compliance asset import has been extended with the following fields: -Quantity & Unit code (e.g. 6 pieces) -Capacity and capacity unit code (e.g. 1500 kWh) Next to these additional fields, the column descriptions have also been updated and are more detailed in explaining what the column is used for and how to fill it in. |
AXX-1053 | Compliance: The compliance assets import now also has the option to fill in a legislation reference. When importing this file, if legislation is found with this reference, the legislation is linked to the asset, and the legislation documents are also directly generated. |
AXX-845 | Compliance: The Legislation suggestion option now also has the option to select the desired legislation directly from the list (via a pull down) if more than one suggestion is found. Previously, the line (asset) had to be opened first. This makes working with the Legislation suggestions (Based on the code linked to the asset) even faster and more user-friendly. |
AXX-1203 | Cost centers: The default import for cost centers was only generated if the Financial module was activated. Since cost centers can also be used without the complete financial module (E.g. when using contracts or work orders), the cost center module is now automatically activated if a module is activated that can use cost centers. This also results in the default import being available if a related module is activated (e.g. Contracts, Work orders, Purchase orders). |
AXX-1030 | Integration: Generating a secret key for a trust relation can now be performed by Axxerion scripts. This opens up opportunities to automatically generate secret keys for integration with other (Spacewell) products when activating certain modules. |
AXX-1029 | Integration: Revealing the AES key of a trust relation can now be performed by using the partner password when logged in as a partner user. This means it's no longer necessary to generate a regular password for the partner user. |
AXX-1146 | Module activation: When activating a new solution, default user profiles are generated relevant for the solution. The end user profile is now automatically linked in the client setting field 'Default user profile' field. Every new user will then automatically get this user profile. |
AXX-1093 | Requests It is now possible to reopen a closed request. When a request is closed, service desk employees can now use the button 'reopen request' to put the request back to the status 'handle'. This will empty the close time and the handle date of the request. This can be used if a request was closed or canceled by accident or for any other reason has to be reopened again. |
AXX-1297 | Requests: When creating a new request and a building is linked with multiple floors, a floor can be specified to find the relevant area. The floor field (if filled in) is now also displayed after the request has been submitted and is being handled by the service team. |
AXX-977 | Reservations: Reservation restrictions are checked when updating a reservation (for instance if catering is allowed on a reserved area), this was also done when a reservation was already closed, as this is unnecessary and caused issues while (for instance) anonymizing reservations, these checks are no longer performed if the reservation is already closed. |
AXX-1276 | Reservations: The 'Anonymize reservations' option now also includes canceled reservations with a start date still in the future. If the reservation is canceled, the cancel date is used as the date to determine if the reservation should be Anonymized (Instead of the end date of the reservation). |
AXX-1091 | Security: for security reasons additional checks are performed on the value of the SystemUser contactId field. This is done to prevent privilige escalation when as a user can change it's active contact. |
AXX-568 | Security: Several external packages (JQuery.ui, HighCharts and Bootstrap) were updated because of possible security vulnerabilities. |
AXX-895 | Space management: When displaying a floorplan, areas can be colored based on a color scheme. In certain situations, the menu was not responding after a change of color scheme and the legend was not shown. This has been fixed. |
AXX-1341 | Startboard: The default startboard has been optimized for better scaling on other types of screens (like tablets) and a more clean look in general. Resulting in the button bars and includes (e.g. 'My tasks', 'My reservations') no longer being positioned next to each other (per two), but beneath each other. |
AXX-681 | Translations: The English translation of Complain is changed to Complaint, since this is the word that is actually meant within the Request. |
AXX-1322 | Workflow management The option to add a script to a workflow connector was not available. This has been added ('Add' button is now available on the 'object script' include of a workflow connector) |