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Next to the module specific settings that are described in each of the module activation articles, client settings (which are settings that apply to the client/tenant in general, for instance settings that are related to the user interface or e-mails) can be found on the startboard for level 2 and level 3 administrators. (For more information about administrators levels, see: Administrator level)


Most of the settings and options that are found here are already set to the most relevant default values value and likely do not require any changes. howeverHowever, if needed, via the relevant tab, the settings related to that tab can be found and adjusted. In some of the tabs, the option to ‘Show advanced settings' is also available as a first field. By default, settings that are almost never used are hidden and will only show if ‘Show advanced settings’ is enabled on the specific tab.


Via the authentication settings tab, all settings related to access, passwords and other authentication related topics can be found. This also includes the login URL and if it is even allowed to login at all (as this can be disabled if a client should not be used anymore).

For more more information on a specific setting, hover over the setting for a help text.


On this page, the SSO configuration (if applicable) can also be found , if the client uses SSOvia the page function on the bottom of the page. For more information on this, see: SSO configuration for WPM.

Next to this these settings, this page also contains multiple page-includes:

IP address white or black-listing

The option to specify IP addresses that are the only once IP addresses that are allowed to login (Whitelisting) or specify IP addresses that are not allowed to login (blacklisting). For more information, see: IP whitelisting (and blacklisting).


These includes show the trust relations, external apps and access rules that are created in this tenant. these These objects are used for integrations with other (Spacewell native, or external) systems. For more information, see: External app.


Via the Email settings tab, the settings related to sending the (automatic) emails can be configured.
Via these settings, it is also possible to setup that Spacewell will use the customers email domain to send emails from (e.g. instead of via This is done via the Mail server settings header, for more information on this, see: Email domain authentication: SPF and DKIM
