Recurring VisitorCreate recurring visitorIf there is someone who frequently visits the company/ office. You can create a recurring visitor. If you don`t see this option, ask your Workplace application manager to add it to your user account. Fill in the details as with a normal visitor. However, instead of clicking “Submit, click the “Create recurring visitor” button.
Image Added3. A popup window now appears that you will create a recurring visitor. 4. Press “OK” to proceed. Image Added5. Enter the schedule details of the recurring visitor. SCHEDULE Expected arrival time: start date and time of first occurrence Expected end time: end date and time of first occurrence Cycle/ Day/ Day in month: the combination of these settings determines when the occurrences are scheduled
GENERATE UNTIL Note: when ‘End date’ and 'Maximum number' are both left empty, only one visitor is created. When both settings are filled in, whatever comes first determines the number of visitors that will be generated. Image Added6. Click on ‘Create visitors’ to generate the visitors based on the schedule settings A example of settings of a recurring schedule for someone who visits every month on the second Wednesday for the next 6 months | A example of settings of a recurring schedule for someone who visits every week on the Wednesday for the next 6 months | Image Added | Image Added |
Cancel/edit a recurring visitorYou can`t edit a recurring visitor or delete them in a batch. Once the visitors are created, you can edit every visitor the same as you would a regular visitor. |