Info |
Keep in mind: This module can only be used when using Workplace Experience |
This module activation is about the integration of the Reservation module and relevant master data with Workplace Experience. For more information on the content of these modules, including detailed descriptions of some of the core components, see these articles in the Application Managers part:
Master data: Asset module (applicable based on the setting in the module activation down below)
Master data: Catalog items (applicable based on the setting in the module activation down below)
Note |
Own employees (= users) should not yet be imported via the initialization wizard. Instead, this data should be imported after starting the Workplace Experience module activation. Reasons for this is that the setting to automatically add new users to the External App is set in the Workplace Experience module activation. Any users created before that are not automatically added and need to be added manually. |
These will then need to be manually added to the External App*.
This is explained in chapter 4 ‘Configuration of the External App’ in this article.Also, check if the current building and area hierarchy is correct. The mandatory building and area hierarchy is described in the following article: Mandatory hierarchy for buildings and areas.
*An External App is used to link Workplace Management with other applications (in this case, Workplace Experience). For more information, see: External app
4.2 Prerequisites before activating this module
When configuring the External App, you actually determining what Workplace Management objects become available in Workplace Experience. Most steps to configure this external app are done automatically during the module or solution activation. However, some steps are still required to do manually. Please read the following information: External app
and more specifically the part about Workplace Experience.
4.6 Data imports
When activating this module, some data imports become available, which can be used to quickly import relevant data into the system (as opposed to manually entering this data, which is also possible).
Limiting users from reserving certain resources (rooms, workplace, etc.) outside of specific (office) times (e.g. only between 9:00 AM - 5 PM). This should only be used if really necessary, as the check if a regime is blocking a reservable resource will make the floorplans load less fast in Workplace Experience.
When the tenant has buildings in countries that are in different time zones you MUST use regimes linked to the buildings, because the regime allows you to set a time zone that differs from the time zone that you set in the client settings.
Some remarks:
Linking a regime is optional and should only be used if necessary. If no regime are linked to any reservable objects, reservations can be made 24/7.
Do not add a regime without availability. Make sure at least one availability is added.
When you want to use the option for ‘Multi-day bookings’ in the Workplace App, make sure to not use regimes with limited availability (e.g. 9:00AM - 5:00PM), because then multi-day bookings will not be possible, as a reservation taking place after 5 Pm will not be allowed.
When using a regime only for linking a specific time zone to a building , without wanting to limit the availability of reservable resources, you can add a 24/7 availability:
If regimes are not used for limiting the availability to resources, make sure to also skip the regime checks via the Workplace Experience external app, as this will make the reservable resources and floorplans load faster in Workplace Experience. For more information, see: External app: Workplace Experience: Skip checks.
For all information about creating an linking regimes: Managing regimes .
Via these settings (same as in the module activation), it can be determined that every newly created reservable asset, reservable catalog item and/or cost center can automatically be added to the External app. If any of these objects already exist, and should be made available in Workplace Experience, they need to be added to the (Workplace Experience) External app manually. For more information on the External app, see: Workplace Experience integration setup guide External app.
7.4 Check-in Settings
To optimize space utilization and reduce ghost bookings (without the use of sensors), you can use the check-in functionality. When enabled, a user must confirm a reservation via the Workplace App a few minutes before it takes place. It the check in is not done, the reservation will get canceled automatically.