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it is possible to enable an approval step in the reservation workflow based on if approval is required for certain reservable objects via the setting ‘Approval required'. This option is only available on a reservable object if this is enabled in general via the Reservation module settings → 'Approval specific items'.
If a reservation is submitted with at least one reservable object that requires approval, the workflow will generate a task to approve (or edit / cancel) the reservation before the reservation is confirmed. The task to approve the reservation is assigned to users with the system group 'Approve reservation items’. See Reservations module activation and information: 4.4 User groups for more information about this system group.


Even if a reservation still requires approval, the reserved resources are blocked from being reserved by other during the timespan of the reservation. only if the reservation is cancelled or the specific resource is removed, will the resources become available for others to reserve again. This only applies to areas and assets/equipment. As catalog items/services do not have a limited reservable quantity.

Availability (Regimes)

Linking a ‘regime’ can be done via the ‘Availability’ button on the reservation settings page. By linking a regime to a Option to register Hand out / take in

For certain reservable resources, it can be necessary that the resources is manually handed out and/or taken back in. Either because certain related actions are to be performed by the service provider (e.g. clean up a room or register mileages on a car) or because the physical hand out / take in of certain resources has to be logged (who and when), such that costly resources can always be tracked.

The option to register hand out and/or take in of a specific resources can be enabled per reservable resource:


This option (and anything related to it) is only available on a reservable object if this is enabled in general via the Reservation module settings → 'Activate registration of hand out/take in reserved items'.

If reservations are submitted that contain reservable resources for which the option to register hand out and/or take in is enabled, users that are authorized* for the hand out / take in, will find the list of resources to hand out/take in via the reservations startboard:


*Users can be authorized to be able to register hand out/take in in general or per building for the different resource types (areas, assets, catalog items) via the system groups: Hand out/take in areas/assets/catering. See Reservations module activation and information: 4.4 User groups for more information about these system groups.

Per reservation, a tab is available via which the reserved resources and the logged hand out/ take in details (date/time and contact) are shown per resource (if applicable for the resource):


This tab is also only available if registration of hand out/take in is enabled in general via the Reservation module settings → 'Activate registration of hand out/take in reserved items'.

Availability (Regimes)

Linking a ‘regime’ can be done via the ‘Availability’ button on the reservation settings page. By linking a regime to a reservable object, the availability of the object can be limited. For instance, catering might only be available during office hours; thus, a regime that only has availability on workdays from 9 to 5 could be linked to reservable catalog items. This will ensure that users cannot select this object if they create a reservation that takes place outside of these available hours.
For more information on regimes, see: Managing regimes.

Via the ‘Module settings’ → ‘Reservations’, it is possible to define a system group that can reserve a reservable object even if it falls outside of the availability determined by the regime. This is set to the ‘Reservation coordinator’ system group by default. Users in this group will still get a warning, but not an error when reserving outside of a regime.
