Linking a ‘regime’ can be done via the ‘Availability’ button on the reservation settings page. By linking a regime to a reservable object, the availability of the object can be limited. For instance, catering might only be available during office hours; thus, a regime that only has availability on workdays from 9 to 5 could be linked to reservable catalog items. This will ensure that users cannot select this object if they create a reservation that takes place outside of these available hours.
For more information on regimes, see: https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/edit-v2/105152618 Managing regimes.
Via the ‘Module settings’ → ‘Reservations’, it is possible to define a system group that can reserve a reservable object even if it falls outside of the availability determined by the regime. This is set to the ‘Reservation coordinator’ system group by default. Users in this group will still get a warning, but not an error when reserving outside of a regime.