Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
The steps below describe the steps needed to integrate WPM (Workplace Management) and WPE (Workplace Experience).
1. Initializing the environment
Note |
Own employees (= users) should not yet be imported via the initialization wizard. Instead, this data should be imported after starting the module Activation“Workplace Experience: Reservations”. Reason for this is that the setting to automatically add new user to the External App is set in the process of running the module Activation for Workplace Experience: Reservations. Any users created before that are not automatically added and need to be added manually |
For details on the initialization wizard, see article: Initial configuration of the environment.
What if the environment is already initialized?
It is possible that a client is already using Workplace, but not yet Workplace Experience and our Workplace App for which the integration is setup.
In which case users, buildings, areas and (if applicable) assets (equipment), catalog items (services) and cost centers will already already be present in the environment.
These will then need to be manually added to the External App*.
This is explained in the Step “Configuration of the external app“ later in this article.Also, Check if the building and area hierarchy is correct, the mandatory building and area hierarchy is described in the following Module activation article: Mandatory hierarchy for buildings and areas.
*An external app is used to linked Workplace Management with other applications (in this case, Workplace Experience)
2. Checks before running the Workplace Experience integration Module activation
Check if a trust relation has been set up
Press ‘Client settings’ on the administrator start Board;
‘Authentication’ tab;
Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘Trust relation’ tab;
If no trust relation is available contact Spacewell Support.
Check if the access rules have been set up
Press ‘Client settings’ on the administrator start Board;
‘Authentication’ tab;
Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘Access rules’ tab;
The access rules should correspond exactly to what is shown in the screenshot below. If these look different:, please contact Spacewell Support.
Check if the external app has been set up
Press ‘Client settings’ on the administrator start Board;
‘External apps’ tab;
Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘External apps’ tab;
An External app should of the category “Workplace Experience“ should be visible. If this externall app is not visible; please contact Spacewell Support.
3. Run the Workplace Experience: Reservations module activation
Via this step, the module activation for Workplace Experience integration: reservations is done. This is all described in detail here: Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module activation and information.
New button are now available on the administrator start Board
After activating the module, the module setting ‘Use Workplace Experience’ is automatically set to ‘yes’ and a new Button bar will become available on the start Board of the administrator. On this button bar several options are visible:
Information: General information on the integration.
Report: Overview of the reports used by the APIs for the integration.
User export: This export can be used to export Workplace Management users and import them directly in Workplace Experience.
External apps: Quick link to the External App configuration. See down below for more information.
Analytics: This dashboard van be used to debug the integration setup and show client customization on the integration reports. See down below for more information.
QR Codes Areas: Overview and the option to view and print QR codes of areas/ workplaces. See down below for more information.
Area photo overview: Easiest way to upload/ link photos to multi areas in bulk. See down below for more information.
For more details please read: Workplace Experience dashboard in WPM .
4. Configuration of the External App
An external app is used to configure and monitor the connection to an external system. An external app can concern multiple objects (such as buildings, areas, system users), and can define which objects are exposed to the external system.
The external app used for the Workplace Experience integration can be found via the Workplace Experience button bar on the administrator startboard (or in an include via the client settings, authentication tab).
When configuring the External App, you actually determining what Workplace Management objects are available in Workplace Experience.
Check cache configuration (only needed once)
The Cache configuration is used to periodically cache certain data for Workplace Experience. But this cache configuration needs to be enabled. If the cache configuration is not enabled, the data needs to be fetched every time a touch point does a request. This will result in performance issues.
Press the ‘External App’ button on the administrator start Board
Open the external app configuration by pressing the reference
Cache configuration tab: check if the cache configuration is enabled (Active = yes)
if ‘active = no’ > open the cache configuration > press 'Enable'
Manage what objects are exported to Workplace Experience
Press the ‘External App’ button on the administrator start Board
Open the external app configuration by pressing the reference
Building include: check if all buildings, that should be visible in Workplace Experience, are shown here. If not, use the ‘assign’ button to add buildings.
Areas tab: check if all buildings, that should be visible in Workplace Experience, are shown here. If not, use the ‘assign’ button to add areas
If Services and Equipment (Assets and catalogitems in Workplace management) should be reservable via Workplace Experience, make sure to add these to the external app via the designated includes as well.
If Cost centers should be set in (Service) reservations in Workplace Experience, make sure to add these to the external app via the designated include as well
Info |
After adding the object to the External app Workplace Mamagement, it takes 1-4 hours to be available in Workplace Experience. |
Automatically add new objects to the External App
Via the module activation (see chapter 4) or via the module settings → 'Workplace Experience' tab, it is possible to indicate that (per type of object) any newly created object is added to the Workplace Experience external app by default:
Tip |
Linking floor plans to areas and workplaces Creating and linking floor plans is not part of the WPM-WPE integration. This is done in Workplace Experience Studio and is explained in those articles. |
5. [Optional] Linking regimes
Rules to keep in mind:
Linking a regime is optional. If no regime is created reservations can be made 24/7.
Do not add a regime without availability. Make sure always at least one availability is added. See left screenshot.
Wen you want to use the option for ‘Multi day booking’ in the Workplace App you cannot have a regime. A regime will block multi day bookings.
It is optional to configure a deviating regime for a building or a specific area.
Note: when the tenant has buildings in countries that are in different timezones you MUST use regimes, because the regime allows you to set a timezone that differs from the timezone that you set in the client settings.
For all information about creating an linking regimes: Managing regimes .
6. Reservation settings
General reservation setting
Some of the general reservation settings are also applicable for creating and editing reservations via Workplace Experience. These settings can be found via ‘Module settings' > 'Reservations’ tab.
General reservation settings that also apply to Workplace Experience:
Edit/Cancel by requestor X hours before start
How many hours before the start of the reservation, the applicant may still edit or cancel the reservation.
Tip: when set to a negative number (e.g. -8), the reservation can still be cancelled even when it had already started. Setting a negative number is recommend.
Reserve catalog/assets in advance from*
How many hours/days/weeks ahead of time a user must create a reservation containing catalog items or assets (a similar setting also exists per reservable catalog item or asset).
Reserve area in advance from*
How many hours/days/weeks ahead of time a user must create a reservation containing an area (a similar setting also exists per reservable area).
Reserve in advance until*
How far into the future a user can create a reservation (leaving it empty means no restrictions)
Reserving multiple workplaces at the same time allowed
If the same user can reserve more than one workplace at the same (overlapping) time
Maximum number of workplace reservations
The maximum number of workplaces a user is allowed to reserve in a given period (e.g 2 per week)
Reserve in past until
It is advised to set “Reserve in past until” to ‘2 hours’. This allows for making a reservation just in the past. E.g. you’re creating a workplace reservation at 08:15 and the reservation starts at 08:00. Without this setting, an error would be given when submitting the reservation
*Also see Reservation restrictions for more information about reservation restrictions
7. Upload photos of areas/ workplaces
Any time after the areas have been imported photo’s of the areas can be added. These photos are shown when making a room or workplace booking in Workplace Experience. To add a photo to a workplace, meeting room, parking, etc. follow these steps
In the navigation Menu press ‘Buildings’ > buildings
Now open a building
Press the ‘Areas’ tab
Open an area
Now press the ‘…' behind the “Photo’ field to upload a photo OR drag- and drop the photo in this field
It is also possible to link one photo to multiple area/ workplaces (To avoid having to upload a general workplace photo a lot of times). For more information on this, see: Workplace Experience dashboard: Area photo overview .
Info |
Syncing photo's to the Workplace Experience touch points (GO, kiosk, room displays, etc.) can take op up 6 hours. |
Next step: continue with the setup of Workplace Experience
You've now finished the integration on the Workplace management side. The next step is setup the integration on the Workplace Experience side (setting up Workplace Studio, device control, hardware, etc).
See that part of the knowledge base for more information: Workplace Experience. This article has been made obsolete, all info can be found via: