Difficulty: starter / novice/ expert/ legend
Learning Objectives
After reading this article, you’ll be able to:
Create users
View user tasks
Refresh tasks
Switch to other users
View contextual groups
Create users
Aside from importing new users we can also create users by hand (more on imports in Imports). To create users we first need a contact.
Creating a contact:
If there is no contact readily available we can create a contact by clicking the new button on the contact search page.
Depending on the categories in your environment, Workplace will ask you to chose a category to create the person in. For no we chose Employee.
To be able to create a user we have to fill in the mandatory fields and an email addres (to email the password/username to).
Creating an user:
After filling in the mandatory fields we can click the button Make user.
For users we need the following settings to be filled in:
The user profile
The user type (license)
If necessary send out the password to the user.
View user tasks
To view active user tasks within a workflow we first have to navigate to the workflow of the object. Consider a request that has been submitted to the facility service desk:
Info: We often check user tasks when troubleshooting. When a workflow is stuck or a user is not able to see a task they expect to have on their startboard.
(More info on workflows can be found in Workflow basics). The current status of the request is: submitted. To see all the active tasks for this request we navigate to the workflow tab:
Here we can see the handled tasks in red (also recognizable by the handled date). The active tasks are shown in green, these are all the tasks that can be handled by specific users at this moment. Here we can see that the task to assign the request can be performed by the Training FMB user (also the creator of the request), the servicedesk user and by servicedesk employee 2. What users are shown here depend on the workflow, in this case the users are all users within the treatment group Facility servicedesk (see request instance page).
Refresh user tasks
To refresh user tasks we have to navigate to the user in question:
Info: We often have to refresh user tasks when new user groups/profiles are added to a user. This is for currently active workflows as well as new workflows.
Here is a button: Refresh tasks. When we click this the user will receive tasks for new workflows and tasks for workflows that are currently in progress will be created.
This means that if we add a user to a specific treatment group by adding a new user group to their profile, we have to click this button for the tasks to show up.
Switch to other users
To switch to other users we first have to navigate to the user in question:
Starboard → Users
NavigationMenu → Admin → Users
Select the user you want to switch to and click: Switch to currently displayed user.
After clicking this button you will be asked: Switch user? (user/username), click Ok. The page will now reload, this might take a while since the startboard that belongs to the user you just selected has to be loaded in, do not try refreshing the page before it is done loading.
However: If the page stops loading and you haven’t switched users yet, try refreshing the web page (either by clicking refresh or F5).
Now that we switched to another user we can navigate the environment like we would normally.
Changing back to your own user
To switch back to your own user we can either:
Log out of the environment and log in again.
Click your profile at the top right. This will bring you to the user page that belongs to the user you have switched to. Here click: Switch to another user:
This will take you to a selection:
Keep in mind: We have to click the icon (shown in red) to switch back. Clicking Ok or Back will only take you back to the previous page.
This will again ask you: Are you sure? Click: Ok.
If you have already tried switching back and forth between a few users, the selection will show you all users you have switched to in this session:
This also allows you to not only switch back to your own user but also switch to earlier selected users.
View contextual groups
To view contextual groups we first have to switch to the user in question. See Switch to another user in the previous text.
Then click your profile in the top right corner → groups:
This list is a list of all active groups of this user on the current page. In this way we can also analyse whether users obtain dynamic groups that are given in the context of a specific workflow. For more on workflows check Workflow basics.
Info: This is often used for authorization issues and analysis.