Different administrator levels is released in 23.1
As Spacewell,
we want to distinguish between different levels of system administrators
so that, it becomes very easy to add client administrators, which will be able to do the day-to-day administrator work like creating new users, but will not be able to customize and enable new modules like the Spacewell administrators can.
Previously it was only possible to distinguish between an administrator who configures the environment and a system administrator who can fully customize.
Another administrator level has been added to be able to offer the client an own administrator for the day-to-day work, without giving the full administrator rights and without the need for a consultant to configure this client administrators profile.
The 3 levels of administrators are distinguished as follows:
Level 1 – Client level. This level will provide access to the most common functionalities that are applicable for a clients administrator, like user management, user profile management, module settings, bin and archive management, etc. A level 1 administrator is able to switch to other users, but will not able to switch to level 2 or level 3 administrators. A level 1 administrator is also not able to upgrade him-/herself to a level 2 or level 3 administrator.
Level 2 – Configuration. This level will be used by the consultant which configures the client environment and enables the modules. This level will be sufficient when configuring a new default Workplace client. A Level 2 administrator is able to upgrade him-/herself to a level 3 administrator, which will gain access to all customization options.
Level 3 – Customization. This level will provide access to all customization functionalities.