Difficulty: novice
Learning Objectives
After reading this article you will be able to:
Perform the Solution-Based rollout for Requests
How to navigate to the rollout
To start the Solution-Based rollout for Requests, we have to navigate to the startBoard. Then click: Solution-Based rollout and select Standard Requests. After selecting Requests click Rollout selected solutions. This will provide you with a short explanation like the one below.
After this a new page will open:
Steps to follow
Step 1 Adding the service desk treatment groups
To add treatment groups, navigate to the include at the bottom of the page and click Add treatment group. Give this treatment group a name. Examples of Treatment groups could be: Facility Desk and IT.
The treatment groups are used to assign specific problemTypes, users are grouped within a treatment group and through their treatment group get Requests or Tasks assigned.
What are treatment groups used for? For example, the problemType on broken coffee machines has the Facility Desk as treatment group. When a Request is submitted and the “broken coffee machine” problemType is select, all users within the Facility Desk will be able to handle/assign this Request.
Tip: Because each treatment group gets it’s own User Profile (more on profiles in Step 2) we should be mindful when creating these. Only create treatment groups that need their own Profile, whether it be for functionality or data related reasons.
For example, a Facility Desk and IT treatment group get very different requests and are assigned to different users, but if the same group of people execute the Facility Desk and IT tasks, than it would be better to combine this treatment group.
Step 2 Settings to be determined
Tip: We go over the settings in the table below. However, hovering over the field you are filling in will often provide you with the same help text:
Step 3 Start rollout
What happens when clicking the green Start button in this wizard step?
You move on to the next page of the Wizard.
Workflow emails are automatically created. Meaning that we create the workflow emails that are send out when submitting/cancelling/closing Requests.
Relevant imports are created, in the next step we will go over these imports.
Step 4 Check data and close the rollout.
On the next page we can check all items that have been created. This also contains a checklist we can follow.
In the example above we created two treatment groups: Facility Desk and IT. This results in the creation of two user groups with corresponding names.
When adding these user groups to a user profile, requests assigned to this treatment groups can be handled by a user with this profile. These user groups should be added to at least one profile to be able to handle requests properly.
For importing data we take you through the basics steps on how to import SBR data. More details on imports can be found in this article Imports.
Import files: The file that is created is for importing Problemtypes. To download the import template:
navigate to the “Relevant imports” include
Click Generate import template
Click the download icon next to the loop to download the template.
Tip: in the treatment Group column of the import file you can only use the treatment Groups that where defined in the first step of this wizard.
Send files to the client
Import files receives and approved.
If relevant, check if objects are imported successfully.
View the created problemTypes via: navigationMenu ‘Requests' > menuoption ‘Problem type schemes’ > press the magifying glass in front of 'problemtree’
Click Upload import file and upload the import file obtained from the customer.
To see what workflow emails have been created we navigate to the Generated workflow emails include. We can take a closer look at the individual emails by clicking on the hyperlinks but for more info on workflow emails check /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/25034763.
If everything is handled we can close the rollout by clicking the close button, Requests will now be shown as a NavigationMenu option.