Create a work order (from a request)
Users currently responsible for a request can create a work order within that request. By default, the creator of the work order will become the person internally accountable for the work order. This person can be changed by the creator if necessary. The “corrective workorder manager” and the other members of the service desk group responsible for the request can also execute the workflow tasks.
Follow the next steps to create a work order:
Open the request
Press the button ‘Create work order.’

3. The request status now changes to ‘Awaiting workorder(s)’ and a workorder is created. The user that creates the work order is set as ‘Internal responsible.’
Note: it is now already possible to return to the request and create another workorder.
4. Fill in all the fields of the work order. When needed, consult the help text by hovering over a field. Some of the fields are grey out, these field are filled in automatically and read-only. For example the field “Planned amount” and the other fields under the FINANCIALS section are calculated based on the input on the ‘Cost’ tab at the bottom of the page.
5. On the bottom of the page, you will see four tabs that allow you to add a detailed description, Documents, Costs, and link Assets.
6. EXECUTION: decide who is responsible for handling the work order:
Check/ change the default 'treatment group.'
Check/ change the ‘internal responsible’ handle the work order further.
Select a contractor if you want to forward the work order externally. If you do not wish to send an email to the contract, set “Send work order via Mail = no.” When left empty or set to ‘yes', an email will be sent.
7. Use the “Submit” button” to finish the registrator, or use the “Forward Work Order” button (by using this function, you skip the planning step, so make sure the time and date are correct). Read more on these functions in the “Handle a work order“ section this article.

Good to know
When all work orders within a request have been handled, the request will automatically go to the status ‘Handle.’ The request can then be closed, or additional work orders can be created.
Incorporating a mandate approval within the corrective work order process is possible. Based on the settings, a user or several users must approve the work order before the contractor can start. The work order can be approved or rejected..