- Created by Jelle Roelofs , last modified on May 15, 2023
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Difficulty: novice
Learning Objectives
After reading this article you will be able to:
Set up the integration between Axxerion and Cobundu on the Axxerion side.
WPM-WPE Integration
The steps below describe the steps needed to integrate WPM and WPE.
One of the most important things is to apply the mandatory hierarchy and rules for creating properties and areas. This is explained in detail step 4.

Step 1: Try if the provided logins work
It might sound logical, but the first step is always to check if you can log into the Axxerion and the Cobundu environment. Do this as soon as you receive the login even when you were not yet planning to start the implementation! This gives our support department time to fix the issue for you.
Contact Spacewell Support as soon as possible if you’re having trouble logging in, or when you see a blocking error upon logging in. Make sure to add a screenshot of the error when contacting Spacewell Support.
Step 2: Initializing the environment
Initializing the environment is slightly different when also setting up a Cobundu integration. Please carefully read this articles before initializing the environment.
Own employees (= users) are not imported via the initialization wizard. Instead, this data is imported via the Solution-Based Rollout “Cobundu: Reservations”. Reason for this is that the setting to automatically user to the External App is set in the process of running the Solution-Based Rollout (SBR) for Cobundu-Reservations.
For details on the initialization wizard, see article: Initialize the environment.
Fill in the ‘Your email address’ and server ‘field’.
Add additional admins if required
Finish the wizard step as you would in any other environment
Press ‘Start’
The following three imports are mandatory, but need to be done via the ‘Cobundu: Reservation’ Solution-Based Rollout'. You need to skip all imports for now. If you already do the import at this stage via the initialization wizard, some important settings will be missing, resulting in manual work that needs to be done afterwards.
FMB-F-021 Import properties. Mandatory hierarchy is applicable (described in the the Mandatory hierarchy section of Cobundu-Reservations SBR SBR article).
Even if your client only has one property you can use the import to make sure all the correct settings are done. Using the import is not mandatory, when you’re more experienced, manually adding one property might be faster than using the import.
FMB-F-022 Import areas. Mandatory hierarchy is applicable (described in the the Mandatory hierarchy section of Cobundu-Reservations SBR SBR article).
FMB-F-002 Import own employees
You can skip this import if 1) you want to manually create the users, 2) and automated ftp import will be setup, or 3) SSO will be setup.
Finish the wizard as usual. Don’t forget the fill in the email setting tab!
As you know you can also leave the wizard open as long as you like. By now the 'Solution-Based Rollout” button has also appeared on your startBoard.
What if the environment is already initialized?
It is possible that a client is already using Workplace, but not yet Workplace Experience and our Workplace App for which the integration is setup.
In which case users, properties and areas will already be present in the environment.
These will then need to be manually added to the External App. This is explained in the Step “Configuration of the external app“ later in this article.
Also, you need to check of the property and area hierarchy is correct, the mandatory property and area hierarchy is described in the following Solution-Based rollout article: Cobundu-Reservations SBR.
Step 3: checks before running the Solution-Based Rollout (SBR)
Check if a trust relation has been set up
Press ‘Client settings’ on your startBoard;
‘Authentication’ tab;
Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘Trust relation’ tab;
If no trust relation is available contact Spacewell Support.

Check if the access rules have been set up
Press ‘Client settings’ on your startBoard;
‘Authentication’ tab;
Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘Access rules’ tab;
The access rules should correspond exactly to what you see in the screenshot below. If you see a difference:, please contact Spacewell Support.

Check if the external app has been set up
Press ‘Client settings’ on your startBoard;
‘External apps’ tab;
Scroll to the bottom of the page and press the ‘External apps’ tab;
An External app should of the category Cobundu should be visible. If you do not see an external app in this category; please contact Spacewell Support.

It is possible to have multiple External apps in one environment in case of a multi tenant Axxerion Workplace environment.
Step 4: run the Cobundu-reservations Solution-Based Rollout (SBR)
In this step you will run the SBR for Cobundu-reservations: Cobundu-Reservations SBR.
Make sure to apply the mandatory hierarchy when creating Properties and Areas. The conditions for this are explained in the Cobundu-Reservations SBR article.
After finishing the SBR: read the information below and check if the “Reference Cobundu tenant” is set () below and continue with the next step.
The Cobundu-reservations SBR also enables the Properties (and areas) module, so you don’t need to execute the SBR “Masterdata: Properties and areas” to import this masterdata.
New button are now available on your startBoard
After running the SBR for Cobundu-reservations, the client setting ‘Use Cobundu’ is automatically set to Yes and a new Button bar will become available on the startBoard of the System administrator. Within this Button bar several options are visible.

Cubundu information: This button show the Cobundu Wiki page. This is the general documentation of the Axxerion Cobundu integration. This documentation contains a description, used workflows, information about authorizations, available settings, default imports, etc.
Via this Wiki page the Technical Design documentation can also be downloaded. This technical documentation goes more into detail.This button will disappear in the future.
Cobundu reports: The Cobundu reports are the reports which are used to export data to Cobundu periodically. These reports contain the available properties, areas and users, availability data of the areas, the property and area categories, time zone data, etc. These reports are used in Cobundu to determine which objects are available in Cobundu, if the user has the correct rights to an area, if the areas are unable to reserve in a specific time due to the regime, blocked dates, etc.
User export: The user export can be used to export specific Axxerion users and import them directly in Cobundu Studio. No need to enter Axxerion users in Cobundu Studio manually.
Cobundu external apps: quick link to the Cobundu External app(s).
Check if the “Reference Cobundu tenant” is set
This field was set in when running the Cobundu-reservations Solution-Based Rollout (SBR). The “Reference Cobundu tenant” field is used for the ‘User export’ functionality/ button. This export is used when you manually export users an import this data into Cobundu Studio.
Press ‘Module settings’ on your startBoard;
Open the ‘Cobundu’ tab;
The field “Reference Cobundu tenant” should be filled in. Fill in the Cobundu “Short tenant name” here (can be found in Cobundu Studio). Hover over the field for additional information.
Step 5: Configuration of the External App
An external app is used to configure and monitor the connection to an external system. An external app can concern multiple objects (such as properties, areas, system users), and can define which objects are exposed to the external system.
When configuring the Extern App, you actually determining what Axxerion objects are included in the export to Cobundu.
Check cache configuration (only needed once)
The Cache configuration is used to periodically cache certain data for Cobundu. But this cache configuration needs to be enabled. If the cache configuration is not enabled, the data needs to be fetched every time a Cobundu touchpoint does a request. This will result in performance issues.
Press the ‘Cobundu external App’ button on your startBoard
Open the external app configuration by pressing the reference
Trust relation tab: don’t touch this!
Cache configuration tab: check if the cache configuration is enabled (Active = yes)
if ‘active = no’ > open the cache configuration > press 'Enable'
Manage what properties are exported to Cobundu
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Press the ‘Cobundu external App’ button on your startBoard
Open the external app configuration by pressing the reference
Property tab: check if all properties, that should be visible in Cobundu, are shown here
If not, use the ‘assign’ button to add properties
To unlink a property: select the line by ticking the box > press 'selection > delete selected objects
Areas tab: check if all properties, that should be visible in Cobundu, are shown here
If not, use the ‘assign’ button to add areas
To unlink an area: select the line by ticking the box > press 'selection > delete selected objects
After adding the object to the External app in Axxerion, it takes 1-4 hours to be available in Cobundu (will be optimized in the future).
I don't want properties, areas, and users to be automatically added to the External App
By default, the moment they are created, properties, areas, and users are added to the external App. This is the default setting you have probably applied in the Solution-Based Rollout for Cobundu reservations. To change this setting navigate to: press the ‘Module settings’ button on your startBoard > Cobundu tab.
Linking floor plans to areas and workplaces
Creating and linking floor plans is not part of the Axx-Cob integration. This is done in Cobundu and is explained in those articles.
Step 6: Linking regimes
At least one regime has to be configured, as no regime will result in all areas/ workplaces/ parking places/ etc. being unavailable.
It is mandatory to configure the (fallback) regime for environment
It is optional to configure a deviating regime for one or more properties.
Read all about creating an linking regimes in the following article: Creating and linking regimes .

Step 7: Reservation settings
General reservation setting
The general reservation settings are applicable for Cobundu reservations. To open these setting: on your startBoard press ‘Module settings' > 'Reservations’ tab.
Often used general settings for optimal user experience
Setting | Explanation |
Cancel by requestor X hours before start | How many hours before the start of the reservation, the applicant may still cancel the reservation. Tip: when set to a negative number (e.g. -8), the reservation can still be cancelled even when it had already started. Setting a negative number is recommed. |
Cancel by coordinator X hours before start | How many hours before the start of the reservation, the reservation coordinator may still cancel the reservation. Tip: when set to a negative number (e.g. -8), the reservation can still be cancelled even when it had already started. Setting a negative number is recommed. |
Conflicting reservations | When set to ‘yes’, double booking are allowed. So a room or workplace can be booked by a second user, even if it is alrady booked. Typically, the desired setting is ‘No’. |
Setting per area (meeting room, workplace, etc.)
Each area has specific setting. To open these setting: open a Property > ‘Areas’ tab > open an area > ‘Reservation settings’ tab. Note: you can only change/ view the reservation setting when ‘Reservable = yes’ on the General tab of the area.
It is customary to set “Reserve in advance” to ‘-1 hour’. This allows for making a reservation in the past. E.g. you’re creating a workplace reservation at 08h15 and the reservation starts at 08h00.

Step 8: Upload photos of areas/ workplaces
Any time after the areas have been imported you can add photo’s of the area. These photos are used when making a room or workplace booking. These photos are used in both the backend as well as in the Workplace App. To add a photo to a workplace, meeting room, parking, etc. follow these steps
In the navigationMenu press ‘Properties’ > Properties
Now open a property
Press the ‘Areas’ tab
Open an area
Now press the ‘…' behind the “Photo’ field to upload a photo OR drag- and drop the photo in this field
Syncing photo's to your touchpoints (GO, kiosk, room displays, etc.) can take op up 6 hours.

Step 9: Automated periodical user import or setup SSO
Creating users via an automated ftp import
It is possible to import users based on a csv-file that is periodically imported from a ftp site. Unfortunately, this is currently still a custom functionality, Please contact your Spacewell Partner Support for additional information and help in setting this up.
We’re working hard to make this functionality accessible and easy to implement by Partners.
Set up SSO for Workplace
It is possible to create users based on information retrieved from the clients SSO system. This way of managing users is becoming more and more the standard. Unfortunately, this is currently still a custom functionality, Please contact your Spacewell Partner Support for additional information and help in setting this up. A seperate SSO needs to be configured for Workplace Management and for Workplace Experience + Analytics.
We’re working hard to make this functionality accessible and easy to implement by Partners.
Step 10: Good to know
Useful buttons on your startBoard after finishing the Axx-Cob integration on the Axxerion side.
After running the SBR for Cobundu-reservations, the module setting ‘Use Cobundu’ is automatically set to Yes and a new Button bar will become available on the Startboard of the System administrator. Within this Button bar several options are visible.

Cobundu information: general information on the Cobundu integration.
Cobundu report: overview of the reports used by Cobundu for the integration.
User export: this export can be used to export specific Axxerion users and import them directly in Cobundu Studio. No need to enter Axxerion users in Cobundu Studio manually.
Cobundu external apps: quick link to the External App configuration.
Cobundu analytics: This dashboard van be used to debug the Cobundu integration setup and show client customization on Cobundu reports.
Don't forget this about users
After the users are created in Axxerion there is one bit of information you need to remember when mapping the users with Cobundu user.
The field “Axxerion ID“ in Cobundu should contain the Axxerion Username. You can find the username as follows: open user > field ‘username’.
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Next step: continue with the setup of Cobundu
You've now finished the integration on the Axxerion side. The next step is setup the integration on the Cobundu side.
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