Knowledge base items can also be created via the knowledge base tab on a request, problem and problem type.
Service desk employees can view the knowledge base via a tab on a request and also create new knowledge base items. This tabs directly shows all knowledge base items linked to the same problem type of the request and gives the option to search the total knowledge base.
When a new knowledge base item is created via this tab, both the request and the linked problem type is linked to the knowledge base item.
The users handling a problem can view the knowledge base via a tab on a problem and also create new knowledge base items. This tabs directly shows all knowledge base items linked to the same problem type of the problem and gives the option to search the total knowledge base.
When a new knowledge base item is created via this tab, both the problem and the linked problem type is linked to the knowledge base item.
Problem type
Users with the correct credentials can create knowledge base items directly on a problem type. This way the knowledge base items is linked to the problem type. When using the the problem type in question, you will see the relevant knowledge base items.