After the above objects are all registered, the actual inflow process of new employees can start. An inflow can be created via the tab "Issue/take in" wihtin the context of a specific employee. The employee will then be set automatically in the inflow, as well as the planned date (set on the "Hire date" of the employee).
An inflow can also be created via the left menu option "Issue/take in" and the employee and planned date need to be set in the first step of the inflow proces..
After the employee and the planned date are set, the inflow can be submitted and will get the status "Submitted". The system will have generated all the basic intake tasks for this inflow, based on the function provision settings (in relation to the function of this employee). In this status, the inflow/outflow manager can still added additional intake tasks (Any function provision can be added if desirable, even if the function provision is not related to the function of the employee) and remove intake tasks. Next to that the treatment group of a specific intake task can be changed (To give users the freedom to divert from the standard settings, if in this specific situation, the tak needs to be done by another group).
After all the relevant tasks are added for this inflow, the inflow manager can forward the inflow via the function "Composition completed". Based on the client setting (Review IMO (manager) (Yes/No) the manager of the new employee will receive a task to approve the inflow (or changes some of the intake tasks (e.g. add or remove some of the tasks/facilities needed for this employee) if this setting is "yes".
If the setting "Review IMO (manager)" is set to "No" or the manager has approve the inflow, the inflow will get the status "In progress" and the sub workflow's for all the intake tasks are started. Each of the intake tasks needs to be completed (or cancelde) before the inflow will progress to the next status.
Inflow tasks
As stated above, each of the intake tasks also follows a workflow. This workflow has the following options: