Table of content
Motion sensor – PIR
This sensor can not be configured.
Legacy (from before 2020 // for use without caps):
There are 5 different parameters that effect the behaviour of a TrackNet motion sensor. Sensitivity, Blind time, pulse counter, window time, and filter type.
Each of these parameters can be altered by sending a downlink to the sensor from the trackio platform.
For calculating the downlink code use the latest version of the downlink encryption sheet.
For configuring multiple sensors at once use the latest version of the downlink configuration program.
Healthy home – Comfort
This sensor can not be configured.
Door & Window switch
This sensor can not be configured.
Deploying sensors in Studio
Inquire the list of the sensors (Device ID)
You can either check for Tab sensor IDs with your customer or you can request in your MCS ticket following the hardware shipment (ref Request Cobundu hardware) from which boxes were the sensors taken?
In the following documents, you will find inventory files. Sensors are treated First In First Out.
If you just filter on the box numbers you’ll see all the sensors in that box.
! Please mind: there are 100 sensors in 1 box, so in case your customer did not buy a multiple of 100, some IDs mentioned in this list do not belong to your tenant.
Date | Inventory File |
09/2020 | |
11/2020 | 2020925-WSMS-130(MS EU 7500PCS)-SPACEWELL-SHIPPINGDATA.xlsx |
1/2021 | |
1/2021 | |
2/2021 | |
2/2021 | |
2/2021 |
*There are no box IDs available for the US.
Prepare Import Excel
Provide the rooms template and floor plans to the customer: A clear indication of the area where the sensors must/will be installed.
As described in the installation guide, make sure to have the stickers or clearly take note of the 8 last digits of the sensor number in “Device ID #” column.
Concerning the TAB sensor, be aware that there are 2 numbers on a sensor, the ID that starts with 58-A0-CB-00 is the one that we need during the configuration.
Even if the Sensor ID on the TAB might have a different format (58A0-CB00-...or E8E1-E100-...), the upload in Studio tenant needs to happen with a dash separating every 2 characters (58-A0-CB-00-... or E8-E1-E1-00-...)
The Sensor ID is in HEX, so only 0-9; A-F characters are used. All letters are in CAPS.
Device | Device Type |
Tabs Motion | TrackNet-Motion-v1.3 |
Tabs Comfort | TrackNet-Humidity-v1.3 |
Tabs Door/Window counter | TrackNet-DoorWindow-v1.3 |
Manually Add New Device in Studio
You can manually add a record via "Add New Device"
Manually add device through location > devices > new: location is filled in. Select Device Type. This will automatically link the device channel (eg PIR for motion sensors). In case of generic sensors, use Advanced to select relevant channels. Advanced is still under construction.
Enter Device ID as mentioned on the sensor. Enter a meaningful Device Name (eg customer_floor number_area). Select a Location from the location tree if this is already known. Next to the already selected (main) Room, you can visualize the incoming data on other, Linked Locations. Imagine having 1 comfort sensor in an open office space and you want to visualize this data on all 8 workplaces in that space: Linked Location needs to contain all 8 workplaces. |
Motion sensor – PIR
Selecting the correct Device Type "TrackNet-Motion-v1.3" should automatically set the Channel to "pir" and Type to "Presence".
Healthy home – Comfort
Selecting the correct Device Type "TrackNet-Humidity-v1.3" should automatically set
- the Channel to "humidity" and Type to "Humidity"
- the Channel to "temperature" and Type to "Temperature"
Door & Window switch
Selecting the correct Device Type "TrackNet-DoorWindow-v1.3" should automatically set the Channel to "open" and Type to "Pulse".