Keep in mind: This module activation is chapter 3 in the Workplace Experience integration: Setup guide. Finish chapter 1 and 2 before starting this module activation. The rest of the chapters in the setup guide can be done after the module activation. These chapters go into detail on some of the often used additional options in this integration.
1. Workplace Experience integration: Reservations module in general
This module activation is used to setup the integration between Workplace Management and Workplace Experience for the reservation module, from a Workplace Management point of view.
Workplace Experience touch points (Go, Workplace App, Floor display, Kiosk, Room display) can be used by end-user to create reservations, were Workplace Management will be the background system, used for creating and managing all the relevant (master) data and setting up the relevant reservation workflow settings and restrictions.
This article only focuses on setting up this integration for the Workplace Management side. For the Workplace Experience side, see the relevant articles in Workplace Experience.
2. What is this module about
This module activation is about the integration of the Reservation module and relevant master data with Workplace Experience. For more information on the content of these modules, including detailed descriptions of some of the core components, see these articles in the Application Managers part:
Master data: Asset module (applicable based on the setting in the module activation down below)
Master data: Catalog items (applicable based on the setting in the module activation down below)
3. Choices to be made within the module
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the relevant choices to be made in the reservation module.
4. How to activate this module
As for every new module, use the ‘Module activation’ option on the administrator startboard (only available for level 2 and level 3 admins). For more general information about these 'Module activation' options, see Module activation
There are two options to activate the Workplace Experience integration module:
As a complete solution (complete solutions can only be rolled out initially, if no other module has been activated yet and will include any relevant module related to this solution).
As a module (the Workplace Experience integration module is rolled out as an additional ‘module’ next to other already activated solutions or modules).
In a new environment both the solution and individual module can be activated. If another solution or module is already activated, the Workplace Experience integration solution cannot be activated anymore.
4.1 Prerequisites before activating this module
The following prerequisites only apply to enabling the module and not to the complete solution, since the solution activation already takes all prerequisites into account.
The following modules need to be activated before the Workplace Experience reservation integration module can be activated:
Master data: Buildings and areas
Master data: Assets (only if assets (equipment) needs to be reserved via Workplace Experience)
N.b. Catalog items (services) can also be reserved via Workplace Experience, but this module does not have a separate module activation and is automatically enabled if relevant.
4.2 Module activation
As a complete solution
If the solution is activated, it will automatically activate the following modules:
Reservation module
Master data: Buildings and areas module
If applicable*: Master data: Asset module
If applicable*: Master data: Catalog items
*applicable based on the setting in the module activation.
For this specific solution activation, multiple settings and options apply:
Settings to be determined
Create reservations only in Workplace Experience: If this setting is set to Yes, the options in Workplace Management to create reservations and additional options such as periodic reservations, calendar, etc. are all hidden, so that key users have clearer screens for managing buildings, rooms, users and can create reservations via Workplace Experience touchpoints.
Reference Workplace Experience tenant: Enter the Workplace Experience tenant reference. The reference can be found in Workplace Studio as a prefix to the username. For example axxprod1.username.
New buildings to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all new buildings are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the buildings are manually added to the External app.
New areas to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all new areas are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the areas are manually added to the External app.
New users to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all new system users are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the system users are manually added to the External app.
Reserve assets (equipment): Determine whether assets can be reserved. Enabling this will also enable the option to set this setting per reservable type (if reservations are created via Workplace Management) or the option to automatically add new assets to the Workplace Experience External app.
New reservable assets to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all reservable assets are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the reservable assets are manually added to the External app.
Reserve catering (services): Determine whether catalog items can be reserved. Enabling this will also enable the option to set this setting per reservable type (if reservations are created via Workplace Management) or the option to automatically add new reservable catalog items to the Workplace Experience External app
New reservable catalog items to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all reservable catalog items are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the reservable catalog items are manually added to the External app.
New cost centers to Workplace Experience: Determine whether all cost centers are automatically exported to Workplace Experience or whether the cost centers are manually added to the External app (if relevant).
Automatically created user profiles:
In the solution activation, default user profiles are automatically generated (as appose to the module activation, in which case the relevant user profiles need to be created or update manually via the user profile management option on the administrator startboard).
Via this solution, the following two user profiles are automatically generated and can be assigned to users:
End user profile (reservations): This profile will be used by end users who make reservations (either in Workplace Management or Workplace Experience)
General manager: This profile is used for the manager of a Workplace Experience environment (user management, building management and reservation coordinator system groups)
See Authorizing users for more information on user profiles and authorizing users.
Workflow Emails
The emails that are automatically sent via the workflow (E.g., the confirmation email to the requestor or a new reservation when a new reservation is created) are also generated and shown in the include on the module or solution activation after the module activation is started. It is possible to delete some or all of these emails, if some or all of these emails should not be used. For more information on workflow emails: Standard Workflow emails
For a detailed description of the emails sent via the workflow, see: Reservation module in the 'Application Managers' section.
As a module activation
If the module activation is started, it will only activate (if not active already) the reservation module. The same settings to be determined apply to the module activation as are used in the solution activation described above (with the exception of the first setting ‘Create reservations only in Workplace Experience'). No user profiles are automatically generated. The applicable reservation system groups need to be added to new or exiting user profiles via the user profile management option on the administrator startboard. If the reservation module was already in use in Workplace Management, the users most likely already have the correct system groups in their user profile. See chapter '4.4 System groups’ down below for more information.
4.3 Data imports
When activating this module, some data imports become available, which can be used to quickly import relevant data into the system (as opposed to manually entering this data, which is also possible).
Relevant data imports become available in the module activation after it has been started. Default data imports can also be found on the administrator startboard (only for level 2 and level 3 administrators).
For more information on data imports in general, see: Data imports
Available data imports for the Workplace Experience integration
If Workplace Experience integration is activated as a solution, the following default import connectors become available (some depending on the setting in the module activation):
N.b. If it is activated as a module, only some of the imports will be available directly in the module activation. Most of the master data import will be available via the default import overview and related master data module activation’s.
Reference | Name | Description |
FMB-F-500 | Import buildings workplace experience | This import can be used to import the buildings |
FMB-F-510 | Import areas workplace experience | This import can be used to import the areas (rooms, parkings, workplaces) |
FMB-F-520 | Import users workplace experience | This import can be used to import the users |
FMB-F-023 | Import assets | This import can be used to import the assets items that should be reservable (e.g beamers, laptops, etc). |
FMB-F-024 | Import catering items | This import can be used to import the catalog items that should be reservable (e.g lunch, coffee, etc). Importing catalog items via this import will automatically put these items in the “Reservable items' category of catalog items. |
FMB-F-083 | Import cost centers | Only relevant if the customer also want to use cost centers in reservations. This import can be used to import the cost centers that should be selectable by the users in a reservation |
FMB-F-041 | Import reservation settings area | This import is used to set the reservable specific settings for the relevant areas (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period). |
FMB-F-042 | Import reservation settings asset | This import is used to set the reservable specific settings for the relevant assets (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period). |
FMB-F-043 | Import reservation settings catalog item | This import should be used after the 'Import catering items' import, to set the reservable specific settings for the catalog items (e.g. to set the restrictions like reserve in advance until period). |
When importing buildings and areas make sure to apply the mandatory hierarchy. If this is not done properly, this will result in issues when mapping areas and workplaces in Workplace Experience.
4.3.1 Mandatory hierarchy for buildings and areas
Main area
For every building that is created in Workplace Management, a main area is created with the category ‘Main area’. Do not make any changes to the main area! All floors and areas that are created for this building, will be placed hierarchically below this main area.
Location mapping
Below the requirements in Workplace Management are explained. When importing or manually creating buildings and areas in Workplace Management please make sure to stick to the following rules regarding hierarchy:
Axxerion Location Category | Hierarchy | Workplace Experience Location Category |
Building of the category ‘Geographical area’ | Highest level (optional) | Area |
Building of the category ‘Site’ | A site can be part of a Geographical area or not have a parent (optional) | Site |
Building of the category ‘Building’ | A property can be part of a site or not have a parent | Building |
Area of the category ‘Floor’ | A floor is part of the main area of the building | Floor |
Area of the category 'Meeting room' | A meeting room is part of a floor | Room |
Area of the category 'Area' | An area is part of a floor | Room |
Area of the category 'Workplace' | A workplace is part of an area | Workplace |
Area of the category 'Custom category’ 1 | A custom category is part of an area | Workplace / room / parking |
Area of the category ‘Parking’ | A parking is part of a floor | Parking |
1 When a custom Area category is created, 95% of the cases it will be on the same hierarchical level as workplaces, rooms or parkings. As an example of a custom area categories, you could think of a concentration hub or prayer room. For details on mapping custom categories, see this article Studio location mapping.
4.4 System groups
When a module is activated, system groups can be assigned to user profiles. These system groups give users access to (a subset of) navigation menu options, startboard tabs, and tasks in the relevant workflow(s).
For more general information on user profiles, system groups, users, and the user profile dashboard, see: User management.
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the relevant system groups.
4.5 Navigation menu and startboard options
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the relevant navigation menu and startboard options in Workplace Management.
5. Additional reports
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the additional reports in Workplace Management.
6. Additional settings and options after enabling
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see Reservations module activation and information for the additional settings and options after enabling in Workplace Management.
7. Additional information
7.1 Enabling Service & Equipment later
If the Workplace Experience integration module/solution activation has already been completed in the past, without the use of Services (catalog items) and/or Equipment (assets), it is always possible to enable this via the ‘Module settings’ for Workplace Experience:
Via these settings (same as in the module activation), it can be determined that every newly created reservable asset, reservable catalog item and/or cost center can automatically be added to the External app. If any of these objects already exist, and should be made available in Workplace Experience, they need to be added to the (Workplace Experience) External app manually. For more information on the External app, see: Workplace Experience integration setup guide.
7.2 Check-in Settings
To optimize space utilization and reduce ghost bookings (without the use of sensors), you can use the check-in functionality. When enabled, a user must confirm a reservation via the Workplace App a few minutes before it takes place. It the check in is not done, the reservation will get canceled automatically.
To turn on the check-in functionality, follow the next steps:
Open The Workplace Experience External app (via the Workplace Experience button bar on the administrator startboard)
Navigate to the ‘Category settings’ include
You can determine the ‘Check-in’ settings per area category. To add a new setting, press the ‘New’ button.
After pressing the ‘New’ button, you can create a new ‘Check-in’ setting.
Choose per area category and building combination the desired check-in settings.
Field | Description |
Check-in required | This option determines if a check-in is required. Yes/No option. |
Scan to check-in | Is it possible to scan a QR to check in. Yes/No option. |
Check-in period (minutes) | The time you have in minutes to check-in before the start of the reservation. |
Grace period (minutes) | The time you have in minutes to check in after the beginning of the reservation. |
7.3 Group Bookings
It is possible to create group bookings in Workplace Experience. The setting must be enable in ‘Device control’ for Workplace Experience to activate group bookings.
Also, check if the following setting is turned on in Workplace Management:
'Module settings' → ‘Workplace Experience’ tab → 'Default reserve on behalf of someone else'.
It sometimes occurs that some users will not see the ‘Group Booking’ toggle option. If that is the case, check their personal user settings in Workplace Management, if the ‘Reserve on behalf of someone else’ option is enabled.
8. User manual
Since this module is about the integration of the Reservation module with Workplace Experience, see the reservations user manual with a more step-by-step explanation of the process itself: Reservation module for (end)users for the Workplace Management part. For the end users in Workplace Experience, see: Workplace App End user Quick Guide
9. Q&A
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