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Release date 23-11-2024



Release note


Compliance: authorized users tab:

The authorized users tab in the compliance tab (on a building and asset) has been joined with the general authorize users tab on the building/asset, to make it more in line with other functionalities and options for authorizing users (like authorizing users to edit assets in the context of a building, which is also possible via the general 'authorized users' tab)


Compliance: Deleting a building or asset:

When a building or asset is delete, the associated legislation documents will now also be deleted


Compliance: Export of traffic lights:

For both the Compliance issues overview and the Compliance documents, When exporting to Excel, the traffic lights are display as icons in excel as well. Since this prevents the option to filter or sort on the traffic lights , an additional column is added (only available when exported) that shows the label of the traffic light (e.g. 'green'), which can be used to filter and sort on.


Compliance: Field to add external URL on legislation document:

A new field has been added to the page of a legislation document: 'External URL'. This field can be used if the actual document is stored externally. This external location can be specified via this field. 
The workflow process of the legislation document still requires an actual document to be upload in the document field (as certain details relevant for the calculation of the expiration date are also stored on this document) but this can be a dummy document.


Compliance: Initial reference date

Filling in the field 'Purchase/installation date' of an asset, will now also update the 'Initial reference date' field on the related legislation documents that have already been generated in the past, if this field was still empty on the legislation documents. In the 24.3 release, the field on the asset was already taken over to the legislation documents when generating new legislation documents on an asset.


Compliance: linking assets from within a legislation:

When searching for assets to link to a legislation, assets that were already assigned could also be found again. This has been updated and assets already linked to the legislation are now longer shown in the results.


Compliance: linking legislations via a building:

When searching for legislations to link to a building, it was also possible to search for legislations linked to assets and building. This has been updated to only have the option to search for legislations linked to buildings, as legislation linked to both buildings and assets will already be automatically linked to a building once it gets linked to an assets within that building.


Compliance: Multi select option on filters:

Multiple overviews (Compliance issues, graphs and documents) now have a multi select filter options for the 'Building' and 'legislation' filer fields. By using the dots behind this fields, multiple buildings or legislation can be selected at once, filtering on all of the selected objects at once.


Compliance: Toggle document preview in legislation overview:

In the Legislation overview, the preview of the legislation documentation was always displayed. This lead to a lot of scrolling if a lot of lines were shown. This has been update to not show the documentation preview by default, but this can be toggled on/off via a new function on the top of the overview (show/hide preview of document)


Contracts: Period options when creating a contract:

When creating a new contract, it was possible to select some irrelevant periods in the contract duration field (e.g. seconds, minutes, etc.). Only the relevant options are still available (Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, Years)


Maintenance Planning integration:

Assets created via Maintenance planning (asset category 'O-Prognose') were not shown via the regular asset search (directly via the asset navigation menu and per building). This has been changed and these assets are now also shown via the regular assets search.


Maintenance Planning Integration:

The page of the asset categorie 'O-Prognose' (used by Maintenance Planning when creating an asset in Workplace Management), has had a small update: The NL/SfB field has been relocated from the top left of the page to the middle right side (under 'Classification'). This makes the page more similar to other asset pages.


Performance improvements:

Indexes have been added to multiple fields related to contacts, persons and organizations. This will improve performance when these objects are used in searching and filtering.


Reservations - Reservation emails

The default emails available in the reservation workflow have been updated and now also contain the Remarks field (as this field can also be used by the service providers/reservation coordinators to indicate the reason  if a reservation has been canceled).  To use the updated emails, the email for the reservation workflow will need to be generate again (via the (relevant) workflow version page, go to the existing emails, delete this and generate them again).


Reservations: Change/Cancel until improvements:

The option to change or cancel a reservation depended partly on the settings 'Change/cancel by requestor/coordinator X hours before start'. Since it was often desired to still be able to change or cancel reservations that were ongoing, these settings were often set to negative values by administrators. This led to issue in the workflow of a reservation and setting this settings was counter intuitive. Therefor some optimizations are done:

A new reservation module setting is added: Change/cancel ongoing reservation' (Yes/No)
If this setting is switched to 'yes', the settings to specific how many hours before the start a reservation can still be changed/cancel will be hidden and not checked anymore.

Next to that, the cancel and change options in an open reservation are now always available, but if it is allowed to change/cancel is checked based on the same existing restrictions:
-'Change/cancel by requestor/coordinator X hours before start', unless the new setting 'Change/cancel ongoing reservation' is set to 'yes', as this check will be skipped in that case (or the user is in one of the relevant 'Conflict and restriction exceptions' group
-Reserve in advance from settings (in general or for a specific reserved object)

If it is no longer allowed to change/cancel (based on the same checks as before this release), an error message will be shown to the user instead of (in some cases) hiding the change or cancel options. This will also make it more clear to a user why it is not allowed to change or cancel anymore.


Reservations: Confidential reservations:

The option to set a reservation as confidential is now available:

-Reservations created via either Workplace Experience or Outlook/Google that have been indicated as confidential/private, will now also be considered Confidential in Workplace management
-If a reservation is Confidential in Workplace management, certain details of the reservation are hidden to other users:
-By default, the creator, requestor,  participants, administrators and users that are added to the exception system group (which can be set via the reservation module settings: 'Access to confidential reservations') do have access to the confidential details.
-It is also possible to give users the option to set a reservation created via Workplace Management as confidential. To enable this option, a new setting on reservation types is added:  'Show option to set reservation as confidential'.
-If a reservation is marked as confidential in Workplace Management, this reservation will also be considered confidential in Workplace Experience and Outlook/Google, if any of these integrations apply.



Reservations: handout/take in reserved object improvements:

The option to generate a task to hand out or take in reservable objects has been changed, as the way it worked has multiple downsides:

-It generate a task in the actual task list, which is often not used by key users as they will have a dedicated dashboard to manage the reservations which gives a lot more overviews
-These tasks were generate based on the reservation workflow, that also depended on other (not related settings), which led to these tasks sometimes being generated very late or even after the reservation had started
-It was only possible to generate a tasks to hand out or take in for every reserved object of the same type (e.g. every area, every asset, every catalog item) and not for specific items only.

Therefore the following optimizations are done:

-The reservation module settings to indicate for each area, asset and/or catalog items if a handout or take-in task must be generated are removed.
-To indicate which reservable objects should give the option to register the handout and/or take in, new settings have been added on the page of a reservable object. Making it possible to specify this per reservable object (e.g. only specific rooms or assets).
-The actual option to register the handout/take in of an item no longer generates a general task, but this is now available in the reservations startboard tab as a new button bar option (Handout/take in) that will show the relevant objects to handout/take in for the user (based on the relevant system groups assigned to the user (Hand out/take in areas/assets/catering):
--This has the option to filter on building, type of object (Area, Asset, Catalog item) and a period (by default the current day)
--In this overview, users can select items and register the handout or take in in one click (this will register the user and the date/time of the handout or take in in dedicated fields)
-The system groups that users need to be able to view reservable objects to hand out/take in via this new option in the reservation startboard tab can now also be given in the context of a building
-Each reservation now also has a new tab 'Hand out/ take in items' that can be used to view who has given out or handed in one of the relevant reservation items (if applicable for any of the items) and at what time
-To enable all the above options, a new reservation module setting is added: 'Activate hand out/take in reserved items' (Yes/no)

N.B: These changes do not impact customers that were already using the 'old' option via the task list, and can still use this option, as the reservation module settings to generate these tasks are still available to them.


Reservations: Optimizations for reservation item approval:

In the item approval step in the reservation workflow, these users can approve, cancel or reject the reservation. The option to reject has multiple downsides:

 -The reserved objects are still blocked and cannot be reserved by others until the requestor either removes it or cancels the reservation
 -If Workplace Experience is used by the requestor, it is not possible to resubmit the reservation
 -If multiple items are reserved, the entire reservation is rejected instead of only certain items (as the workflow is for the whole reservation), which was confusing to users
 -In almost all customer cases, after a reservation has been rejected, it got cancelled by the requestor, instead of change and resubmitted.

To make this process more user friendly for both the approvers and the requestors, the following changes are done:
 -The reject option is no longer available. The approvers can only approve or cancel the reservation
 -The approvers can now also change all the relevant details of the reservation in the approval step. To be able to change any relevant details such that the reservation can be approved.
 -The remarks field is included in the (new) default emails when a reservation gets approved or canceled. This field can therefore also be used by the approvers to inform the requestor about the reasons for a cancellation or a change

Next to that, as application manager or user manager, it is now also possible to authorize users with the system group ‘Approval reservation items’ in the context of buildings. This will make sure that those users only get the task to approve certain reservable object for that building. This last change has also led to always showing the 'Authorized users' tab on a building, which was previously only shown if contextual access to buildings was enabled.


Reservations: Optimizations of the recurring reservation page:

Following the changes in the previous release regarding how recurring reservations can be changed via the schedule, some optimization have been done to the page of the recurring reservation:

The most relevant changes are:
-Renamed the button ‘Reservations’ to ‘Search all reservations’
-Added a (workflow) description text for the 'create/update/submit' task
-Renamed the field 'Name' to 'Subject'
-Removed the ‘Change selected reservations' button, since (as of the previous release) this is done via the ‘Create/submit/update Reservations’ button. Changing individual reservations is not done via the whole recurring anymore.
-Removed the ‘Synchronize’ button on the icon bar, which was used to update the Reservation Items of all occurrences after a relocate or adding reservables.  Since (as of the previous release) this is done via the ‘Create/submit/update Reservations’ button.
-Moved the ‘Reservations’ search option from the icon bar to the form to find all reservations from the recurring and not just the open reservations
-Removed the money fields (amount, total Amount) from the reservations overview as those are not used in the default reservation process.


Reservations: Option to cancel an inbound reservation:

If a reservation was created via Outlook (based on the Graph API) or Google calendar (considered 'inbound'), it was not possible to cancel the reservation via Workplace Management. This option is now available and if an inbound reservation is canceled via Workplace Management, it will result in the room declining the meeting invite in the external calendar and as a result the room will be available to book again.


Reservations: Participants:

If a reservation is created via another system (either Workplace Experience or via outlook/Google), it is possible to add participants to it and these will also be synced to Workplace Management. If the reservation in Workplace contains participants, these are now shown in an extra include on the reservation in Workplace Management.


Reservations: Reminder email improvements:

There were some potential issues with the reminder email that can automatically be send via the reservation workflow, as the reminder email trigger also depended on how long before the start of the reservation, the requestor could still cancel. In some cases, the combination of the cancel until setting and the send reminder email x hours before setting led to reminders not being send that should have been send or reminders being send that should not have been send. This has now been fixed.


Reservations: Reservation type for Workplace Experience / Outlook / Google integrations:

The option to also specify a reservation type if a reservation is created externally (either via Workplace Experience or via Outlook/Google calendar) has been added. This reservation type can be specified via the Module settings of both Workplace Experience and Calendar integrations settings (same type for both). If a reservation is created externally, this reservation type will automatically be set in the reservation. This can be relevant if other users (e.g. reservation coordinators) want to edit or view the reservations in Workplace Management, as certain options (e.g. showing a cost center) will depend on the reservation type.


Reservations: Reservations startboard:

The following two options are added to the reservations startboard tab:

-'Overview areas': This is similar to the Equipment and services overviews. Via this overview, a list of upcoming reservations can be shown that contain areas (meeting rooms / workplaces / parking). This overview can be used by the service provider to know which areas to setup or clean up on time.

-‘Switch my location’: By default, the other overviews in the reservations startboard tab show results based on the location (building) of the user. Via this option that location can be changed, to view the results (e.g. upcoming reservations) for another location. If the location is set empty, results are shown for all locations.


Support for German language:

The German language is now also available to users to select as language.


Visitors: Anonymize visitors:

The (visitor module) setting to anonymize visitors has the option to specify how many days after the departure date a visitor should be anonymized. If this settings was lower than 10, it was always considered 10 days. This has been changed to always take the actual number into account, also if it is less than 10. However, if this value is zero, no visitors will be anonymized, so the minimum value to get visitors anonymized after departure is 1 (day).


Visitors: Emails in visitor process:

Default emails have been added to the visitor workflow:
-Initial submit → Email to visitor (Visit registered)
-Submit after change → Email to visitor (Visit changed)
-Cancel → Email to visitor (Visit cancelled)
-Arrived → Email to host (Visitor arrived)

Emails are only send if the email address of the visitor is filled in.
Make sure to generate these emails via the workflow version, if the visitor module is already enabled.

It is also possible to automatically add attachments to the email(s) send to the visitor. Via the visitor module settings, general attachments can be added, and per building, building specific attachments can be added via the process settings tab on a building (e.g. a route description)


Visitors: Improved reception/ front desk startboard:

The reception startboard has been improved and updated:

-'Reception dashboard' has been renamed to 'Front desk dashboard'
-The option to search visitors has been added
-The option to switch your location has been added. By default, the overviews show the visitors for the current location (building) of the user. Via switch location option, this can be changed.
-The option to view Visitor insights have been added. This gives multiple overviews and insights into visitor data, like the number of visitors per month, day of week, location, etc.
-In the first overview (Visitors coming today), more details and options are available (e.g. Mark multiple visitors as arrived at once)
-In the second overview (Visitors present today), more details and options are available (e.g. Mark multiple visitors as departed at once)
-A new graph is added to gives direct visual insights into the number of still expected, arrived and departed visitors for today


Visitors: Separate navigation menu option:

The option to search for visitors as part of the 'Contacts' menu option in the navigation menu. This has been moved to a separate 'Visitors' navigation menu option. This option is a bit further down, due to the order of modules (starting with Master data objects, followed by the most used modules first).


Visitors: Visitor types:

The option to register visitor types has been added to the visitor navigation menu. This menu option (to create and edit the visitor types) is available to administrators only.
 Visitor types are only informative and one type can be selected per visitor. This field is also visible per visitor in the reception dashboard. This can be used to, for instance, distinguish between regular visitors and VIP's.


[Administrators] Authorization Check overview on startboard is removed:

The 'Authorization Check' include on the administrator startboard was not optimal for the performance of the administrator startboard and it also did not serving a clear purpose anymore, since this info is also available via the user profile management dashboard option. Therefor, this include has been removed.


[Administrators] Workplace Experience button bar updates:

The Workplace Experience button bar on the administrator startboard (available if Workplace Experience is also used) now also contains options to manage the photos of reservable assets (equipment) and catalog Items (services), similar to the option to manage photos for reservable areas.


[Customization - Administrators] - ProblemType.uniqueReference added:

The ProblemType object now also has a uniqueReference field. This field will be used for integration purposes in the future.


[Customization - Administrators] - uniqueReferences added:

The following objects have gotten a uniqueReferences field added.  This field will be used for integration purposes in the future:



[Customization - Administrators] - WorkOrder.cancelTime added:

The WorkOrder object now also has a cancelTime field.


[Customization - Administrators] : performance improvements:

An index has been added to the externalReference field of the Request object. This will improve performance when this field is used to find requests, for instance via imports or APIs.


[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - creating an object via API:

When creating a new object with the Axxerion API only a database id used to be returned. When the newly created object has a "uniqueReference" field (which is a GUID) defined, the response from the API will from now on also contain that "uniqueReference" along with the database id.


[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - executing a workflow function via API:

To execute a workflow function via the API, the object for which this action is intended needed to be specified via the databaseId. This can now also be done via the UniqueReference of the object (if the object has a UniqueReference field).


[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - executing a workflow function via API:

When a certain (workflow)function has a confirmation message set (can be configured per workflow task) for the user, the UI will show a conformation message to the user when the function is executed and the user is supposed to confirm the action (e.g. 'Are you sure you want to cancel this reservation)'. However when using the API to execute such a function, this resulted in the function not being executed. This has been changed, such a confirmation message is now ignored and the function is executed if done via the API.


[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - Updating enumeration values via API:

When updating an enumeration value (e.g. periodCode) via the API, this had to be done by specifying the 'Value' of the EnumerationValue. This can now also be done via the 'Reference' of the EnumerationValue.


[Customization - Administrators] Integrations - Updating objects via API:

In the previous release, the option to updating a field related to an object (e.g. areaId in a request) via the API was also possible via the UniqueReference of the object. This did not yet work for the instanceId field. This has been added and setting a instanceId field via API can now also be done via the UniqueReference of the object.


[Customization - Administrators]- Request.uniqueReference added:

The Request object now also has a uniqueReference field. This field will be used for integration purposes in the future.


[Implementation Consultants]  Master data import sheets optimized:

There were multiple default import sheets available regarding the master data, some related to using Workplace Experience and with separate import sheets for the reservable settings, in case reservations were used. These have been optimized and combined, such that only 1 import sheet per master data type is needed (depending on if reservations are used or not):

-Import buildings and areas
-Import buildings and areas with reservation options
-Import assets/equipment
-Import assets/equipment with reservation options
-Import catering/services


[Implementation Consultants]  Workplace Experience integration: Options to improve the performance:

Workplace Experience uses Workplace Management to check the availability of reservable objects (areas, assets, catalog items), based on 3 checks (Access, Regimes, block dates). This check is done for every relevant reservable resource every time a user searches for available resources in Workplace Experience. This also includes opening a floorplan. As some or all of these checks might not be relevant for a customer (if access is not restricted for some user, regimes are not used or are 24/7 regimes and block dates are not used) it is now possible to switch off any of these checks via the external app.

It is advised to switch off any not relevant check, as this will speed up the loading of available resources and floorplans in Workplace Experience.
Be aware, if any of these restrictions are still in place for certain reservable objects, the user will still get an error when trying to submit the reservation. so only turn a check off if the related restriction is not applied anywhere.

Next to that, even if access restrictions are used (e.g. certain users do not have access to certain rooms) it is now also possible to enable or disable access checking per reservable object via the list of reservable objects in the external app ('Disable access checking'). By disabling the access checking for all objects for which this is not relevant, the load times will also decrease.

By default, any new object added to the external app after this release, will have the option to Disable access checking switched on.


[Implementation Consultants] MCS to Workplace Management solution:

As 'Confidential reservations' is available in this release as a new feature, the import of reservation (future or historical) based on the MCS data migration will now also take this flag into account (field 'confidential' in the DAE file for reservations).


[Implementation Consultants] MCS to Workplace Management solution:

By default the number of persons in a imported reservation (future or historical) based on the MCS data migration, was set to the default value of 1. In the Room Reservations file there is a column 'Number of Invitees'. This column will be used from now on to fill the number of persons in a reservation.


[Implementation Consultants] MCS to Workplace Management solution:

The solution activation 'MCS to Workplace Management solution' now also has the setting 'Default reserve on behalf of someone else' available in this activation, to specify this value (true or false).


[Implementation Consultants] Module activation for both Exchange and Google calendar integration:

Since we now also support the reservation integration with Google calendar, the module activation for Microsoft Exchange has been renamed to 'Calendar integration’.
Since there is no technical difference between both integrations from within Workplace Management (the distinction is done in the Router), each of the two Calendar integrations (Outlook and Google) can be activated with the same module activation.



Release note


[Customization] Administrators - renumber function on filter page:

The renumber function that renumbers the rows on a field list page did not work correctly when used on a filter page. This has been fixed.


Compliance: Legislation documents not shown in building compliance tab:

Legislation documents directly related to buildings that were generated more than 5 months ago were no longer shown in the 'Legislation documents' include in the 'Compliance' tab of the building. This has been fixed.
N.b. This documents were still shown in the general overviews.


Filters: Saved filters issue:

When using saved filters, if certain filter fields were saved without having a value, this was stored as having filter value '0' (which led to incorrect filter results). This has been fixed. Be aware, saved filters that have been created with this bug will need to be created again in order to work correctly.


Workorders: Automatically setting the end date issue:

Previously, if the work order start date was updated to another date and this update resulted in the start date to be after the end date, the end date would also be update, but only the date of the end date would be updated. This caused the end date (time) still to be before the start. This is now fixed by setting the end date to two hours after the start date when the start date is updated.


Workplace Experience reservations in draft status:

When reservation were created via Workplace Experience, but an error was thrown due to certain restrictions in Workplace Management (e.g. it is not allowed to book more than x workplaces per week), the reservation was still created and remained in draft status. This has been fixed, such that those reservations are directly removed again.

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