
Manually creating users

Apart from importing users or setting up automated user provisioning (more on that below), users can also be manually created. Unlike other objects (e.g. Assets, Requests, or Contacts), Users (referred to as System Users) aren't created independently. Instead, they are always created based on existing contacts, which can be persons or organizations.

Not every contact automatically becomes a user, as users incur license costs, and not every contact requires access to the system. For example, suppliers may exist solely as contacts to assign work orders, with no need for system access. In such cases, the supplier only receives notifications via email, while system tasks are managed by service desk employees.

To manually create a user, create a contact (person or organization) first and enable access for that contact. This action generates a System User in the background and links it to the contact. The contact's details, such as email address, are utilized for sending login credentials.

When you open a contact, whether it's a person or an organization, you'll encounter one of two options: either ‘Enable Access’ or ‘Open User’ (if the contact already has a linked user):

Please note that you will only see these options if you have administrator or user manager access rights.


Basic user settings

When enabling access on a contact, the automatically created system user is shown:


When creating a new user, several settings are automatically configured:

  1. Username: The system generates a username based on the ‘Username format’ setting, which can be found via Module settings → Masterdata → Users tab. However, you have the option to change the username and password by using the ‘Change username/password’ button.

  2. Default System group and Profile: If a default system group and/or default user profile is set in the Module settings → ‘Users' tab, the system group and/or user profile will be automatically assigned to the newly created user. System groups and user profiles determine the user's access to specific modules of the system. Without them, the user won't be able to log in. More information on system groups, user profiles, and how to assign them can be found in the 'Authorizations’ section. see Authorizing users

  3. language: A users language is actually the languages of the contact (of that user). The language of a contact is determined by the languages of the organization of the creator (the user that creates that contact).

  4. User License: A user license is automatically assigned to the new user based on the default setting in the Module settings → ‘Users' tab. You can also directly modify this value using the 'User Licenses’ dropdown menu on the user page. For detailed information about user licenses, refer to the User licenses section.


For more information on the other basic user settings, see: Personal settings

Additional user settings

A user also has some additional settings next to the basic user settings. These additional settings can be found via the 'Settings' tab on the user page. The additional user settings determine specific behavior when exporting data to CSV/PDF, several user interface elements, and several debug/security elements.

By default, some of these additional user settings are automatically determined by a corresponding client setting. For example, the ‘Field delimiter’ used for a CSV export is, by default, determined on the client level and is automatically taken over to the newly created user. The user can change this value by choice.


Some relevant additional user settings to mention are the ‘Debug access' and ‘Debug' settings. Obviously, these settings can be used for debugging purposes.

In both cases, this can be used by an admin user, when debugging certain issues a user is facing. Both options can be switched on for a specific user before the admin user switches to this user. Make sure to switch the option(s) off again after the debug is done.


*An echo is text which can be added to a executable script, which will be displayed to the debugger, when the script is executed. This text can be helpful to show the debugger what is actually happening in the script or what part of a script is executed.


Emailing Login Credentials

Login credentials can be sent once the system user has been set up correctly. These credentials include:

There are three options for sending these credentials:

  1. Email to user: Send the login credentials directly to the email address of the contact linked to the user. To do this, use the ‘Change username/password’ button on the user page and select ‘Email new password to user’ on the next screen.

  2. Email to yourself (user logged in): Send the login credentials to the email address linked to your own (logged-in) user. This option is relevant if you need to change the password (as it requires the automatically generated password). To do this, use the ‘Change username/password’ button on the user page and select ‘Email new password to myself’ on the next screen.

  3. Scheduled Email: Schedule the sending of login credentials for one or multiple users at a specific moment in time. For example, if the customer will go live on a specific future date, you may want the login credentials to be sent on that date. To use this feature, go to the users overview via the ‘Users’ button on the administrators startboard. Search for the relevant users and select them from the list. Then, use the ‘Set password send date for selected users’ option and register a date in the future.


Single Sign-On

If the customer is using Single Sign-On (SSO), there's no need to send login credentials to the user, as they will use their own identity provider to log in (e.g. Office 365). In this case, different settings apply. Refer to the SSO configuration for WPM for more information.

Automatically creating users

Often, manually creating all users is a lot of work, therefore there are multiple options for creating the users (and even the related contacts) automatically. The most common options are described below:

Default import via Excel template

Just like the other data import sheets, it is also possible to import users based on an Excel template. For more information about the default data imports, see: Default imports.

Standard Employee Interfaces

When a large customer requires access to Workplace Management for all or most of its employees, managing user accounts manually becomes cumbersome due to frequent changes in personnel. To streamline this process, a Standard Employee Interface can be established.

This interface connects Workplace Management with the customer's employee management application, such as Okta or Azure. By integrating with this application, user accounts can be automatically created and archived based on data from the active directory. For detailed instructions on setting up this integration, refer to the documentation on Standard Employee Interfaces here: Standard Employee interfaces

Custom Employee Interfaces

Alternatively, an SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) interface can implement a more customized approach. This involves automatically importing files from an FTP server to manage employee data. For more information on setting up a Custom Employee Interface, refer to the documentation available /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/210239617

Via Workplace Experience

If the customer is also using Workplace Experience, it is possible to automatically create a contact and related system user based on a login into the Workplace app.
For further details on this integration and user creation within Workplace Experience, refer to the comprehensive guide available in the general article about user creation in Workplace Experience: Users and Groups