Manually create users in Studio

Add new users in Studio by using the button "add new"


UID (Unique ID within Studio) and sumorea e-mail address will be created using


Login to Cobundu (Studio, Go, touchpoints) is possible via either


Upload of multiple users at once (batch upload) is possible using the import-functionality. Check import_cobundu_users.xls as example:


Automatic creation of Cobundu users

Initially designed as SSO (Single Sign-On) for Cobundu, the set-up of Cobundu SSO has the hidden advantage that for every (new) Cobundu user signing in, upon first login, Cobundu creates an account on-the-fly and the user can start using the system.

Prerequisites for Automatic creation of Cobundu users:

More information on Cobundu SSO can be found in this presentation: