Question 1: Do you notice data is not coming into Cobundu during an installation?
Did you follow the instructions on Installation & Quality Assurance ( ?
Question 3: At which stage is the data missing? (more detailed info see below)
Sensor Connectivity (which steps to perform when a sensor seems to be down) has been presented during the Cobundu Summer 2021 Sessions, this is the recording: Summer 2021 Session: Sensor Connectivity
All tracknet/tabs now (since May 2021) connect to TTN
All Pointgrab sensors are connected to CPMS platform.
All Airthings sensors are connected to Airthings platform.
A sensor that sends joining messages is trying to join our LoRa network. Due to the way that LoRa works it can take quiet a few tries before everything is synchronized.
If however the sensor is still sending joining messages after 1 day it is best to reset the sensor by removing the battery for a couple of hours and reinserting it.
If you're interested in knowing the battery health for Tracknet tabs, you can check this page: Battery Lifecycle Measurement (Check Payload)
At customer A, we noticed that a large part of sensors was not interacting with Cobundu as it should. As you can see on the below sensor health plan: The sensors in the yellow highlighted locations had difficulties sending data to Cobundu.
We noticed that 1 of the 2 hubs that were installed on that site was offline.
After a physical check by the customer, it was confirmed that due to changes to the switch, one of the hubs was offline.
The switch was modified, the hub confirmed working again and the sensors were able to connect to the nearest hub again.
At customer B, we noticed that a large part of sensors was not interacting with Cobundu as it should: Different sensors were going into "to check" status, then coming back online; only to find other sensors now back in "to check status".
After checking if the hubs were still online, some turned out not to be connecting to TTN: so we reached out to the customer to understand what had changed on their side: were the hubs still all in place and plugged in? Had there been any changes to the switch? (We knew the ports were still open on the network, since other hubs on site did manage to connect to TTN.)
After a physical check by the customer, they confirmed that the lights on the hubs that we told them were not working, were different than the lights on the ones that were... A reboot of these hubs provided the solution: the hubs came back online and the sensors were able to connect to the nearest hub again.
At customer C, we noticed that all sensors were red on the Cobundu sensor health plan.
After checking if data was coming on the sensor platform TTN (which is was not) and if the hubs were still online (which they were not), we reached out to the customer to understand what had changed on their side: were the hubs still all in place and plugged in? Had there been any changes to the switch? Were the ports still open on the network?
After a physical check by the customer, hubs and switch were still OK. They did not make any changes to the network... Or did they? They realised that around the time that data had stopped coming into Cobundu, they had changed internet provider - and had not communicated the necessary ports to open.
Once the ports were communicated and the new internet provider took action, the hubs and sensors came back online.
At customer D, we noticed that many sensors were turning red on the Cobundu sensor health plan.
After checking if data was coming on the sensor platform TTN (which is was not) and if the hubs were still online (which they were), we knew we had to take a closer look at the sensors.
We performed a Battery Lifecycle Measurement (Check Payload) and noticed that the battery for all the relevant sensors was depleted.
After having instructed the customer on how to perform a battery change (take out the old battery, then wait 3h for the capacitor to deplete, before putting in the new battery), the sensors came back online.