Difficulty: Starter


Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Know what a workflow is.

  • Which objects work with a workflow.

What is a workflow and why do we use it?

A workflow is a data processing tool that is used to transform data from one state to another. When a complex and reoccuring task is performed, a workflow tool can help to streamline the efficiency of data transformation the process.

Some important characteristics of a workflow in Workplace:

  • Task delegation on the basis of access rights.

It is possible to grant or restrict access to workflow tasks.

For instance; user group A is only allowed to create a reservation, user group B is only allowed to approve a reservation, user group C is only allowed to cancel a reservation, user group D is allowed to do all of the tasks above, and user group E is not allowed to perform any of these tasks.

Through access rights, it is possible to deligate tasks to specific user groups. Only a user that has access to the task can edit or process the data. This is to ensure that the appropriate users are given the appropriate tasks throught the workflow process.

  • Task can be either manual or automated.

  • It is posible to assign time constraints to each task.

  • Emails can be sent to users via a workflow.

  • Fields can be configured to automatically fill out.

  • Scripts can be automatically called.

  • A simple workflow (most commonly used in Workplace) can only have one status at one given time.

  • A simple workflow can only go through one connector. Hence the path it takes is mutually exclusive.

  • An advanced workflow can be in multiple statuses, and it could go through several connectors at one given time.

Which objects use Workflows?

For all commonly used objects in Workplace, a default workflow is available. Examples are:

  • Reservations

  • Requests

  • Workorders

  • Incoming/outgoing invoices

  • Visitors

How to identify a workflow process.

There are two easy ways to indentify wheter an object is using a workflow

  1. There is a workflow tab on the top of the page.

  2. Green function buttons. These green buttons are used to move the workflow process forward.

    1. Note: only the person(s) that have a task will see the green workflow button.

  • The green workflow buttons are only available to the user who is eligable to perform this specific task.

  • The green workflow buttons will move the workflow process forward.

What dos a workflow look like?

When a workflow is active for an object, you can viewed the workflow in the “Workflow” tab on top of the page.

In the navigation menu a option to search for all workflows is present.

As an admin, also a startboard button for workflows is present.


  • Workflows are used in order to guide a specific proces.

  • The most common objects that use a workflow are requests, workorders, reservations, invoices and visitors.


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