(archived) Manually Update Ethernet Hub* Firmware (direct via LAN)

(archived) Manually Update Ethernet Hub* Firmware (direct via LAN)

→ this instruction is no longer valid



* No longer available

When a tab hub (not mini) does not come online, you might be requested to manually update the hub firmware on site (please ALWAYS discuss with Spacewell Hardware Manager before doing this).

If you cannot go on site, it's best to set up a technical call with someone that has physical access to the hubs and where we can take over the pc.



  1. Make sure you have putty installed https://www.putty.org/
  2. Connect your pc via ethernet to one of the black ethernet ports
  3. Copy firmware image and scp to Hub ( Frimeware image is available in the TEAMS Cobundu Sharepoint channel )
  4. Run the update
  5. Set CUPS MTUN and TC uri information
  6. Disconnect PC from ethernet cable


Detailed steps

  1. Make sure you have putty installed https://www.putty.org/

  2. Connect your pc via ethernet to one of the black ethernet ports

  3. Copy firmware image and scp to Hub
    1. Open command prompt (cmd)
    2. Go to the firmware folder cd …/1.29.01/
    3. scp  * root@
    4. type yes to add the ssh fingerprint to the known hosts
    5. Password: tracknet
    6. Note: may require removing existing fingerprints from ssh file when encountering this error: (see step 5.a)
  4. Run the update
    1. ssh into the unit (ssh root@
    2. login as root
    3. Password:tracknet
    4. cd /mnt/data/tracknet
    5. make file executable "chmod +x doupdate.sh"
    6. Run "./doupdate.sh"
    7. (device will run the update and reboot)

  5. Set CUPS MTUN and TC uri information
    1. Remove the ssh fingerprint from your pcs config file
      1. Go to the .ssh folder of your user
      2. Open the known_hosts file
      3. Delete the record for the hub (line starting with
      4. Save the file
    2. Open command prompt (cmd)
    3. Go to the bootstrap folder cd …/1.29.01/
    4. scp  * root@
    5. type yes to add the ssh fingerprint to the known hosts
    6. Password: tracknet
    7. ssh into the unit (ssh root@
    8. Edit file (nano /mnt/data/config/mfg)
      1. Modify tcuri to 'ws://clc1.trackio.ch:7000'
      2. Add option cupsuri 'https://cups2.trackio.ch:8888'
      3. Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
    9. Edit file (nano /etc/init.d/mtuns)
      1. In the last line of the start() { } block add the following line:
        /usr/bin/mtuns mtun.cobundu.com $HWMODEL-$MTUNID.gw.cobundu.com 22
      2. Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
    10. Edit file (nano /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys)  → (NOTE: if there is no file “authorized_keys” in /etc/dropbear or even an /etc/dropbear directory, use /mnt/data/s2/idu/etc/dropbear instead)

      1. Copy the contents of the id_cobundu.pub to the second line of this file (paste = shift + insert)
      2. Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
    11. Run “sync” command
    12. Run “reboot” command
  6. Disconnect PC from ethernet cable