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Most objects created by the user in Workplace Management can be deleted or archived. Deleting an object will result in the object being moved to the bin (digital trashcan). Deleted objects can no longer be found via the regular search pages. Deleted objects can also no longer be linked to other objects. For example, a deleted building can no longer be linked to a request.

Administrators can search through the whole bin and can restore objects from the bin, if necessary. Objects in the bin can be permanently removed from the application manually by the administrator. The bin can also be emptied automatically after a specified number of days determined via ‘Client settings' → ‘Interface’ → 'Days in bin’

Next to deleting objects, it is also possible to archive objects. Archiving an object also moves the object to an archive (similar to the bin) and the object also can not be searched via the regular search options anymore. The difference between the bin and the archive is that archived objects stay in the archive as long as desired.

Some objects are not allowed to be deleted. These objects can only be archived. For example, system users can not be deleted, because a lot of objects are related to/created by the system user and cannot be unlinked from the system user.

*Objects which cannot be deleted by a regular user, can only be deleted by an administrator via the 'Correct mode'.

Deleting and archiving an object in Workplace Management can be done via the corresponding buttons on the object:


Deleting and archiving objects can also be done in bulk via a result (list) page:


Some list pages also allow users to delete objects individually directly from the list page:


Deleting an object is usually done if:

  • The object is created by accident

  • The object is created to test a process or module

  • It does not matter if the object will be permanently removed from the application automatically or manually by an administrator

Archiving an object is usually done if:

  • It is not allowed to delete the object

  • The object is not applicable anymore, but is still linked to other objects for users to see

If an object is deleted and was linked to a request, a (non-administrator) user will not see the linked (deleted) object anymore.

If an object is archived and was linked to a request, a (non-administrator) user is still able to see the archived object linked to the request.

Search objects in the Bin and Archive

All users can find their deleted and archived objects via the ‘Bin’ menu on their profile:


Administrators can navigate to the bin and archive via the navigation menu ‘Admin' → ‘Bin’ and 'Archive’:


The bin and archive navigation menu options are very similar to each other. A search page is shown where the deleted or archived objects can be searched. Specify a type of object (the technical object name, e.g. WorkOrder) and/or a period when the object was deleted or archived. Click on ‘Count' to first check the number of objects found and click ‘Search’ to perform the search in the bin or archive with the specified filters.


If the the bin is not automatically emptied or the client uses the bin and archive a lot, then searching the bin or archive can result in a lot of results. When searching the bin or archive it is adviced to use the filter options to narrow down the results.

Restore objects from the Bin and Archive

If objects are deleted or archived by accident, the objects can be restored from the bin or archive. Restoring objects can be done in bulk (multiple objects at once) or individually.

Restoring in bulk can be done in the results page after a search. Select all applicable objects and click on ‘Restore’:


Restoring an individual object can be done by opening the object and clicking on the restore button:


Restoring objects can only be done by an administrator.

Deleted objects show a red banner:


Archived objects show a yellow banner:


Permanently remove objects from the Bin

Objects in the bin can be permanently deleted manually or automatically. The administrator can open the binned object and click on ‘Delete’ (circle with x) to permanently delete the object:


Permanently deleting objects in bulk is also possible via the bins result page. Select the objects that need to be deleted permanently and click on 'Remove':


If the setting ‘Client settings' → ‘Interface’ → 'Days in bin’ is set, the objects in the bin will be permanently deleted after the specified number of days.

Objects in the archive cannot be permanently deleted from the archive.

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