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Workflow is a technical term for process. A workflow is a series of tasks, which need to be executed in order to eventually complete the process. The tasks in a workflow either need to be manually executed by a user or are automatically executed as soon as a condition is met. As soon as a workflow task is executed, the workfow automatically continues to the next workflow task, until the end of the workflow is reached.

Beneath an example of a basic workflow:


The process starts in the status ‘Draft’ and as soon as the workflow task ‘Submit' is executed by a user, the process continues to the status ‘Submitted’ and the next workflow task 'Handle’ becomes active.

A workflow consists of several components. The most important components are:

  • Status

  • Task

  • Connector

  • Cancel group






  • A circle with the 'play' icon is the first status of the workflow. Every object will start in this status



  • A circle without the 'play' icon is used for every other status in the workflow



  • A square is a task in the workflow

  • Tasks can be manual or automatic tasks

  • Tasks are assigned to one or more system groups

  • Editbale fields in the workflow are configured on task level



  • A connector is used to link a status to a task or task to a status

  • In a connector (task to status) pre defined field sets and conditions can be linked


Cancel group

  • A cancel group is used to mark one or more statusses, from where a task can be executed

  • If the workflow is in one of the statusses within the cancel group, the corresponding task can be executed

  • Cancel groups are usually used for the ‘Cancel’ task. A workflow can be cancelled from various statusses without the need to have a connector from every applicable status to the cancel task

Identify an object with a workflow

Objects with a workflow can mainly be identified by the ‘Workflow’ tab. Objects without a workflow tab do not have a workflow. For example, a building is masterdata without a workflow and a reservation is an object with a workflow.


End users do not have the authorization to see the workflow tab. Only key users and administrators can see and navigate to the workflow tab.

If a user has active tasks in the workflow, the tasks corresponding (green) buttons are also shown and this is also an indicator that there is a workflow involved.


How to read an objects workflow

Via the ‘Workflow’ tab overview 'Task history', the key users and administrators can see the workflow tasks already executed and workflow tasks generated to be executed. This overview can be used to see who executed a specific workflow task or who needs to execute the current active workflow task.

An objects categiory determines if a workflow is used. If an object is ceated in a category which uses a workflow, a workflow case is created for that particular object. The workflow case for that object keeps track in which status the object is currently in, which tasks are currently active and which tasks are already executed. The workflow case gives a visual presentation of the tasks already executed and tasks still to be executed.

The include 'View workflow graphics <object instance>' shows the current workflow case of the object. In the workflow case there are several colors used:

  • Light grey: All statusses, tasks, connectors and cancel groups currently not active for the current status

  • Black/dark grey: The current (active) status and all tasks, connectors and cancel groups currently active

  • Blue: The blue statusses, tasks and connectors show the route the object has already been through (progress)

  • No labels