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Difficulty: novice


Learning Objectives

After reading this article you will be able to:

  • Manage page includes.

Have you already read the article Difference between a report and an include (OLD)?

What are page includes?

Page includes are separate pages that are attached to another page. A page include can for example be a report, a drag - and drop field, or a list of sub-objects (e.g. the reservation items on the reservation page). Page includes have their own page definition button that are accessible directly on the include.

Create and manage page includes

Add a page include

To add a page include to an instance page:

  1. Open the page to which you want to add the page include.

  2. Open the page definition.
    Note: Alternatively, click the ‘Pages’ button on your startBoard and search for the page you want to add the page include to.

  3. Click on Add page include on the top right of the page.

  4. Fill out the include settings. There are no mandatory settings, but you should at least make sure to link an include or report. If you forget this you will end up with an empty include.

    • Include: used to display a pre-defined include

    • Report: link a report. Note: the filter page is skipped, so make sure the report is configured with default settings and initialization values.

      • Filter: Optionally you can select a filter here that is available for the selected report.

      • Chart: Optionally you can select a chart/ graph here that is available for the selected report.

  5. By filling in a Header you can change the title of the include that is visible to the user.

  6. After a page include has been added to the page, it will be visible in the ‘Page includes’ include of the page definition page. In the columns of this include, you can quickly see if the include is an include, a report, a filter, or a chart.

Now the include is shown (under the main page or as tabs) is set on the page settings of the instance page using the setting “Page includes layout”.

Edit and delete a page include

  1. Open the page to which you want to edit.

  2. Open the page definition. Important: to access the settings of the page include, you must open the page definition of the page, not of the page definition of the page include.

  3. Scroll down to the ‘page includes’ include.

  4. Click on the hyperlink in the ‘Row’ column of the include.

  5. Edit the settings, or delete the page include (press the ‘x' on the top right). You can also change the setting 'Display = no’ to hide the include,.

In the steps above we describe that you should open the page definition of the page, not of the page definition of the page include. You only directly open the page definition of the page include when you want to access the setting that are available on that page, like adding/ hiding columns or changing the page display setting.

Settings on a page include

 Settings on a page include





The page will be automatically linked when creating a page include.



Determines the vertical ordering of a page include relatively to another page include. A page include with a lower row number will be displayed before a page include with a higher number.



Determines the horizontal order of the page include. If two page includes are positioned on the same row. The page include with the lowest column numbering will be positioned first. Note: This setting only applies to page includes on a dashboard.



This setting is no longer in use.



This setting is no longer in use.


Display order

Determines the order of the include. Two includes on the same row and column, but with different display ordering, will be sorted based on the lowest display ordering. Note: this setting only applies for dashboards.



Determines the number of columns the include spans across. The entire screen is a grid of 12 columns. Note: this setting only applies to dashboards.


Clear context

By default, this setting is set to “no”. If the context is cleared, Workplace does not automatically link the content of the include to the Context object.


Context object

The object the include is linked to. If the incorrect object is specified, the include will not work.



This allows you to set the main object for a page include based on a related field. For example, you can add an include 'ConditionProblemTypeHierarchy' to a page 'WorkOrderSettings' and set the field to 'conditionProblemTypeSchemeId'. The include will show all problem types related to this problem type scheme.



The page include must be linked here unless it is a field, report, chart or a filter page.



If the page include is a report, it must be linked here.



If the include is a filter page, the filter page must be linked here.



If the include is a chart, the chart must be linked here.


Chart parameter

It is possible to add the chart as a parameter on the page. Two parameters are added in this case:

  • The header of the chart/include - this is the parameter that starts with a capital.

  • The URL of the chart - this is the parameter that starts with a lower case character.


Parameter prefix

Specifying a parameter prefix for the include makes it easier to identify the parameters coming from the include.



You can specify the header that will be displayed at the top of the include.


Container style

It is possible to specify different boarders around includes.



The display setting determines whether or not the include is allowed to be shown. Similar to the visibility setting for fields and functions.



Determines if the include will be visible in the Workplace mobile application.



When generating a default PDF (not from a template) it is possible to include or exclude the page include.


Hide when empty

If the include is empty, it is possible to hide it.


Show include page per row

This setting only applies to list pages with includes. Each row of such a list page has a row object. When the setting is set to “Yes”, the page include is evaluated per context object. If the setting is on “no”, only the main context object of the page is evaluated. As of now, only MapView pages support this setting.

E.g. a CarReservationMapview could have an include with reserved Assets (e.g. cars) showing the last recorded location of that reserved car.



Determine to which degree it is allowed to select items on an include list. It is for instance possible to allow for the selection of no items, only one item, or all items in a list. Selected items can for instance be exported or deleted.


New page in PDF

When generating a default PDF (not from a template) it is possible to showcase the page include on a new page in the PDF.



Shows the name of the environment. This is not editable in a client layer.


Load asynchronously

When asynchronous loading is turned on, the main page will load independent from the include. When asynchronous loading is turned off, the user has to wait for the content inside the include to load before being able to see the content of the main page.


Show the page include collapsed

By collapsing the include, the content of the include is only visible when the user is clicking on the include for expansion.



If a list does not fit a single screen it is split over multiple pages. If you want to show all items on a single screen you can turn pagination off.


Set access to includes for all users (the easy way)

  1. Open the page on which you want to change the visibility.

  2. Open the page definition.

    1. Note: Alternatively, click the ‘Pages’ button on your startBoard and search for the page you want to override the function to.

  3. Scroll down to the ‘page includes’ include.

  4. Click on the hyperlink in the ‘Row’ column of the include.

  5. Press the ‘override’ button

    1. You can skip this step when the include is not baseline and therefor the setting are already editable.

  6. Change the setting “Display =no/ yes”.

Set access rights to includes per user group (the more complex way)

  1. Open the page on which you want to change the visibility.

  2. Open the page definition.

    1. Note: Alternatively, click the ‘Pages’ button on your startBoard and search for the page you want to override the function to.

  3. Scroll down to the ‘page includes’ include

  4. Click on the hyperlink in the ‘Row’ column of the include.

  5. Adjust the access based on access groups:

    1. press the gear symbol on the top right

    2. set access for the groups

    3. Confirm the changes

Remember: a user only needs one user group that has access to an include. So if you want to use this way to hide an include for user, you need to make sure that this specific access is applied to all user groups that the user has.

We recommend very limited use of authorizing includes using this method.



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