Understanding the flow
Questions to ask when you're missing data
Question 1: Do you notice data is not coming into Cobundu during an installation?
Did you follow the instructions on Installation & Quality Assurance (https://confluence.mcs.be/display/SUM/Quality+Assurance) ?
- Hub installed and confirmed working before sensor activation?
- Sensor activation in a moment where hub is reachable?
- Correct mapping
- No typo’s in the sensor ID’s
- …
- Yes
- Hub offline (if only 1 site) (check ports, physical hub)
- Global problem (check other tenants)
- Partial
- Hub offline (check ports, physical hub)
- in order to determine of the issue might be a Sensor vendor problem (is data coming into sensor platform, eg TTN, CPMS?), see question 3
- No
- Sensor specific, see question 3
Question 3: At which stage is the data missing? (more detailed info see below)
- Dashboards / live floorplans
- Check the config and location grouping of the sensor in Studio
- Check the floorplan and location master data in Studio + IWMS
- Check Dashboards Space category mapping in Studio (for Space monitor)
- Check installation of sensors + customer environment
- See troubleshooting list https://confluence.mcs.be/display/SUM/3.4+-+Dashboard+manuals
- Studio
- Check the configuration of the sensor in Studio (New Studio)
- Check status of sensor (New Studio: KPI or on Locations > Floorplan)
- Check the state of the sensor listener (Studio 1.0 > Settings)
- Sensor cloud
- Check if the sensor is provisioned/available on the relevant sensor platform (TTN, CPMS, Airthings)
- Battery level (tabs) (see Battery Lifecycle Measurement (Check Payload))
- Physical location
- Check physical installation on site at the customer (ref Tabs (Tracknet) troubleshooting guide)
Sensor Connectivity (which steps to perform when a sensor seems to be down) has been presented during the Cobundu Summer 2021 Sessions, this is the recording: Summer 2021 Session: Sensor Connectivity
Check the state of the listeners
- Go to https://studio.cobundu.com/
- Login with your credentials
- Select the affected tenant
- Select the settings
- Go to the jobs tab
- Check the state of the jobs
Check the sensors in Studio
- Go to https://studio.cobundu.com/
- Login with your credentials
- Select the affected tenant
- Select the devices
- Search the affected sensor
- is the sensor ID correct (in hexadecimal?) and complete? Is a dash separating every 2 characters? (ref Tabs (Tracknet) configuration guide)
- Check the sensor id
- Check the last seen
- Check the channel
- Check the type based on the sensor models
- Check the Location
- Check the attribution of the location to Location Grouping (zones or departments)
Check the data on the sensor cloud
All tracknet/tabs now (since May 2021) connect to TTN
All Pointgrab sensors are connected to CPMS platform.
All Airthings sensors are connected to Airthings platform.
A sensor that sends joining messages is trying to join our LoRa network. Due to the way that LoRa works it can take quiet a few tries before everything is synchronized.
If however the sensor is still sending joining messages after 1 day it is best to reset the sensor by removing the battery for a couple of hours and reinserting it.
If you're interested in knowing the battery health for Tracknet tabs, you can check this page: Battery Lifecycle Measurement (Check Payload)