It is possible that objects are create double in Workplace Management. An address might be created, which already was available, an organization can created double by accident, etc. With the deduplication functionality in Workplace Management it is possible to remove the duplicate Organizations, Persons, Address and Contacts to keep the system clean. The duplicate objects will be removed and the object that is kept in the system is relinked to all relevant places.
Deduplicate via the navigation menu
From the navigation menu the deduplication functionality can be used via 'Admin' → 'Deduplicate' by an administrator.
Workplace Management directly searches and shows the first double object. Searching for duplicate objects is done in the following order:
Addresses (a duplicate is an exact match on street, nr and city)
Persons (a duplicate is an exact match on initials, firstname and lastname)
Organization (a duplicate is an exact match on name)
Contacts (a duplicate is an exact match on personId)
When a duplicate is found, the following screen is shown:
On the top there is additional information and an explanation shown in blue on how the deduplication works and what each of the buttons do.
With the button ‘Copy missing data to selected object’ missing data of the selected object can be copied from the duplicate object. This can be used if the object that needs to be kept has missing information which is entered in (one of) the duplicate object(s).
In example screenshot below the ‘Postal code’ is not entered for the selected address (ADR-000155) which can be copied from the duplicate address (ADR-000098) with this button.
Only object related fields are copied. Other fields (like for example the contact fields on a organization) are not copied. Be aware: client-specific fields are also not taken into account when copying.
With the button ‘Deduplicate (keep selected)’ the selected object is marked to be kept. The consequences of the deduplication is shown in the next screen.
The selected object is kept
The duplicate object is deleted
Other objects which where linked to the duplicate object will be relinked to the kept object
Via the 'Confirm deduplication' the dedeuplication is confirmed and the menu is closed.
Via the 'Confirm deduplication and go to the next' the dedeuplication is confirmed and the next duplicate object is presented.
With the button ‘Find next object to deduplicate’ the next object to deduplicate is presented.
Deduplicate from a list
Deduplication can also be executed from a list of objects. In this case, the objects to deduplicate can be manually selected, instead of Workplace Management searches duplicates based on the exact matches.