Inventory Management

Inventory Management

Difficulty: novice

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Use the inventory possibilities in Workplace.

  • Create new storage.

  • Add inventory items to a storage.

Inventory Management

Inventory management helps identify which and how much stock to order at what time. It tracks inventory from purchase to the sale of goods. It identifies and responds to trends to ensure there’s always enough stock to fulfill orders and proper warning of a shortage. Workplace Management can do this for you, and here you read how to set it up inside Workplace.

How to create a storage

Before we can use “Inventory Management,” we need at least one storage. We can find “Storages” in the menu under “Assets.”

To create a new storage, follow the next steps.

  1. Open the “Storages” module using the option under “Assets” in the menu.

  2. Press the button “New.”

  3. Fill in the fields. The greyed-out fields are filled in automatically.

  4. Press the “Save and return” button to complete the creation of a storage.

Field name


Field name



is automatically filled


If the storage is part of other (more extensive) storage, select the warehouse it is part of.


Give the storage a name


Assign on which area the storage is located

Storage Manager

Assign a storage manager to this storage

Order Type order advice orders

Select the Purchase Order Type. If the pulldown is empty then you first need to create purchase order types (see article on purchase orders).

‘Settings’ tab

In the settings tab you can change a few settings:

  • Organization
    You can set an organization, as extra info regarding the location.

  • Default location
    You can set a default location in the storage, so you don`t have to set that if you add new items.

  • Stock valuation
    You can also set how the stock value is calculated regarding price changes.

Good to know: only use the lowest hierarchy for a default location.


Storage Locations

The previous screenshot shows that the storage module has three different tabs. On the tab “Locations,” you can create locations in the storage. The storage has to have at least one storage; the whole storage can be one location. For example, if the storage is a relatively small room, you don`t have more places to specify an item’s location.

The storage locations are the actual locations within a storage where the inventory item is placed. This can be put in a hierarchy level, for example: Hall B → Rack 3 → Bottom Shelf Rack 3

How to create storage locations?

  1. Navigate to the “Locations tab” of a storage.

  2. Press “New”

  3. Fill in the fields

  4. Click the ‘Create new sub item’ (icon on the top right) to create a sub location. When using this method, the current location is automatically set as parent of the location location that is created.

  5. Press the “Save and return” button to return to the previous screen

Field name


Field name



The reference name/number (if necessary)

Full name

The name of the storage location


A description of the storage location


Select the area where it is located

Picking Order

If you have the same item on multiple locations, you can prioritize the locations.


Part of which storage

Parent Storage Location

What is the parent storage location


Create catalog item

An inventory item is linked to a catalog item. Before adding a new item to an storage, always check if the catalog item exists. If the catalog item does not exist, follow the steps described here (orderable items section) to create a new one.


How much stock is there?

To see what the stock is of a storage, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your storage using the option “Storages” in the menu under “Assets”

  2. Select your storage.

  3. On the bottom, you will find the button “Inventory”

  4. On the next screen, use the field “Keywords” (or leave empty) > press “Search”

  5. You will see a screen that resembles the screenshot, as shown below

How to add a new item to the inventory?

  1. There are more ways to add an item to the inventory. Use one of these options:

    1. Use the option “Storages” in the menu under “Assets” > open a storage > click on the button “Inventory” > click ‘Search’ >new (Note: the ‘new’ button might also already be available on the top right of the search screen). This is the preferred way when adding multiple items because the Storage will be filled in automatically.

    2. Navigate to “Inventory” by using the option in the menu under “Assets” and press the “New” button.

  2. Fill in the details of the Inventory item.

  3. Use the locations tab to assign a “Storage location.”

  4. Press the “Save and return” to save the item.


Inventory items are always linked to a catalog item, and some fields are automatically taken over when selecting the item.

Field name


Field name



In which do you want to keep stock of this item


Select a catalogitem


the name of the supplier


the price of the item per quantity

Min stock

The minimum stock you want to have

Max stock

The maximum stock you want to have

Stock keeping

Yes/No. Do you want to keep stock of this item

Negative stock

Is a negative stock allowed?


Is a backorder allowed? Is it still possible to place an order if you are out of stock


You can put here extra comments


Yes/No. Shortlist this item for easy access

External reference

Note here an external, for example, the order number in the supplier catalog




