In order to check the connection of the hub on the TTN platform, please communicate the EUI (format 7076FF006404027E), that can be found on the sticker at the back of the device, to the Cobundu SPOCyour Spacewell consultant.
If your connection was successful:
- the LEDs on the device will be
- 1st LED will be solid green = power status = connected to power
2nd LED = can be ignored
3rd LED = blinking green = LORA activity/connected (sending packages to LORA) (blinking will be higher in frequency once sensors installed)
→ To see if a hub is live ON the device, is only possible if all sensors are installed (operational mode), because then the 3rd blinking LED will be blinking more continuously
- the indicator on the TTN platform will be solid BLUE which means that the gateway is connected to the LoRaWAN network and is ready to handle packets (Spacewell Cobundu SPOC is able to check this based on the Board ID)
We found that instead of receiving devices that contain an initial configuration, in spring 2022 we received a lot of stock devices where config was missing. If you have followed the above steps but your Kerlink is not in status "connected" on TTN, please do a factory reset and make sure to follow the steps listed below (see What to do after a Factory reset?).
- Check the LED lights
- Make sure there are not typos in the hub board ID (ask customer to take a picture of the sticker at the back of the device)
- Check if the hub is connected to the correct network (on the switch)
- Are you sure the SIM card is activated with the network provider?
- Check operator details are correct in the configuration
- Replace a non-working hub with one that is confirmed working