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French version : Motion Tab Guide d Installation.pptx




Always check the detailed instruction in the Motion Tab Placement Guide.

If the situation you are facing deviates from these instructions/prerequisites, please contact Spacewell. Pictures / Drawings say more than a 1000 words.


1.Go to the workplace


Always check the detailed instruction in the Motion Tab Placement Guide.

If the situation you are facing deviates from these instructions/prerequisites, please contact Spacewell. Pictures / Drawings say more than a 1000 words.

Image Added

1.Go to the meeting room
2.Check the height of the meeting room
  • Ceiling height between 2,15m and 4m
  • Length > 4m OR Width > 4m

3.Calculate the prerequisites by comparing the height to the table (Multiple sensors needed when coverage of 1 sensor is exceeded)
4.Check the room against the prerequisites. If the prerequisite “coverage of 1 sensor” is exceeded, multiple sensors must be installed: please contact Spacewell
5.Check for obstructions → contact Spacewell
  • Sensor unpack & placement indication
  • Take sticker from packaging and stick it to the sensor plan
  • Remove sensor from packaging
  • Tape placement
  • Sensor placement on ceiling, in the middle of the room: perpendicular to room (long side sensor parallel to short side room)
