- Make sure you have putty installed https://www.putty.org/
- Connect your pc via ethernet to one of the black ethernet ports
- Copy firmware image and scp to Hub
- Open command prompt (cmd)
- Go to the firmware folder cd …/1.29.01/
- scp * root@
- type yes to add the ssh fingerprint to the known hosts
- Password: tracknet
- Note: may require removing existing fingerprints from ssh file when encountering this error: (see step 5.a)
- Run the update
- ssh into the unit (ssh root@
- login as root
- Password:tracknet
- cd /mnt/data/tracknet
- make file executable "chmod +x doupdate.sh"
- Run "./doupdate.sh"
- (device will run the update and reboot)
- ssh into the unit (ssh root@
- Set CUPS MTUN and TC uri information
- Remove the ssh fingerprint from your pcs config file
- Go to the .ssh folder of your user
- Open the known_hosts file
- Delete the record for the hub (line starting with
- Save the file
- Go to the .ssh folder of your user
- Open command prompt (cmd)
- Go to the bootstrap folder cd …/1.29.01/
- scp * root@
- type yes to add the ssh fingerprint to the known hosts
- Password: tracknet
- ssh into the unit (ssh root@
- Edit file (nano /mnt/data/config/mfg)
- Modify tcuri to to
- EU: 'ws://spacewell.eu1.cloud.thethings.industries:7000'
- US: 'ws://spacewell.nam1.cloud.thethings.industries:7000'
- Remove option cupsuri 'https://cups2.trackio.ch:8888'
- Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
- Modify tcuri to to
- Edit file (nano /mnt/data/config/reverse-ssh)
- Modify server to 'mtun.cobundu.com'
- Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
- Edit file (nano /etc/init.d/mtuns)
- In the last line of the start() { } block add the following line:
/usr/bin/mtuns mtun.cobundu.com $HWMODEL-$MTUNID.gw.cobundu.com 22 - Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
- In the last line of the start() { } block add the following line:
- Edit file (nano /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys) → (NOTE: if there is no file “authorized_keys” in /etc/dropbear or even an /etc/dropbear directory, use /mnt/data/s2/idu/etc/dropbear instead)
- Copy the contents of the id_cobundu.pub to the second line of this file (paste = shift + insert)
- Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
- Run “sync” command
- Run “reboot” command
- Remove the ssh fingerprint from your pcs config file
- Disconnect PC from ethernet cable