Manually Update Ethernet Hub Firmware TTES (direct via LAN)
* No longer available
When a tab hub (not mini) does not come online, you might be requested to manually update the hub firmware on site (please ALWAYS discuss with Spacewell Hardware Manager before doing this).
If you cannot go on site, it's best to set up a technical call with someone that has physical access to the hubs and where we can take over the pc.
Note: these settings are not persistent, if a hub is physically reset (reset button pushed for 10+ sec) the settings needs to be applied again
Make sure you have putty installed
Connect your pc via ethernet to one of the black ethernet ports
Copy firmware image and scp to Hub ( Frimeware image is available in the TEAMS Cobundu Sharepoint channel )
Run the update
Set CUPS MTUN and TC uri information
Disconnect PC from ethernet cable
! whenever there is a blanc space in below instructions, please use the space in the tools described
Detailed steps
Make sure you have putty installed
Connect your pc via ethernet to one of the black ethernet ports
Copy firmware image and scp to Hub
Open command prompt (cmd)
Go to the firmware folder cd …/1.29.01/ (copy the whole path of where you have extracted the firmware; make sure to type cd + blanc + use "...")
type: scp * root@
if you encounter an error, check 3.f (may require removing existing fingerprints from ssh file)
type yes to add the ssh fingerprint to the known hosts (typing in cmd will not show, just type "yes" (even if you cannot see it) and confirm by pressing enter)
Password: tracknet (typing in cmd will not show, just type "tracknet" (even if you cannot see it) and confirm by pressing enter)
Wait until firmware.img has loaded to 100%Note: may require removing existing fingerprints from ssh file when encountering this error: (see step 5.a)
Run the update
open putty
ssh into the unit (ssh root@ enter "" in the Host Name field and press "Open" button
if below warning pops-up, accept
login as root
cd /mnt/data/tracknet
make file executable "chmod +x"
Run "./"
(device will run the update and reboot) = "Network Error: Software caused connection abort"
close cmd and putty
Set CUPS MTUN and TC uri information
Remove the ssh fingerprint from your pcs config file
Go to the .ssh folder of your user
Open the known_hosts file
Delete the record for the hub (line starting with
Save the file
Open command prompt (cmd)
Go to the bootstrap folder cd …/bootstrap/
scp * root@
type yes to add the ssh fingerprint to the known hosts
Password: tracknet
open putty
ssh into the unit (ssh root@
Edit file (nano /mnt/data/config/mfg)
this will open below screenModify tcuri to
EU: 'ws://'
US: 'ws://'
(mind that in Putty, you can only move with your arrow keys (as if you don't have a mouse) and not use your number pad)
Remove option cupsuri ''
Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
Edit file (nano /mnt/data/config/reverse-ssh)
Modify server to ''
Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
Edit file (nano /etc/init.d/mtuns)
In the last line of the start() { } block add the following line (you might have to use the arrows to scroll down if not immediately visible; use ctrl+right click to paste into putty; make sure the text starts 4 spaces indented):
/usr/bin/mtuns $HWMODEL-$ 22Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
Edit file (nano /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys) → (NOTE: if there is no file “authorized_keys” in /etc/dropbear or even an /etc/dropbear directory, use /mnt/data/s2/idu/etc/dropbear instead)
Go back to the Migration file in Windows Explorer. Copy the contents of the to the second line of this file (paste = shift + insert or use ctrl+right click to paste into putty); even though you're still at the beginning of the 1st line, the pasted line will jump to the end. Use the arrows to make sure the copy/paste action was successful
Save and exit the file (ctrl + x)
Run “sync” command
Run “reboot” command
Disconnect PC from ethernet cable