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Difficulty: expert


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Bring the data of Pointgrab sensors (that don’t form 1 count area in the Pointgrab Platform) to Spacewell and obtain an aggregated value in Live Floorplan + Dashboards

At customer EKA many Pointgrabs were installed but As mentioned in PointGrab installation location, A PointGrab Count Area is rectangular in shape and needs to be covered entirely by Sensor Detection Areas (Count Area smaller than sum of Detection Areas).

Yet in very particular cases, Pointgrabs may be installed in such a placement that it’s not possible to group them in 1 (rectangular) count area in the Pointgrab platform.

When It’s not possible to link all Pointgrab devices, that are physically placed in 1 room, were linked to 1 Spacewell location, since the data from 1 sensor overwrites will overwrite the data from the other sensors: per Spacewell Location there can only be 1 valid headcount value at a time.

This page describes a possible solution to keep the existing Pointgrab configuration on Pointgrab platform, but does aggregate the headcount values of the different sensors to 1 value on the selected location.

This way of working is based on the Motion sensor indirect utilization, see Utilization & Occupancy Matrix

The below description

  • details how to configure the pointgrabs Pointgrabs and location(s) for which you want to combine headcount data

  • explains how indirect utilization is calculated

  • assumes the setup for 1 location. If there are more locations concerned, just repeat the steps

In Pointgrab platform: create Count Areas


As always: if possible to create 1 larger Count Area, the better. So as soon as stitching is possible: go for it! The Pointgrab AI will be able to detect multiple readings of the same person, which might be counted double otherwise

In Workplace: Each Pointgrab count area needs to be a WORKPLACE object

  • Make sure each Pointgrab count area corresponds to a workplace object in IWMS and Workplace platform

  • IWMS "Workplaces" objects to be created in/under the correct ROOM object, which in turn should be in the correct room category -> make sure room and workplace categories are correctly mapped in Studio

  • Don’t map the Workplaces to a polygon on the floorplan, since you don’t want the individual values to pop-up. We’re only interested in the aggregated value on room level.

  • Make sure the capacity for meeting rooms is set correctly in Studio (ref Setting the capacity & thresholds of spaces) in you want to use the Quiet/Crowded/Overcrowded feature

  • Link each Pointgrab count area (“device”) to a workplace object through Add New Device, see


By assigning them each to a different Workplace location underneath the “overlying Room”, their headcount values count towards the total Headcount on that overlying object.


In Pointgrab platform, both “KJblr1SCRlCU3GNkEd6rdA” and “M9nrKx6pQ3mn1NKy3z10fA” are Count Area IDs.


timestamp in below example is 18h local (Asia/Kolkotta) time


timestamps in below screenshots are representative for 18h local (Asia/Kolkotta) time (taken in Europe)



Remember to map each sensor to a different location!

When multiple utilization sensors are linked to the same location ID: incoming data will overwrite existing data.

In other words: when all are linked to the same location, there is no differentiation or utilization calculation possible.


Only map the overlying room to a polygon on the floorplan. This will assure you see the aggregated value on the floorplan.

How is utilization calculated in this case?

Indirect utilization means the sensor will send presence and headcount data, and after time slot data aggregation (see Sensor raw data translated into timeslot data) Workplace platform will calculate “the number of people counted in a certain area”.


Presence on room level is true in case presence is true for 1 or more workplaces“workplaces”.


For presence and headcount detected on “workplace” level: utilization/headcount will be calculated based upon the sum of the triggered seats.

So if 2 people each trigger a sensor linked to 2 different Pointgrab count areas, headcount will be 2.


Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4

Pointgrab Count Area A, mapped to Workplace 1.A





Pointgrab Count Area A, mapped to Workplace 1.B





Room occupancy live floorplan





Room utilization live floorplan





Room utilization count timeslots (value used for reporting on Space monitor Dashboard)






  • Having created Workplace objects, they will turn up in the dashboard - to check + how Room values are visualized in the dashboard

  • Since the calculation/aggregation is not done by Pointgrab (with Pointgrab AI being able to recognize redundancy of people being tracked by 2 sensors when stitched), there might be people that are counted double


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