

Announcements can be used to show Workplace Management users relevant information on their startboard. An announcement consist of a subject, a text box and the possibility to add a relevant image. Via announcements, users can be informed about important information about the company or a short guide on how to use the application and whom to contact, if the users experiences issues. It is possible that users have multiple announcements active and the application will automatically switch between announcements, but the user can also navigate through the announcements via an arrow button.


Create an announcement

An administrator can manage existing announcements and create new announcements via the navigation menu ‘Configuration' → 'Announcements’. Already available announcements have a status, which indicates if the announcement is already published, is still in draft or is already retracted. Published announcements are shown to the relevant users on the startboard.


When creating a new announcement, the user can enter the heading, enter the announcement text and add an image, but there are also other relevant options the administrator can determine:

  • Only display for group: The announcement is only shown to users with the specified system group.

  • Only display for user profile: The announcement is only shown to users with the specified user profile.

  • Only display for building: The announcement is only shown to users with the specified building linked as the default building on the uesers contact page.

  • Only show from: The announcement is only be shown from the selected date

  • Ony show until:The announcement is only be shown until the selected date


Any combination of the above mentioned settings is possible to only show an announcement in a specific time period for specific users. For example, the week before Christmas, an announcement can be shown to wish all employees happy holidays.