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Lees het Space Simulator Dashboard
Through historical* occupancy data, Space Simulator allows you to
calculate possible m2 and cost savings, and
simulate shrink and growth scenario’s, that answer following questions:
How many people can be added to a building, floor or zone without the risk of not having enough space available?
What is the impact on the opportunity (m2, cost or # people) when implementing a 1 hour, 2 hour or 4 hour clean desk policy?
Make an impact analysis when simulating between no risk simulations and x% risk simulations
Visualize and calculate the differences between a full building flexible desk concept and a flexible desk concept at floor or zone level
title | Based on Space Simulator data, which benefits can be attained? |
Total Cost
Reduce m2 and reduce rental cost
Should we terminate a lease?
End lease of complete building or consolidate buildings.
Can we consolidate sites?
Can we downsize a location?
End lease on part of building
Sub-rent part of building
Can we reduce the number of workplaces provided per BA or space?
Understand the potential for optimization of work spaces
Increase # people per m2 / support business growth
Can we place an additional team in a building or on a floor, zone/neighborhood?
No extra rental cost related to business growth
Should we extend a lease?
What sharing ratio would be optimal for which team?
Understanding of sharing ratio potential
Could we change from fixed to flex desk seating?
No extra rental cost or end lease or sub-lease
Reduce operational cost / FM cost
Can we reduce our operation cost of space?
Create “low used” floor or zone to reduce FM cost
Employee Experience - Nice place to work
Better mix of space types (availability in line with need)
Can we optimize the portfolio or can we improve the space type mix?
Increase added value per space type and/or improve interactions and efficiency
Where are the areas in our offices which need to be repurposed?
Do we need to add certain workplace types?
Do we need additional office space?
How is our space mix compared to the market?
Understanding the market of space management
Bring flexibility in choice of the space
Do we need to change the layout of a space? Should we promote a more flexible work culture to increase Employee Experience?
Improved efficiency and interaction
Reduce number of “not popular” work spaces
Change behavior of users
Enable collaboration
Brand Perception
Bring innovation by lead by example
Should we promote a more flexible work culture to increase innovation?
Perception by customers of being an innovative company
Strategic Decisions
Collect qualitative data and insights for future real estate or workplace projects
How much space should we take up at a new site or building?
Do we need to move?
How is the building performance ratio compared to best practice?
Understand the performance of the building (usable/Grossratio)
How is our space mix compared to the market?
Understanding the market of space management
Info |
Opportunities need to be analyzed per building or floor. |
*Historical data means that the visualized data in the dashboard was gathered until yesterday.
“Space Simulator” page
title | What does “Space simulator” do? |
Helps to estimate potential m2 reductions: m2 reductions could also mean transforming certain less used space types in other space type with more added value
Helps estimate potential cost savings: Cost savings needs to be seen as a real saving if sub renting is possible, if the Real Estate contract can be renegotiated or if the customers is planning to move to a new location
The outputs of the Space Simulator need to be validated together with many variables of the customers real estate strategy like: Flex workspace or fixed, clean desk or not, personal offices or shared offices, offices as meeting rooms, booking systems, flexibility rental agreement, move or stay possibilities, …
The Space Simulator is a simulation toolkit for the space manager/expert and does not replace the knowledge of a space managerMet behulp van historische* bezettingsgegevens kunt u met Space Simulator
bereken mogelijke m2 en kostenbesparingen, en
simuleer krimp- en groeiscenario's die antwoord geven op de volgende vragen:
Hoeveel mensen kunnen worden toegevoegd naar een gebouw, verdieping of zone zonder het risico te lopen dat er niet genoeg ruimte beschikbaar is?
Wat is de invloed op de kans (m2, kosten of # mensen) wanneer een clean desk policy van 1 uur, 2 uur of 4 uur invoeren?
Maak een impactanalyse bij simulatie tussen simulaties zonder risico en simulaties met x% risico
De verschillen tussen een volledig gebouw flexibel bureauconcept en een flexibel bureauconcept op vloer- of zoneniveau
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Info |
Mogelijkheden moeten per gebouw of verdieping worden geanalyseerd. |
*Historische gegevens betekent dat de gevisualiseerde gegevens in het dashboard tot gisteren zijn verzameld.
"Pagina "Ruimtesimulator
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De output van de Space Simulator moet worden gevalideerd samen met vele variabelen van de vastgoedstrategie van de klant, zoals: Flexibele werkruimte of vast, clean desk of niet, persoonlijke kantoren of gedeelde kantoren, kantoren als vergaderruimten, boekingssystemen, flexibele huurovereenkomst, verhuis- of verblijfsmogelijkheden, ... De Space Simulator is een simulatiegereedschapskist voor de ruimtebeheerder/expert en vervangt niet de kennis van een ruimtebeheerder/expert |
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Calculation of the maximum possible m2 reductions / cost savings in case of average occupancy has been taken into account. This means that every day of the week and every hour of the day the company would have the same occupancy scores. This is only possible if the company would only work with 100% reservable work-, concentration- and collaboration spaces. Calculation of ‘no risk’ m2 reduction (vacancy)/ cost savings in case of max occupancy has been taken into account. This means that everybody will still at all times have the needed work and collaboration space available when needed. Simulation of potential of m2 reduction (vacancy)/ cost savings in case of x% of the max occupancy has been taken into account. This means that in some moments there will be an under capacity of work or collaboration spaces if the same work pattern would be used. By moving some peak moments into moments of less occupancy these moments of under capacity can be solved for 100% meaning that everybody will at all times have the needed work and collaboration space available when needed. | ||
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Vacancy concept is highlighted in yellow Remark: When “% workplaces available” = 100%, this is a so called ‘no risk’ vacancy Simulation with 100% workplaces available – ’no risk’ vacancy Simulation with 90% workplaces available – ’10% risk’ vacancyBerekening van de maximaal mogelijke m2 reducties / kostenbesparingen in het geval van gemiddelde bezetting in aanmerking is genomen. Dit betekent dat het bedrijf elke dag van de week en elk uur van de dag dezelfde bezettingsscores zou hebben. Dit is alleen mogelijk als het bedrijf alleen zou werken met 100% reserveerbare werk-, concentratie- en samenwerkingsruimten. Berekening van 'geen risico' m2 reductie (leegstand)/ kostenbesparing Er is rekening gehouden met een maximale bezetting. Dit betekent dat iedereen altijd de benodigde werk- en samenwerkingsruimte tot zijn beschikking heeft. Simulatie van potentieel van m2 reductie (leegstand)/ kostenbesparingen in het geval van x% van de maximale bezetting is rekening gehouden. Dit betekent dat er op sommige momenten een ondercapaciteit aan werk- of samenwerkingsplekken zal zijn als hetzelfde werkpatroon gebruikt zou worden. Door sommige piekmomenten te verplaatsen naar momenten van minder bezetting kunnen deze momenten van ondercapaciteit voor 100% worden opgelost, wat betekent dat iedereen te allen tijde de benodigde werk- en samenwerkingsruimte beschikbaar heeft wanneer dat nodig is. |
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Het concept van de vacature is geel gemarkeerd Opmerking: Wanneer "% werkplekken beschikbaar" = 100%, is dit een zogenaamde 'no risk' vacature. Simulatie met 100% werkplekken beschikbaar - 'no risk' vacature Simulatie met 90% werkplekken beschikbaar - '10% risico' vacature |
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| To be able to simulate the impact of occupied spaces
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Om de impact van bezette ruimtes (laptop, paperspapieren, …) without being physically present (going to toilet, coffee, meeting) we have introduced the passive occupancy concept.The passive occupancy is aggregating the active occupancy (sensor data) to one, two or four hours depending on the used clean desk concept or aggregation level ...) te kunnen simuleren zonder fysiek aanwezig te zijn (naar toilet, koffie, vergadering) hebben we het concept van passieve bezetting geïntroduceerd. De passieve bezetting is het aggregeren van de actieve bezetting (sensorgegevens) tot één, twee of vier uur, afhankelijk van het gebruikte clean desk-concept of aggregatieniveau (1/2/4).
"Benchmarken" pagina
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