Difficulty: novice
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Learning Objectives
After reading this article you will be able to:
Recognize and (hopefully) fix the most common errors.
Errors can be a result of system limitation, have you read the System boundaries/ limits: max. file size, export restrictions, timeouts, etc. article? Errors as a result of these system limitations are not discussed in this article.
Error messages
Er kunnen fouten optreden tijdens het gebruik van Workplace Management, in sommige gevallen als gevolg van onjuist gebruik van de bedoelde functionaliteiten en in andere gevallen als gevolg van bepaalde beperkingen of andere systeemgrenzen. Als beheerder is het belangrijk om op de hoogte te zijn van enkele van de meest voorkomende foutmeldingen die gebruikers kunnen ervaren, om de gebruikers beter te kunnen helpen.
Fouten die het gevolg zijn van systeembeperkingen, worden beschreven in Systeemgrenzen en limieten: maximale bestandsgrootte, exportbeperkingen, time-outs, enz. en worden niet besproken in dit artikel.
De meeste foutmeldingen beschrijven duidelijk wat het probleem is. De fouten die in dit artikel worden genoemd, zijn een kleine selectie van fouten die mogelijk extra uitleg nodig hebben.
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If an error occurs and no specific error message is defined, Workplace will show a generic: 'A system error has occurred’ message. Please retry what you were doing. If the error still occurs, check the possible causes below. If you are not able to resolve the issue, please contact Spacewell Support.
Error message
Possible causes
A system error has occurred … [timestamp]
When this happens after a fixed time (e.g. after 1 or 10 minutes) after pressing a button or viewing a page, it’s most likely a timeout because a script or process took to long. Look at the time-out error section of this article for more information
Invalid URL (e.g. missing a '/')
Bad internet connection
When using an embed page, this error occurs when a user clicks a button twice. In this case a new request is send to the server whilst the first request is still being processed.
In all other cases something unexpected went wrong for which the Axxerion code does not have a specific error message. Ask Workplace Support for help.
title | File conversion error |
’File conversion is done, directly after uploading the document, by report servers/converter engines. Common errors when uploading a document are shown in the table below.
Error message
Possible causes
No suitable converted found
An obscure file format is uploaded that cannot be converted.
The extension does not match the real file format (or example the extension of a .exe was changed to .pptx)
A file might contain, not support extras, like Word or Excel macro.
Conversion: Time out
The documents with a timeout will not be presented to the converter again. Document with a ‘time out' conversion status need to be resubmitted manually by pressing the ‘convert’ button.
An issue might also occur directly upon opening a document.
Error message
Possible causes
No document attached to object
No document version is set. The document version is set automatically if the field 'document.autoPublish= yes'. If this is set to 'no', the current version must be set via a workflow. For example, via the 'Publish' function. To fix this check the document settings and set the version manually if needed.
title | Time out error |
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Als er een fout optreedt en er geen specifieke foutmelding is gedefinieerd, toont Workplace Management een algemene foutmelding: Er is een systeemfout opgetreden'. bericht. Probeer opnieuw wat u aan het doen was. Als de fout nog steeds optreedt, controleer dan de mogelijke oorzaken hieronder. Als u het probleem niet kunt oplossen, neem dan contact op met Spacewell Support.
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Bestandsconversie wordt gedaan door rapportservers/converter engines, direct na het uploaden van een document. Veel voorkomende fouten bij het uploaden van een document worden in de onderstaande tabel weergegeven.
Een probleem kan ook direct optreden bij het openen van een document.
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Time-out fouten zijn vaak het gevolg van systeemgrenzen/limieten. Bekijk dit artikel voor meer informatie over time-outfouten als gevolg van grenzen/limieten: System boundaries and limits: max. file size, export restrictions, timeouts, etc. |
Error message
Possible causes
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It can happen that a page you want to open keeps loading. If this happens, try again. If this does not solve the issue, take a look at the possible causes in the table below.
What happens?
Possible causes
A specific include or the whole dashBoard/ startBoard keeps loading
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Het kan gebeuren dat een pagina die je wilt openen steeds opnieuw wordt geladen. Als dit gebeurt, probeer het dan opnieuw. Als dit het probleem niet oplost, bekijk dan de mogelijke oorzaken in de onderstaande tabel.
Environment/ startBoard continues to load after user logs in or after you switch after this user
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title | Workflow related error |
After pressing a workflow button an error can occur. A few blocking error messages are shown in the table below. We do not discus intentional warning messages or confirmation messages (this is always a popup).
Error message
Possible causes
No users can be found to assign to the workflow task: task name - object reference - title
When executing a function, the workflow moves to the next status, and the next task in the workflow is created. Most likely causes:
When a task is created for the systemGroup x, whilst this group has no member this leads to an error.
If all the tasks that are being created are for: a contact that has no systemUser, or for a contact that is in the bin/archive.
Note: the error clearly states which task it concerns.
You do not have enough rights to delete: task name - object reference - title
Executing a workflow task might result in tokens (of advanced workflows) being deleted by users. If this leads to an error, access to the objects ‘Token’ and 'Enabler' can be set to full for the user groups that required access.
title | Other issues |
What happens?
What does it mean?
Uploaded photo’s are shown at a 90 degree angle (e.g. portrait instead of landscape)
The camera's original orientation (portrait of landscape) is used to determine rotation after upload. Rotating the photo using a simple Windows photo viewer has no affects as this does not actually change the images’ orientation.
Rw ui textbox macro |
- N/A
An error can occur the moment a user tries to log in.
Error message
What does it mean?
You cannot log in because no user groups are active
The user that is trying to log in does not have at least one active user group. Solution is to link at least one user group to this user.
Access denied
IP whitelisting is enabled (Settings > ‘Authentication’ tab) and the users IP is not on the whitelist.
Your request had been blocked for security reasons
Client tries to login in with a second sessions whilst multi-session login is not allowed. Try closing the browser completely and login again.
IP whitelisting is enabled (Settings > ‘Authentication’ tab) and the users IP is not on the whitelist.
Logging in with SSO failed
User is not active (active = no)
Password of the user is expired
User does not have user groups linked to the active contact
Unable to validate SAML message
SAML username of the user does not match the SAML username in the client SSO application. Make sure the two match
META data has to be updated on Workplace of client side
SSO certificate has expired.
Er kan een fout optreden op het moment dat een gebruiker probeert in te loggen.
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Na het indrukken van een workflowknop kan er een fout optreden. Enkele blokkerende foutmeldingen worden in de tabel hieronder weergegeven. We maken geen onderscheid tussen opzettelijke waarschuwingsberichten of bevestigingsberichten (dit is altijd een popup).
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