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Release date 2301-0306-2024 |
Key | Release note |
AXX-1648 | Admin navigation menu and startboard A few small updates have been done in the 'Admin' navigation menu and the administrators startboard: 1: The ‘Groups' search was a report (filter screen with the results in the next page). This has been replaced by a ‘keyword search' with the results directly shown below. This makes it possible to search on multiple fields (via keywords) just like for most of the other objects (Assets, Requests, Reservations, etc). 2: The ‘Authorize users’ navigation menu option is replaced by the ‘User profile dashboard’. This dashboard was already available on the administrators startboard and has been the up-to-date way to manage and assign profiles to users. |
Module activation for exchange A new 'Module activation' has been added for the Microsoft Exchange (Outlook reservations) integration. Via this module activation, the external app that is used to set up the integration on the Workplace Management side is generated. This module activation will guide the user through (parts of) the setup for this integration and also contains a direct link to the complete documentation for setting up this integration on Knowledge base. | |
New 'module settings' tab for User management A new module settings tab has been added: 'Users'. This tab (found under the 'Masterdata' header) is always available and shows the relevant settings for users. Previously, these settings were found on some of the client setting tabs (interface and authentication), they have been removed there and added together in this new tab. | |
SystemUser now has a unique identifier The object 'SystemUser' now has a new field 'uniqueReference'. This will automatically be populated with a unique reference and can thus be used as a unique identifier of a system user. | |
Assets overview per property The 'related assets' overview in a property now also directly shows the results based on the general master data setting 'Show master data objects directly if less than X'. Next to that, this overview now has the same columns as the regular asset overview (when searching assets directly via the navigation menu). | |
Compliance: Recent updates to the legislation If the Compliance module is used and the user has access to the default legislation, recent updates to the legislation are now shown directly on the startboard of the user (instead of only on the Compliance dashboard). | |
Compliance: NL/SfB-code on asset It was already possible to link a code (for the Dutch legislation, the NL/SfB code) to an asset related to compliance. But this field was only visible on the 'Compliance' tab. The code field is now added to the general page of an Asset and the label of the field is changed to 'NL/SfB-code' in Dutch. This field is only shown if compliance applies to the asset. | |
Compliance: Legislation document applicable by default When generating new legislation documents (for instance, when linking a legislation to an asset), each legislation document is now applicable by default. Previously these were not applicable by default. | |
Compliance: Link multiple assets to a legislation From now on, it is possible to link a specific legislation to multiple assets in one action, instead of always doing this per asset via the asset page. This can be done on the legislation, which contains an extra 'include' that shows the assets linked to this legislation, including an 'Assign assets' button, to add more assets in one go. | |
Compliance: Asset overview updates The compliance asset overview has been updated to also include columns regarding the related area and assigned legislation(s). | |
Compliance: Addtional filter options When searching for a legislation to link to a building, an additional filter is added, in which the user can filter between legislations only related to buildings or related to buildings and assets. | |
Admin Customization: Filter on enumeration items From now on, it is possible to filter enumeration items on a page field linked to an enumeration field. This can for instance be used to only show a sub-set of request statussen in the request filter page. An example script for the RequestStatusCode field: result = [] ; | |
Long-term maintenance work order activity overview in work order When assigning work activities to a work order, the name of the work activity was not shown in this overview. This has been added. Next to that, in the list of assigned work activities to the work order, the related asset was not shown, this has also been added. | |
QR codes on Areas are now always unique: It was already possible to generate a QR code for areas (which are used in the integration with Workplace Experience, for the scan-to-book feature), however, the QR codes were generated based on the reference of the Area. Since the reference is also editable and often used by a customer to fill in the room numbers, these references might not be unique over multiple buildings. Since the QR codes should be unique, the QR codes are now generated based on the unique reference field. If generating QR codes for areas is already enabled, the setting (Module settings -> Masterdata tab -> Properties and areas -> Automatically generate QR code for areas) should be switched off and on again. This will make sure all new areas or areas without a QR code will get the QR code based on this unique reference (areas that already have a QR code will not be updated). | |
Reservations navigation menu search screen: The 'Reservations' navigation menu option directly loaded and showed all the reservations taking place today. Especially for customers creating a lot of reservations, this is taking too much time to load, might lead to too many results to display, and is not relevant anyway (the user just wants to search based on keywords). To have more control over the default behavior of this screen, a new general setting is added (Module settings -> Reservations tab -> 'Initially show reservations in searchpage') in which the initial loading behavior can be selected: -Reservations taking place today (default behavior, also if this setting is left empty) | |
Maximun number of reservations from recurring reservation The maximum number of reservation instances generated from a recurring reservation has now been fixed to 1080 reservations (equal to the maximum in Outlook). Before, it used to be dependent on several different system settings. it is still possible to lower this number on the general client level via the reservation settings page, field 'Maximum scheduled occurrences'. | |
Check on reserved objects when changing a reservation: When submitting a new reservation, a check is done if the reservation contains at least one item to reserve. This check is now also added when changing and resubmitting an existing reservation, to avoid users from unintentionally submitting reservations without actually reserving anything. | |
Start in a different startboard tab: When using the default Workplace Management startboard, key users have multiple tabs on this startboard (e.g. the general tab for creating reservations and requests and a service desk tab to handle requests as a service desk employee), from now on, a user can set the default startboard start tab on its user settings page. Via this new setting, the user will always start in that tab (when logging in or clicking on the logo in the top left corner to return to the startboard). This will make sure users can decide by themselves in which of the multiple tabs available to them, they always want to start. This option is only available to users that have multiple startboard tabs available. | |
User management: Warning when removing all system groups A warning is added when all the system groups are removed from a user that is still active. A user that has no direct system groups linked to it, will not be able to use the system. The warning is added to inform user managers about this potential issue directly. | |
User management: Non-partner user can no longer change partner users To avoid customers from changing users that are used by Spacewell support or implementation consultants, a non-partner user can no longer change the user settings of a partner user (This is only related to fields on the Systemuser object, not the related contact). | |
User management: Non-admin users can no longer change admin users To avoid user managers who do not have administrator access themselves, from changing users that have administrator access (Potentially resulting in not having any administrators and needing support to restore this), non-admin users can no longer change the user settings of a user with administrator access (This is only related to fields on the Systemuser object, not the related contact). | |
User management: No londer possible to change the 'Administrator' user licence To avoid users from changing user licenses for users related to Support/Spacewell consultants and technical users related to API integrations, the user license on the SystemUser page is read-only if it has the value Administrator, and this list also does not contain the value Administrator. If any changes to the licenses are needed for these users, these will need to be requested via support (who can change these values). | |
Users management: User settings tab optimized The 'Settings' tab on the user page has been optimized. It contained some irrelevant or obsolete settings, which have been removed, and (hover-over) help texts and some label improvements for the relevant fields are added. | |
Users management: User type renamed to User licenses To be more clear and consistent, the field in which the license (e.g. full user, limited user) of the user is defined, is renamed from 'User type' to 'User licenses'. | |
Visitor workflow update The expected arrival and departure times of a registered visitor could be changed without changing the status of the visitor. Not changing the status of the visitor workflow means it is impossible to send a new e-email or trigger a possible (custom) update to another system (e.g. badge access system). Because of this, the visitor workflow has been updated. | |
Work order status name update The work order workflows (Corrective, Preventive, and LTMP) contained two statuses with the same name: 'Rejected'. This has been updated to be more clear and distinctive: | |
Work orders: New general setting for planned vs. actual amount When using work order items, by default the planned amount of the items was copied to the actual amount when approving the work order. Even though the user could still change the actual amount, it is not always desired to copy it, therefore a general setting is added (Module settings -> General work order settings tab) in which it can be indicated if the planned amount should be copied to the actual amount. | |
Workplace Experience integration: Update to show linked objects The external app (used to set up the integration between Workplace Management and Workplace Experience) is used to view the objects related to the integration (Properties, Areas, and System users) directly in the page includes without a filter option. Since this would lead to errors for customers with more than 1000 objects, these page includes are now updated to Searchviews (A keyword search option with the results directly underneath it) that initially show the first 10 results (using the search will return all the result based on the keywords). | |
Module settings for reservations optimized The Module settings tab for reservations has been optimized. It contained some irrelevant or obsolete settings, which have been removed, and some label improvements for the relevant fields are added. next to that some headings are changed1515 | Default email address: If no email address is specified in the general email settings, the system would send emails on behalf of 'noreply@axxerion.com'. This has been changed to 'noreply@spacewell.com'. |
Authorizations: The navigation system groups (e.g. 'access to navigation menu assets') were part of the '9. Others' parent group. Since more navigation-specific system groups are being added, they now have their own parent system group to group them together: '8. Additional navigation option'. This change should not impact any users or processes. | |
Buildings: The label ‘Property’ and all related labels have been renamed to ‘building’ as this is a more suitable name. This change only impacts the English language. | |
Buildings - Categories: Some small enhancements are done for the building categories: - A description is added to the categories, which is visible when creating a new building object. | |
Compliance graphs: The compliance graphs now include an additional filter field 'Related to'. Via this filter field, it is possible to view all graphs only based on legislation documents related to assets or only to buildings (or both by default). | |
Compliance: A new option has been added to upload new documents in bulk. This option is available via the navigation menu 'Compliance'. Via this option, the legislation (document) manager can upload multiple documents at once and link each document to the relevant asset and document type via a list view. | |
Compliance - Additional system group for supplier access: Not every compliance user automatically has the access rights to see the navigation menu or startboard to find the legislation documents they are responsible for via the different overviews. This is usually the case if users are only authorizaed in the context of a legislation or compliance asset for example. A new group is added (8. view compliance startboard (FMB-G161)) to give a user (e.g. a supplier) access to several options on the Compliance dashboard to find legislation documents they are responsible for, without the need to actually wait until they receive a task in the workflow. | |
Compliance - Automatically link relevant legislations to building When linking a legislation to an asset, that is also related to a building, the legislation will now be automatically linked to the building. The relevant document types for the building will also be automatically generated. | |
Compliance - Enabling user access on Legislation level: It is now also possible to authorize users to upload documents in the context of a legislation (either new documents or new versions of existing documents). Via this option, it becomes possible to give a user the task of managing all documents for a specific legislation. | |
Compliance - NL/SfB code: Some changes have been made related to NL/SfB code field and table related to compliance: - A new table for the NL/SfB codes has been added. The old table was an element list, not the NL/SfB list. If desired, the old list can be deleted and the new list can be generated. | |
Compliance - Updates to the initial reference date: - The 'Initial reference date' field on a legislation document is now automatically taken over from the asset 'purchase date' field, if the document is applicable to the asset or the construction date of the building, if the legislation document is applicable to the building | |
Compliance - Updates to the overviews: Multiple updates and additions have been made on some of the overviews used in the compliance module: -The legislation documents overview now includes the filter ‘Document responsible’ to filter on legislation documents where a specific user has the role to upload the new documents. | |
Default password email: For new tenants, the email the users receive with the Workplace Management login credentials has been updated. The email now includes the correct (new UI) URL and the word 'Axxerion' has been replaced by 'Workplace Management'. | |
Documents - Link existing documents: Key users can now also link already uploaded documents to an object (e.g. buildings, assets, etc.) instead of only uploading new documents. Via the new 'Link existing document' button, existing documents can be searched and can be linked to the selected object. | |
Project management: The new Project management module has been added. This module can be used to manage (capital) projects, project phases, project-related work orders, and track budget vs realization on project (parts). For more information on how to enable and use this module, see: https://support.spacewell.com/page/workplace-management | |
Request problem types: The navigation menu option 'Problem type trees' has been relabeled to 'Problem trees' and this overview only shows problem trees that actually have problem types linked to them. As an administrator, the option to view all problem trees and add new ones is still available via this overview. | |
Requests - Service Level Agreements: If Service Level Agreements on a request were enabled, not all relevant fields were shown on the request. Only the ‘Log date’, ‘Planned due date’, and ‘Handled date’ were shown. The ‘Planned response date’ and ‘Response date’ are now also added. The ‘Planned due date' has been relabeled to ‘Planned handle date’. A heading has been added to bundle the SLA relevant fields mentioned above. A page include is also added to show manual changes made to the field ‘Log date', ‘Response date’ and 'Handle date’. Manual changes can be done via the pencil button behind the applicable field and a mandatory reason needs to be filled in. | |
Reservable objects - Page settings optimizations: Some optimizations on the reservable object pages have been done: -The function ‘Availability’ has been moved to a page include to show the linked regime directly. | |
Reservation general settings: It is no longer possible to set negative values in the 'Reserve in advance from' and 'Reserve in advance until' settings in the reservation module settings, as those would lead to not being able to create a reservation that starts after now. To avoid unnecessary issues and the need for support, an error is now given if a negative value is entered in one of these fields. | |
Reservation types: Some of the settings on the reservation type (Reserve areas, Reserve asset, Reserve catering) were always available, even if in general these settings were not enabled. This has been updated. The settings on the reservation type are only available if the related general setting is enabled. | |
User profiles: The user profile overviews no longer show user profiles that are NOT customer-specific (e.g. the root profiles), with the exception of the 'Workplace Management Administrator'. Only the Workplace Management administrator profile and customer-specific profiles are relevant and should be used. | |
User management - New option to show all users: The user search overview now has an additional function 'Show all users' on the search page. This gives an overview of all users. The regular search option shows a maximum of 1000 users, which makes it difficult to view all users if there are more than 1000. | |
Admin customization - Use a template on 'createObject' function: Two new fields have been added to the pageFunction object and page: Via these fields, a template can be set (similar to setting a template in a category) and if a createObject function is used, the template will be used to preset fields (based on the template). | |
Implementation Consultants - MCS to Workplace Management solution: A new solution activation has been added to the module activations: MCS to Workplace Management for Workplace Experience-only customers. If a customer is currently using MCS as IWMS, while only using Workplace Experience features and touchpoints, a solution can be enabled to migrate this customer to Workplace Management. This will enable the correct options and modules, as well as provide the correct import templates. Be aware: This always needs to be coordinated with Product/Development first. | |
Viewing graphs with dark mode enabled When dark mode on your operating system is enabled, the background of high charts also becomes black. This made the graphs look strange and unreadable. Therefore has the option to use dark backgrounds or styles for displaying charts been removed and the graphs no longer become black. |
Key | Release note | |
AXX-1615 Purchase orders e-mail contained HTML tags Some of the e-mails in the Purchase order process contained HTML tags ("<br>")2109 | Maintenance schedule 'create in past' field label: When a user has ‘View’ access to the field ‘createInPast’ In Maintenance schedules, they see 'True/ False' and when they have editing rights to the field, you see Yes/ No. This has been fixed and the field now always shows yes/no. | |
AXX-953 | Setup and tidy up settings on reservable objects When using the 'Setup' or 'Tidy up' time fields on a reservable object (which can be used to add additional time before or after a reservation on the object, to reserve time for setting it up or cleaning it), decimals (e.g. 1,5 hours) were not correctly supported and it was always rounded down when automatically blocking the period before or after the reservation. This has been fixed. | |
Next reservation on reservable object Reservable objects (e.g. an area) showed the next reservation (reservable field 'next reservation'), this did not work anymore and has been fixed. When a new reservation is created for an object, this field is correctly updated again. | ||
Trust relation bug fix When generating a shared key (AES) for a trust relation by using Axxerion script, the generated key was incorrectly formatted which prevented the user to make use of it. This has been fixed, the correct formatting is now applied. | ||
Unsupported characters bug fix When updating data in text fields via a planning script (for instance via an API) that contains unsupported characters (For instance, certain smileys that are not supported in our current Unicode version), an error was thrown and the script was deactivated. This has been updated, such that the unsupported characters are skipped and the script continues without an error2001 | Assurance documents: The document type overview in the 'Assurance documents' module showed a wrong page name (Assurance types instead of document types) in the breadcrumb path. This has been fixed. | |
Parking reservations: If parking areas are reservable, they did not show up as reservable areas in a new reservation in Workplace management. This was due to the reservable type field that was automatically set to 'parking'. This type resulted in some unwanted filtering on which reservables to show. This has been fixed for new areas's by using a custom label 'parking'. These areas now do show up (if available) in a new reservation. | ||
Reservation calendar: When adding equipment via the reservation calendar in an existing reservation, the calendar did not directly show results, this has been fixed. | ||
Barcode scan When using the barcode scan option in Workplace management to search for an object, instead of opening the object (for instance an asset or visitor), it sometimes showed a list containing the object twice. This has been fixed. | ||
Selecting the default startboard tab for a user When selecting the default startboard tab for a user in the user's user settings, the available options were displayed based on the logged in user instead of the user that the settings belong to. This has been fixed. | ||
Regime timezone used for calculating availability When submitting a reservation, the availability check that is performed did not take the timezone of the relevant regime's into account. This has been fixed. |