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Release date 17-08-2024 |
Key | Release note | |
1515 | Default email address: If no email address is specified in the general email settings, the system would send emails on behalf of 'noreply@axxerion.com'. This has been changed to 'noreply@spacewell.com'. | Authorizations: The navigation system groups (e.g. 'access to navigation menu assets') were part of the '9. Others' parent group. Since more navigation-specific system groups are being added, they now have their own parent system group to group them together: '8. Additional navigation option'. This change should not impact any users or processes. |
Buildings: The label ‘Property’ and all related labels have been renamed to ‘building’ as this is a more suitable name. This change only impacts the English language. | ||
Buildings - Categories: Some small enhancements are done for the building categories: - A description is added to the categories, which is visible when creating a new building object. | ||
Compliance graphs: The compliance graphs now include an additional filter field 'Related to'. Via this filter field, it is possible to view all graphs only based on legislation documents related to assets or only to buildings (or both by default). | ||
Compliance: A new option has been added to upload new documents in bulk. This option is available via the navigation menu 'Compliance'. Via this option, the legislation (document) manager can upload multiple documents at once and link each document to the relevant asset and document type via a list view. | ||
Compliance - Additional system group for supplier access: Not every compliance user automatically has the access rights to see the navigation menu or startboard to find the legislation documents they are responsible for via the different overviews. This is usually the case if users are only authorizaed in the context of a legislation or compliance asset for example. A new group is added (8. view compliance startboard (FMB-G161)) to give a user (e.g. a supplier) access to several options on the Compliance dashboard to find legislation documents they are responsible for, without the need to actually wait until they receive a task in the workflow. | ||
Compliance - Automatically link relevant legislations to building When linking a legislation to an asset, that is also related to a building, the legislation will now be automatically linked to the building. The relevant document types for the building will also be automatically generated. | ||
Compliance - Enabling user access on Legislation level: It is now also possible to authorize users to upload documents in the context of a legislation (either new documents or new versions of existing documents). Via this option, it becomes possible to give a user the task of managing all documents for a specific legislation. | ||
Compliance - NL/SfB code: Some changes have been made related to NL/SfB code field and table related to compliance: - A new table for the NL/SfB codes has been added. The old table was an element list, not the NL/SfB list. If desired, the old list can be deleted and the new list can be generated. | ||
Compliance - Updates to the initial reference date: - The 'Initial reference date' field on a legislation document is now automatically taken over from the asset 'purchase date' field, if the document is applicable to the asset or the construction date of the building, if the legislation document is applicable to the building | ||
Compliance - Updates to the overviews: Multiple updates and additions have been made on some of the overviews used in the compliance module: -The legislation documents overview now includes the filter ‘Document responsible’ to filter on legislation documents where a specific user has the role to upload the new documents. | ||
Default password email: For new tenants, the email the users receive with the Workplace Management login credentials has been updated. The email now includes the correct (new UI) URL and the word 'Axxerion' has been replaced by 'Workplace Management'. | ||
Documents - Link existing documents: Key users can now also link already uploaded documents to an object (e.g. buildings, assets, etc.) instead of only uploading new documents. Via the new 'Link existing document' button, existing documents can be searched and can be linked to the selected object. | ||
Project management: The new Project management module has been added. This module can be used to manage (capital) projects, project phases, project-related work orders, and track budget vs realization on project (parts). For more information on how to enable and use this module, see: https://support.spacewell.com/page/workplace-management | ||
Request problem types: The navigation menu option 'Problem type trees' has been relabeled to 'Problem trees' and this overview only shows problem trees that actually have problem types linked to them. As an administrator, the option to view all problem trees and add new ones is still available via this overview. | ||
Requests - Service Level Agreements: If Service Level Agreements on a request were enabled, not all relevant fields were shown on the request. Only the ‘Log date’, ‘Planned due date’, and ‘Handled date’ were shown. The ‘Planned response date’ and ‘Response date’ are now also added. The ‘Planned due date' has been relabeled to ‘Planned handle date’. A heading has been added to bundle the SLA relevant fields mentioned above. A page include is also added to show manual changes made to the field ‘Log date', ‘Response date’ and 'Handle date’. Manual changes can be done via the pencil button behind the applicable field and a mandatory reason needs to be filled in. | ||
Reservable objects - Page settings optimizations: Some optimizations on the reservable object pages have been done: -The function ‘Availability’ has been moved to a page include to show the linked regime directly. | ||
Reservation general settings: It is no longer possible to set negative values in the 'Reserve in advance from' and 'Reserve in advance until' settings in the reservation module settings, as those would lead to not being able to create a reservation that starts after now. To avoid unnecessary issues and the need for support, an error is now given if a negative value is entered in one of these fields. | ||
Reservation types: Some of the settings on the reservation type (Reserve areas, Reserve asset, Reserve catering) were always available, even if in general these settings were not enabled. This has been updated. The settings on the reservation type are only available if the related general setting is enabled. | ||
User profiles: The user profile overviews no longer show user profiles that are NOT customer-specific (e.g. the root profiles), with the exception of the 'Workplace Management Administrator'. Only the Workplace Management administrator profile and customer-specific profiles are relevant and should be used. | ||
User management - New option to show all users: The user search overview now has an additional function 'Show all users' on the search page. This gives an overview of all users. The regular search option shows a maximum of 1000 users, which makes it difficult to view all users if there are more than 1000. | ||
Admin customization - Use a template on 'createObject' function: Two new fields have been added to the pageFunction object and page: Via these fields, a template can be set (similar to setting a template in a category) and if a createObject function is used, the template will be used to preset fields (based on the template). | ||
Implementation Consultants - MCS to Workplace Management solution: A new solution activation has been added to the module activations: MCS to Workplace Management for Workplace Experience-only customers. If a customer is currently using MCS as IWMS, while only using Workplace Experience features and touchpoints, a solution can be enabled to migrate this customer to Workplace Management. This will enable the correct options and modules, as well as provide the correct import templates. Be aware: This always needs to be coordinated with Product/Development first. | ||
Recurring reservations - Updating reservations: When changing the reservations based on a reservation schedule, it was necessary to first put the desired reservations into 'change' status and only those reservations were updated based on the schedule. This has been changed. From now on, if the 'update' function ('Create/submit/update reservations) ' is used in a reservation schedule, all open reservations are automatically put to change status (if still allowed by the workflow) and updated and re-submitted based on the changes done in the template (e.g. changed the reserved resources or updated the subject of the reservation) or the recurring schedule (e.g. weekly instead of daily). This makes it easier for users, as it takes a lot less manual actions to update reservations based on a reservation schedule and this also makes sure this functionality is in line with how Outlook and Google calendar recurring reservations work. It is still possible to change a single reservation in a reservation schedule by opening that reservation and changing it. If however the schedule is later updated, any reservation deviating from this schedule will also be put back in line with the schedule, similar to Outlook. | ||
Reservations - Startboard tab improvements: The reservations startboard tab was only available to users with the system group 'Reservation Coordinator'. But since other users might also get tasks in a reservation (Approve specific items, take in or hand out items) or need to view upcoming reservations for other purposes (e.g. be able to view all reservations for the coming days with remarks added), some improvements are done:
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Administrators: QR code for contacts A new setting is added to the 'Workplace Experience' module settings: Automatically generate QR code for contacts. Each contact will automatically get a unique QR code if this setting is enabled. The related user can use this in the Workplace Experience touch points to authenticate itself when using the QR authentication option. | ||
Implementation consultants - default client currency The initialization wizard and the 'Module settings' general tab now contain the 'Default currency' field. In this field, the default currency for the client can be changed from euro to another currency. This currency is used in the modules and objects that also have currency fields (e.g. catalog items, contracts, invoices). | ||
Reservations - Reservations created via Exchange If a reservation is created via the Microsoft exchange integration, the reservation cannot be edited in Workplace Management, however, the options to change the reservation into a recurring reservation or set the reservation as 'No show' were still available, these options are now also hidden for inbound reservations (created via Exchange), as changes can only be made in the system where the reservation was created. | ||
Reservations - General approval: The workflow task description to approve a reservation was very limited and not very helpful. This text has been updated to better explain the task to the user (Reservation coordinators). | ||
Reservations - Restriction checks when (re) submitting a reservation: When an already submitted reservation is changed and re-submitted, only the restrictions on reservable item level (reserve in from and until) are checked (is the user allowed to reserve the objects based on the current time vs reservation start time), but not the corresponding general restriction settings. This has been updated to include these settings to check if a reservation is allowed to be submitted. | ||
Reservations - Restriction exception group improvements: Via the reservation module settings, multiple settings are available to specify a system group that is excepted from certain conflict or restriction checks (e.g. skip the check on reserve in advance restrictions). Since the use of the setting 'Exception group reserve until (items)' was very similar to the 'Ignore reserve in advance restrictions for users with group' setting and this field was either not set or set to the same value as the second field for existing clients, this first group is removed to make the settings easier to understand and less redundant. Next to that, the three remaining settings are now grouped together on the reservation module settings page and the labels and help texts are updated to better describe there use. | ||
Supplier work order - Missing fields added: The work order page a supplier uses (if a supplier is given access to Workplace Management to handle work orders by itself via the system) did not contain some relevant fields related to the location of the work order (The building, address, area and or asset related to the work order). If any of these fields contain data, the field is now also shown on the supplier work order page. | ||
Areas - Capacity field: The 'persons' field on an area (which is used to specify the capacity of the area) was only available if the reservation module was also enabled. Since adding the capacity can also be relevant without using reservations, this field is now always available. The label of the field is changed to 'Capacity (persons)' to better described the use of the field. | ||
Implementation consultants: enabling Service & Equipment in the Workplace Experience module and solution activation: As this release also includes the option to reserve services (catalog items) and equipment (assets) in the Workplace Experience touch-points, the solution and module activation for this integration have been updated to have the option to enable these two options on the Workplace Management side, making sure the relevant catalog items and assets can be linked automatically to the external app used for the Workplace Experience integration. | ||
Floor areas - Floor number added: The floor area page now has the field 'Floor number' field added. Via this field, the floor number (e.g. 0, 1, 2) can be set. This field is also used in the Workplace Experience touchpoints to sort the floors correctly. | ||
Application managers: The already existing report to check logins and logouts of users (including IP addresses) is now available via the startboard (Login log), instead of needing to know about this report and finding it. | ||
Implementation consultants: The option to search on translation keys was available to level 2 administrators, but directly searching translation keys is only relevant to a level 3 (customization) administrator (as keys are not known without being able to navigate to the page definitions of pages), therefore this option is only available to level 3 administrators from now on. Level 1 & 2 administrators can still search for the translations itself and override existing translations via that option. | ||
Implementation Consultants - MCS to Workplace Management solution: For the MCS to Workplace management migration, the import related to reservations has been split into two imports, one for future reservations and one for historical reservations. Historical reservations are not imported in a workflow, as the workflow does not serve any purpose and only slows down the time it takes to import. | ||
Reservations - Restriction checks when canceling a reservation: Currently, if there are restrictions active in general or on specific reservation items (reserve in advance and until), a user can get an error message that changing a reservation is no longer allowed. This is to prevent a user from being able to put a reservation in change status, but not being able to submit it anymore, due to the same restrictions. In this case, a user can always contact a reservation coordinator (assuming the reservation coordinators are still allowed to change the reservation (based on the client settings). However, these same checks were not performed when canceling a reservation. Therefore a user that was not allowed to change a reservation, and could still cancel it. This has been changed, and the same restriction checks are done when trying to cancel a reservation, as is done when changing a reservation. Also, in this case, a user will get an error message, and a reservation coordinator can always cancel the reservation if needed (if the reservation coordinator system group is configured to be allowed to do this). | ||
Reservations - Remarks: To be more consistent and to be in line with the options to add remarks to reservation in Workplace Experience, multiple small changes are done: When creating a new reservation:
When opening an existing reservation:
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Reservations - Price rate updates:
N.b: Reservable Assets (Equipment), already did not support prices or price rates. Nothing is changed in this regard. | ||
Administrators - Corporate identity: When creating a custom Corporate identity, colors can be assigned to certain parts of the user interface. This is done via the 'skin items' include. The column 'Logical color' is used to select for which part of the interface a color is used. This is a list of pre-defined options. This list also contained a lot of options not relevant for this context. These have been hidden and only the relevant options are available. For more information on the options and colors, see: https://spacewell.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/KB/pages/111444072/Corporate+identity | ||
[Customization] Administrators - Additional fields added to the Reservation and Reservation Item object The following fields are added to the Reservation and ReservationItem objects:
These fields currently do not have any business logic added and will be used in the Workplace Management baseline in the future for reservation related features. | ||
[Customization] Administrators - visitor type added: The Visitor object now also has a VisitorTypeCode field. This field will be used for integration purposes in the future. | ||
[Customization] Administrators - visitor.functionalUpdateTime added: The Visitor object now also has a functionalUpdateTime field. This field will be used for integration purposes in the future. | ||
[Customization] Administrators - visitor.uniqueReference added: The Visitor object now also has a uniqueReference field. This field will be used for integration purposes in the future. | ||
[Customization] Integrations - Updating objects via API: Previously, when updating a field related to an object (e.g. areaId in a request) via the API, it was mandatory to use the DataBaseId value of that object. From now on, the UniqueReference of the object can also be used for this (for objects that have a UniqueReference field). |
Key | Release note | ||
2109 | Exchange integration - Canceling an ongoing reservation: When a recurring reservation is canceled via Outlook that contains a reservation that is currently taking place, that same reservation in Workplace Management was not canceled. This has been fixed | and the field now always shows yes/no. | |
2001 | Assurance documents: The document type overview in the 'Assurance documents' module showed a wrong page name (Assurance types instead of document types) in the breadcrumb path. This has been fixed. | ||
Parking reservations: If parking areas are reservable, they did not show up as reservable areas in a new reservation in Workplace management. This was due to the reservable type field that was automatically set to 'parking'. This type resulted in some unwanted filtering on which reservables to show. This has been fixed for new areas's by using a custom label 'parking'. These areas now do show up (if available) in a new reservation. | |||
Reservation calendar: When adding equipment via the reservation calendar in an existing reservation, the calendar did not directly show results, this has been fixed. | |||
Barcode scan When using the barcode scan option in Workplace management to search for an object, instead of opening the object (for instance an asset or visitor), it sometimes showed a list containing the object twice. This has been fixed. | |||
Selecting the default startboard tab for a user When selecting the default startboard tab for a user in the user's user settings, the available options were displayed based on the logged in user instead of the user that the settings belong to. This has been fixed. | |||
Reloading fields - Auto complete fields: An auto complete field (e.g. a supplier contact field on an asset in which you type the first few characters and suggestions are shown in a drop-down to select from) always saved that field, without saving the other fields on the page, even if a reload on the field (used to auto. save a page if a specific field is changed) or a general save was not done. This was not consistent with the other types of fields and caused issues when this field was used (via a script) to automatically set a certain other field on the page via a reload on this auto. complete field, resulting in the other field not being set to the value determined by the script, due to this semi double save mechanism. This has been fixed. An auto complete field no longer automatically saves the value put in the field, unless the field is set to reload (as that results in a save on the page) or the page is saved in another way ('save' or 'save and return' page function is used, or another field is set that also reloads (and thus saves) the page. | |||
LTMP (Long term maintenance planning) work orders: The cost include on a LTMP workorder had a 'New' button, giving the impression a new cost line could be added via that function. As this was not the case, this function has been removed from the include. Cost items are automatically created when adding work activities to an LTMP workorder. | |||
Customization: The 'ListPageField' page was updated a few months back to have certain fields (e.g. Reload, Barcode scannable) better positioned on the page. This caused the 'add level' option to disappear from the page, therefore the page has been restored to how it looked a few months back. This is only a small UI change and all fields are still available |