Corporate identity

Corporate identity


The corporate identity is used to apply (custom) colors and logo to the Workplace Management environment. The customer can add their own colors and logo to make the application more in line with the companies identity.

By default the Workplace Management environments corporate identity is the following:


Edit the current corporate identity

  1. Go to ‘Client settings' → 'Interface’ tab

  2. Navigate to the current corporate identity by clicking the magnifying glass next to the field

  3. Note: if all corporate identity fields are not editable, then this corporate identity is inherited and cannot be changed.

Create and set a new corporate identity

  1. Go to ‘Client settings' → 'Interface’ tab

  2. Navigate to the ‘Corporate identity' field and click on ‘>’ to open the side menu and then click '…’.

    1. If there was no corporate identity filled in, the button '…' is directly availble to click on

  3. Now create a new corporate identity by:

    1. pressing the '+' on the top right corner

    2. press ‘Search’ to show the list of available corporate identities and click on 'New'

  4. Enter the corporate identities name, primary colors and a logo.

  5. Click on 'Preview trial version' and refresh your browser to see a preview of the corporate identity.

  6. Once the corporate identity is final, click on 'Publish trial version'.

  7. Set the created corporate identity in the corpoirate identity field to apply it for all users.

Next to applying a corporate identity on client level, it is also possible to apply a different coporate identity per user profile. All users with that particular user profile will have the deviating corporate identity.

Color the corporate identity

There are several colors which can be applied to different Workplace Management components. Pick a color via the color picker tool or enter a hex color code. See the example of the different colors in the above screenshot.






A mandatory name for the corporate identity.

Published version

Status of the published version. Before being able to use the corporate identity, the status needs to be ‘Available’.

Trial version

Status of the trial version.

First color

The top header

Second color

The navigation menu

Third color

This color currently has no function.

Fourth color

The sub header

Hyperlink color

Header text

Skin items (additional color customization options)

Skin items allow you to customize the corporate identity further. To add a skin item:

  1. Click ‘New’ in the skin item include;

  2. Set the ‘Logical color’ (explained in more detail below);

  3. Pick a Color;

  4. Click 'Save and return';

  5. Publish the trial to preview the added skin item

Logical color

The most commonly used logical color are explained below.

Logical color



Logical color




Workflow button color


Heading level 1

Page header color


Heading level 2

Include header color



Startboard button color



Selected lines color






Add a logo

To add a logo click the paperclip icon:

To add a logo to your environment it needs to meet a number of requirements.

  • It must be an .png or .svg file.

  • Support transparency.

  • The number of pixels must be 4:1 (e.g. width 400px and height 100px).

  • The maximum size of the image is 640px by 160px.

  • The minimum size of the image is 160px by 40px.

View/publish the corporate identity

After changing the settings of the corporate identity it can be previewed:

  1. Click ‘Preview trial version’. The status of the trial version will now switch to 'Ready for publication'.

  2. To preview the settings, refresh the page by clicking on the refresh button on your browser or press the logo on the top left of the page.
    Note: The preview version is only shown to the user that pressed the ‘Preview trial version’ button. If the user logs out and logs in again, the preview is no longer visible.

  3. Click ‘Publish trial version’ to save the trial version. The status of the published version will now switch to ‘Available’.

  4. Alternatively press the ‘Discard trial version’ if you don’t like the new settings.

After viewing the trial version, the button ‘Preview trial version’ will change into ‘Publish trial version’. It will only be possible to view another trial version after changing at least one of the colors and saving the page by clicking the save icon in the top right corner.