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Difficulty: expert


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Configure the device

  • Configure the device to its location in the Workplace Platform

This guide focuses on the configuration of the Xovis devices and deployment in the Workplace back-end Studio, after Xovis installation.

For a more detailed understanding of the Xovis Platform, please consult the https:/wiki/spaces/ manualcreatepage.action?spaceKey=KB&title=Xovis%E2%84%A2%20Platform%20%28SW%20internal%29&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=291047256 manual.


XOVIS WiFi devices' initial configuration (of the WiFi credentials) needs to happen while running a LAN/ethernet connection, and while being able to connect to the target WiFi network.

This means that, for the time required for the configuration, a LAN network needs to be available in a location where the target WiFi network is also reachable.

Configure Xovis sensor

Step 1. Access the Xovis Configuration Tool

titleXovis sensor Configuration Tool
  1. Connect your computer via an ethernet cable (ensure a power of 12V / 1,5 A) to the same network as the Xovis device.

  2. Use the Xovis scanning tool, or Download IP scanner (for example “Advanced IP Scanner”) to your computer. Get the Xovis scanning tool through this link Xovis Sensor Explorer: To view the sensors installed within a specific IP range, simply double-click the .exe file, which will open a page and scan the IP addresses. The sensors installed within that range will be listed there.

  3. Scan your environment to see which devices are in your vicinity

  1. Compare the MAC address from the device box with the list from the scanning tool.

  2. Right click - copy paste the IP into your browser (Chrome or Firefox): With the assigned IP address (DHCP), the WebGUI can be accessed

    1. The default username is “Admin”

    2. For the password: contact your Spacewell consultant, or see

  3. You will be forwarded to the Xovis Configuration Tool, where you can configure the device

Cancel The Xovis Configuration Tool provides a Wizard which walks through 8 steps:

  1. Region

  2. Date&Time

  3. Network Identification

  4. Privacy Mode

  5. Mounting height & tilt

  6. Image Setup

  7. Recalibration

  8. Setup Wizard Completed


You can follow the wizard or cancel the wizard and manually go through the

next steps.

below steps.

If you follow the wizard, don’t forget to also define Data Push in Singlesensor Settings after completion of the wizard, see

Step 2. General Settings

titleGeneral Settings
  1. Region: select applicable region

  2. Date&Time: based on filled in region, Date&Time will be filled in. Confirm

  3. Network identification:

    1. Make sure to mention the location (building_floor_location name) as part of the name, for easier identification on the HUB later

    2. in chapter IPv4, make sure DHCP and Fallback are enabled

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  1. (for WiFi devices) Wireless connectivity:

    1. select “Configure wireless network”

    2. scan for networks

    3. select the relevant network

    4. edit the SSID / network credentials

    5. test your connection

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  1. Privacy Mode: for 1st configuration, you need level 0


Do not change the Privacy Level at this stage: it's not possible to go back to level 0 without interference from the Spacewell Hardware Team

  1. Remote Connection: turn on both options

    1. Connect to Xovis support (allowing Xovis support to access this devices in case of issues): enable

    2. Remote connections (connect to Xovis HUB, making it possible to remotely access configuration): enable and provide the Xovis HUB connection information (A token containing the information defined in the HUB). Below screenshots show how to get this information from the hub (or ask Spacewell Hardware Team):

  1. User Management: change password is not recommended

  2. For the next sub chapters, you can skip these steps (just press "next")

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Devices listed on Xovis Hub

As soon as the devices are powered up for the first time: based on the hardware shipment list (see for the latest relevant link), the Spacewell consultant can verify the Xovis' devices MAC addresses are listed in the Xovis hub under “Unmanaged Devices”.

The sensors will only appear once they are plugged in and are able to connect to Xovis Hub. Before this, you are not able to see them in the Device Manager, except if you add them manually in the managed section.

If your devices are listed on Xovis Hub > Unmanaged devices, you can now linked them to your customer and continue the configuration remotely.


If you don’t see your devices listed under Unmanaged Devices and are not able to add the devices manually, reach out to the Hardware team

Step 3. Singlesensor Settings

title1-2. Rotation & Image setup
  1. Rotation: rotate the image view in a way that is workable for you as an admin

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Please note that the Floor Mask is essential and always needs to be drawn.

  1. Image setup: Anything that obscures the view of the sensor will result in a reduction of the tracking area. This is not a problem, if the requested sector can still be covered. Objects that are directly in front or close to the lenses, can have a negative effect on the tracking quality.

    1. Select buttons in the lower right corner, start drawing and once you're done, double click

    2. Draw Floor Mask

= Ground floorDraw Taboo Mask = you can indicate which areas need to be ignored Image Removed
    1. : Cover the whole visible floor for best tracking results. Avoid drawing the floor mask over objects such as tables or flower pots.

      1. Make sure not to cover anything that is not a floor (wall)

      2. Only track the floor that you’re interested in tracking

      3. If creating multiple floor masks, make sure they overlap exactly ON each other (not slightly next to each other)

      4. Once the Floor Mask tool is activated, simply click on the scene image to draw the corners and boundaries by clicking and pulling on a drawn line. Finish working on a floor area by double-clicking to create the last corner.

    2. Draw Taboo Mask: Masked areas are ignored for image processing (for example adjacent rooms or walkways). Use carefully! Taboo masks should cover slightly more space than necessary to avoid false positives, for example some physical artifacts may present themselves to be larger than they actually are (e.g. a mirroring wall).

  • Draw Illumination Mask = indicate all the lights or distractions from the light source

  • Click save

        1. like taping over the sensor eye, so it saves resources and disregards all it sees in that zone

        2. as soon as a person would come into the Taboo zone, the count will be lost

      1. Draw Illumination Mask: Disturbing light sources can optionally be covered with illumination masks. If a spot is extremely bright or dark, it distorts the evaluation of the sensor and the image gets too dark for regular tracking operation. With the Illumination mask, these areas are excluded from the measurement of the exposure. Indicate all the lights, brightly lid (reflecting/sunlight) or darker areas, or distractions from a light source.

        1. changes the contrast of the image

      2. Click save

      3. If you’re doing this after initial setup: Don’t forget to apply Recalibration (Singlesensor Settings > Recalibration) again after saving changes on this page


    After any change in the image setup, the sensor will compile a new re-calibration algorithm that need to be applied manually in the re-calibrations menu.

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    Exclusion mask is used in case of security reasons

    title3. Mounting Height & Tilt
    1. Mounting Height & Tilt

      1. Fill in the mounting heightheight from the floor up to the device (until the cover, if there is one)

      2. Tilt Setup Mode: select “automatic”: the sensor has a level inside and can automatically calculate if it's tilted and how much. If within acceptable range, this will not be an issue

      3. Live tilt measured: click on the button "Overwrite" to save the calibration on the device (you'll get a message if calibration was successful in the bottom right corner)

    title4. Re-calibration
    1. Re-calibration: to apply new calibration to the sensor, click apply next to "new calibration can be applied"

    title5. Data Push

    See on how to configure a XOVIS device to send its data to the Workplace platform.

    1. For the next sub chapters, you can skip these steps (just press "next")

    Step 4. Scene Configuration

    After running through the setup wizard, the tool will open on the Home screen, showing the Sensor Overview Live Scene

    In View (the eye icon on the top right of the Live Scene visualization), turn on

    • Tracking Area Layer: this will visualize the concrete Detection Area covered by the sensor. The space around it is visible to the eye of the camera and might be used to “identify people coming and going”, but is not part of the tracking area

    • Start/stop points Layer, then also enter a start date in the “Start/stop points” tab

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    Ideally, have the sensor gather data on start/stop points for some time (the longer the better).

    title1-3. Draw a virtual footfall line
    1. Select top right button "Scene Configuration"

    2. Select "Draw Line" to start drawing a virtual footfall line on the image

      1. if you’re visualizing start/stop points, you want to draw the line in the location where there are the least points visible

    3. Enter a meaningful name in the pop-up "New geometry"

      1. The arrow/triangle needs to point towards the direction/location that you want to track; press save or double click to save your changes

      2. Select the line and edit to invert direction if required

        1. The little green, triangular pointer next to a line shows its ‘forward’ (in) direction.

      3. Through edit, it's possible to also change the name

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    Examples of drawing the virtual footfall line when visualizing start/stop points: you want to draw the line in the location where there are the least points visible

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    title4. Add logic to the footfall line
    1. Click on the line and select "Add logic" to the top right of the screen

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    title5. Logic "

    Person Count Late

    [Person count in/out]"
    1. Select "

    Person Count Late

    1. [Person count in/out]". No need to fill anything in, just hit "save"

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    Step 5. Quality Assurance

    Immediately after Configuration

    Go to the Home screen, to check the Sensor Overview Live Scene and confirm your configuration.

    Ask someone to cross the line, so that you can see this happening live on the platform

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    It’s best practice to do an extensive Quality Check in this stage. Make sure to do this before moving to the last step in configuration

    Step 6. Privacy Mode

    Once Quality Assurance confirms your set-up, go back to Settings > General Settings > Privacy Mode and set to level 3


    Once you do this, it's not possible to go back without interference from the Spacewell Hardware Team


    Go to the Home screen, to check the Sensor Overview Live Scene and confirm your configuration

    • Once someone crosses the line, the live count will update

    • Due to level 3 setting, you will not see any interaction on the live scene view

    Image RemovedIn Tools > Stereo Image: the floor should be blue as an indication that the configured height is OK. Other colors indicate that there is something in the way

    titleExample to compare the live scene with the stereo image
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    After some days

    Look at Live Scene view > visualizing start/stop points (start date in the past) to verify “where do you lose less people?” You might need to adjust the virtual footfall line

    If, in the xovis tool, you see the light flickering (“fog”),

    • probably the light is running on another frequency than what was set in the Regional settings

    • you can change the light frequency in Singlesensor > Advanced Option

    For more troubleshooting, see Xovis troubleshooting

    Next steps

    To have data flowing into the Workplace Platform, make sure to deploy the sensors in the Workplace platform, see Xovis deployment.


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