Table of Contents | ||
1. What is this module about
The Project management module enables employees/users to manage all (big or small) projects. With project templates, various project types can be created with all relevant project phases. New projects can be simply created from a project template with a pre-defined set of project phases. Request, approve and allocate your project budget over the various project phases and register actual costs with work orders created from the project phases. Keep track of the projects time line via various reports and a Gantt chart.
Info |
The following chapters describe the use of this module as a key user. Whether or not all functionalities mentioned below are available to you as a user, depends on your assigned system groups. Contact your application manager in case you miss functionalities relevant to you. You can always check which system groups are assigned to you via your profile in the top right corner. For more information about this, see: History, favorites, personal bin and groups |
2. High over process overview
In this chapter, a high-over overview of the process is described. For a detailed description of every step in the process, see the chapter further below: Process step by step
The Project management module has several system groups related to it, allowing authorizing users for specific parts of, and tasks within , this module. Below an overview of all relevant system groups and their role within the project workflow. Also other additional system groups without a task in the project workflow workflows are mentioned.
Users with the system group ‘Create projects' can create a project. The user can enter the important project details like, the project name, a short description, the main responsible and a estimated start and end date. Before submitting the project, the user can already add project team members, request a project budget and create project phases, but this is not mandatory.
Once all project phases have been completed, the project is finished and can be closed.A more detailed desciption of the project workflow, see the chapter below: Process step by step
3. Navigation menu & Startboard
For the Project management module, the following navigation menu options become available:
Tasks: This overview shows all active project and project work order workflow tasks for the user.
Open projects I am responsible for: This overview shows all open projects where I am the main responsible or additional responsible for.
Open project phases I am responsible for: This overview shows all open project phases where I am filled in the 'Responsible' field.
Open project work orders I am responsible for: This overview shows all open project work orders where I am the 'Internal responsible'.
4. Process in details
4.1 Process step by step
For an overview of which system group is needed for which step, please see the graphical overview above in the High over process overview.
Create a project
A new project can be created from the ‘Projects' navigation menu and the 'Project management dashboard’. There are two options to create a new project:
A project can be cancelled during the whole process (workflow) until it is closed. Cancel the project via the 'Cancel' button.
4.2 Additional options and related modules
Via the 'Projects' navigation menu, the some quick insights are available.
Via the 'Reports' button, additional reports are available to see the cost vs realization and planned vs actual time.
4.3 All fields
The following overview(s) contain a description of the fields used in this module.
Field | Description | Field location |
Reference | Every new project work order automatically gets a unique work order reference. This reference is not editable and can be used to search work orders. | General tab |
Status | The status of the work order. The status of the work order is determined by the workflow and can be used to quickly see in which phase the work order is currently in. | General tab |
Created from | From which object is this work order created from. Project work orders can be created from project phases. The created from field provides information from which project phase the work order is created and is linked to. | General tab |
Request date | The date and time when the project work order is created. | General tab |
Requestor | The user who created the project work order. | General tab |
Subject | The project work orders subject. By default, the project phases subject is automatically taken over to the work order subject. | General tab |
Description | An additional (detailed) description of the project work order. | General tab |
Start | The start date of the project work order. | General tab |
End | The end date of the project work order. | General tab |
Internal responsible | The user who is internally responsible for the project work order. The responsible user can add cost items and forward the work order to the applicable contractor. If the contractor does not have a user account, the internal responsible will be responsible to handle the work order on behalf of the contractor. | General tab |
Contractor | The contractor to whom the work order is forwarded to. The contractor needs to carry out the work associated with the work order. If the contractor has a user account, the contractor can handle the work order themselves. | General tab |
Finish work by | This field indicates who is responsible to execute the task 'Work finished' to handle the work order. This can be the contractor (if the contractor has a user account) or the internal responsible. The field is automatically determined and not editable. | General tab |
Send work order via email | Per work order it can be decided if the work order is forwarded to the contractor via email. | General tab |
Remarks for contractor | Additional remarks for the contractor. These remarks are also included in the work order email to the contractor. | General tab |
Planned amount | The expected/planned work order amount (excl. VAT) | General tab |
Planned VAT | The expected/planned work order VAT amount | General tab |
Planned total | The expected/planned total work order amount (incl. VAT) | General tab |
Amount | The actual work order amount (excl. VAT) | General tab |
VAT | The actual work order VAT amount | General tab |
Total | The actual total work order amount (incl. VAT) | General tab |
ID | Every new work order item or cost item automatically gets a unique ID within the work order. This ID is not editable. | Cost include |
Description | A description of the work order item. The description gives information about the work that needs to be executed. | Cost include |
Planned quantity | The expected/planned quantity of the work order item. Can be entered before the work order is forwarded to the contractor. | Cost include |
Actual quantity | The actual quantity of the work order item. Can be entered by the contractor to register the actually used quantity. | Cost include |
Planned price | The expected/planned price of the work order item. Can be entered before the work order is forwarded to the contractor. | Cost include |
Actual price | The actual price of the work order item. Can be entered by the contractor to register the actual price. | Cost include |
Per | The planned and actual price is applicable per X units. For example the price per 1 piece or 10 kilograms. | Cost include |
Unit | The planned and actual price is applicable per X units. For example the price per 1 piece or 10 kilograms. | Cost include |
Cur. | The currency which applies to the price. The clients default currency is automatically taken over to the work order and all work order items. | Cost include |
VAT | The work order items applicable VAT percentage. | Cost include |
Planned amount | The expected/planned work order item amount (excl. VAT) | Cost include |
Actual amount | The actual work order item amount (excl. VAT) | Cost include |
Total | The actual total work order item amount (incl. VAT) | Cost include |
5. Automated emails
Both the Project workflow, as well as the work order workflow can automatically send emails, for example, if a workflow task needs to be executed.
Email content | When is it sent | Send to |
An email that the work order can be handled | When the work order is forwarded | The work orders contractor |
6. Related articles
The following articles are aimed towards application managers and implementation consultants:
For more detailed implementation information (including how to activate the module, which system groups are involved, data imports, see: Project management module activation and information
For more information on the content of this module, including detailed descriptions of some of the core components, see: Project management module in the 'Application Managers' section.