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Table of Contents


Check here the checklist for installation: Checklist for installation

Click here for the instructions on Quality Assurance for installation of motion and headcount sensors: Quality Assurance

Installation Flow


‪Jenny is responsible for keeping our internal stock of tape + glue at a certain level: At HQ, when you need tape and/or glue, contact Hilde + Jenny and mention the amount of sensors concerned.


1. Decide HOW to install
• Check if locations apply to prerequisites described in this document. If there are any deviations to these prerequisites, please contact your Implementation Consultant at Spacewell with a description and, ideally, pictures of the situation
• Indicate on the Sensor Plan where to place all sensors, incl where the sensor placement deviates from this normal procedure
2. Concerning workplaces: install a cap on the sensor
• Caps need to be placed depending on the installation direction (only needed for workplaces)  (deviating placement of sensor to be discussed with Spacewell)
‪            (When requesting new motion sensors, please make sure to mention how many caps you might need, so Simon can arrange for them. Please allow him some time to have the caps produced, since we have no stock for them.)
• Delivery includes 1 cap per sensor → this means there will always be enough caps (since you do not need them for meeting rooms)


•Check the Sensor Plan and decisions from Step 1
•Indicate Sensor IDs on the floorplan > excel for mapping
•"deviating" sensors should be indicated as such on the Sensor Plan
4. Send Sensor Plan with sensor placement indication to Spacewell (scan, picture) for mapping

(Allow time for upload sensor ID and mapping (Spacewell))

5. Quality assessment in the field


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nameMotion Tab Placement Guide.pptx


French version : Motion Tab Guide d Installation.pptx



Always check the detailed instruction in the Motion Tab Placement Guide.

If the situation you are facing deviates from these instructions/prerequisites, please contact Spacewell. Pictures / Drawings say more than a 1000 words.


1.Go to the workplace

2.Remove chair and check prerequisites


3.Check the installation area


  • Sensor unpack & placement indication
  • Take sticker from packaging and stick it to the sensor plan
  • Remove sensor from packaging
  • Tape placement
  • Cap placement
    • When it comes to installing caps on motion sensors, we use Loctite Super Glue -3 (all plastics) OR Pattex Super Glue for all plastics (2 steps). Both come with an applicator + glue.

    • Roughly 70-80 caps can be installed with 1 glue stick, depending how conservative you apply the glue.

    • Best practices:

      • First apply the activator, before applying the glue
      • Also apply the activator to the base of the sensor where the glue will be touching!
      • The instructions for the glue say to wait one minute after applying the activator, don’t just skip the wait time. Wait.
      • If you were to set up an assembly line with a couple of colleagues to glue the caps, make sure that you keep the bags with the correct sensor (upon installation, you will need to take the sticker (number = sensor identification) from the bag to indicate on the sensor plan which sensor has been placed where.
  • Sensor placement underneath table: vertical/ downwards + perpendicular to table (short side sensor parallel to long side table)

Meeting room

Always check the detailed instruction in the Motion Tab Placement Guide.

If the situation you are facing deviates from these instructions/prerequisites, please contact Spacewell. Pictures / Drawings say more than a 1000 words.

1.Go to the meeting room
2.Check the height of the meeting room


3.Calculate the prerequisites by comparing the height to the table (Multiple sensors needed when coverage of 1 sensor is exceeded)
4.Check the room against the prerequisites. If the prerequisite “coverage of 1 sensor” is exceeded, multiple sensors must be installed: please contact Spacewell
5.Check for obstructions → contact Spacewell
  • Sensor unpack & placement indication
  • Take sticker from packaging and stick it to the sensor plan
  • Remove sensor from packaging
  • Tape placement
  • Sensor placement on ceiling, in the middle of the room: perpendicular to room (long side sensor parallel to short side room)

Rooms under 4x4m (bubbles, phone booths, concentration rooms, ...)

Always check the detailed instruction in the Motion Tab Placement Guide.

If the situation you are facing deviates from these instructions/prerequisites, please contact Spacewell. Pictures / Drawings say more than a 1000 words.

1.Go to the room
2.Check the height of the room


3.Check the room against the prerequisites. If the prerequisite “Length < 4m AND Width < 4m” is exceeded, please check installation instructions for Meeting Rooms
4.Check for obstructions → contact Spacewell
  • Sensor unpack & placement indication
  • Take sticker from packaging and stick it to the sensor plan
  • Remove sensor from packaging
  • Tape placement
  • Sensor placement on wall, at the entrance of the room


Tape Placement



Cap Placement


Sensor Placement

Workplace placement

Table with bar 2


Meeting room placement


Difficulty: novice


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Verify what is needed for motion sensor installation

  • Define installation method depending on the use case

  • Watch out for mistakes that were made at other installations



Motion sensors connect over the LoRa network. Make sure you install your LoRa hub before installing the sensors (check out LoRa Gateways / Hubs installation guides for more information).

Prepare your sensor plan (floorplan with dimensions and markings of where the sensors need to come) has been set up.

Verify you have everything to go on site: Checklist hardware on-site visit/installation

Make sure to communicate to the workplace users on site what is happening (change management).

Decide installation method depending on use case

Depending on the location/use case, the installation method will be different:

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Sensor installation Tips & Tricks

  • Don’t place tape on the side with the QR code

  • Place the eye towards the seating area of the workplace or facing down the ground

  • Aim the eye facing down away from strong heating or cooling sources (fireplace, HVAC)

‪What happened before  - don’t let it happen again…

  • Eye of workplace sensor very close against a metal stud 

  • Meeting room sensor towards the door

  • Sensor on a movable table

  • Sensor below a chair instead of table

  • Sensor on top of the table

  • Sensors/touch point installation in a “construction” site

  • Cap opening turned towards the table instead of the feet

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How to automate tabs sensor installation?

Spacewell and installer partners use the Scan-IT to Office app.

  1. install "Scan-IT to Office" app on your phone

  2. install Excel add-in your office environment

  3. prepare an excel listing all the locations

  4. scan all the motion sensors in the order of the locations from the excel (preferably "offline")

  5. when you "come online", you import the data in your excel


The app is free, but they regularly ask you to buy more features. They do this

  • by adding a line to your excel sheet -> pay close attention when uploading to make sure you catch these sneaky extra added lines

  • through a pop-up in the app in the moment you scan... but then they still scan/capture that data -> make sure to check that you don't end up scanning 2 times the same code/committing it to different locations in your excel

For more information you can watch this Youtube Video for a more detailed step-by-step guide.


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