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Table of Contents

1. What is this module about



This article is about the use of this module as an application manager, for more information on how to use the concepts in this module as a user (for instance, details on how to create an object), see the related module in the Users part of this knowledge base: Users

1. What is this module about

The Corrective work orders module in Workplace Management helps service teams create and manage work orders based on user requests. These work orders can be assigned to either internal or external contractors to fix the issues.

For instance, if a toilet is broken and leaking, the facility service group might be unable to fix it. In this case, a work order can be created for an external contractor, like a plumber, to handle the repair or install a new toilet. The contractor can register the costs, and the work orders can be reviewed internally afterward.


The next parts will go into more detail on some of the core concepts of this module:

1.1 Service groups

Like with requests, the service groups also apply in the corrective work orders. The requests service group and the internal responsible user are automatically taken over to the corrective work order. The responsible user can plan and manually forward the work order to the applicable contractor.

More information about service groups can be found via Requests module.

1.2 Problem types

The problem type selected in the request , can also influence the behavior of the corrective work order behavior. Per problem type, it is possible to determine if a corrective work order is automatically created, assigned, and sent to the relevant contractor based on the preferred supplier role.


  • Building: Spacewell Arnhem

  • Supplier X is the preferred supplier for Spacewell Arnhem with the role ‘Access of‘ Access Control’

Problem type: 'Front gate defect'


More information about problem types can be found via Requests module.

1.3 Cost items

Unlike in requests, it is possible to register cost items in corrective work orders. Cost items (also called work order items) can be generic or based on catalog items (this needs to be enabled via ‘Modules settings' → ‘Corrective work orders’ → ‘Use catalog items in corrective work orders’). Adding cost items based on inventory items is also possible, but the 'Inventory management’ module needs to be enabled in this case. More information about inventory management see: Inventory management module .

Before the work order is assigned to a contractor, the work order items can be added to register the estimated costs for handling the work order. If the user creates a generic work order item, the description, planned quantity, planned price, and VAT rate can be entered manually. If the user adds a work order item based on a catalog item, the catalog item name, supplier reference, and purchase price are automatically taken over to the work order item. Catalog items used in work orders can be tools or equipment that need to must be purchased first, such as rubber gloves, nails, etc.

The work order items' planned quantity and planned price are used to determine the estimated costs. Once the work order is in progress by the contractor, the actual quantity and price used might differ and can be registered. The actual quantity and actual price eventually determine the actual costs of the work order. Insights on the planned and actual work order costs might affect the planned cost estimations or the contractors used in the future if the planned costs are, for example, much lower than the actual costs.


For more information about preferred suppliers, see: Preferred suppliers.

For more information about requests and problem types, see: Requests module.

1.5 Tendering process (quotations)

If it is unclear which contractor should be assigned to the corrective work order, a tendering process can be created to find the right contractor for the job. Via a tendering process, quotations can be requested from multiple suppliers.

Tendering processes are used if there are no preferred suppliers or many suppliers to choose from. A tendering process is a good way to find the supplier with the best price, the quickest response can to execute the work at the earliest time, etc. Basically, which Which supplier fits best for the work that needs to be done in the corrective work order.


Via ‘Module settings' → ‘Maintenance’ → ‘General work order settings’ → ‘Quotation process via separate workflow’ can be set to Yes , if the tendering process is done in Workplace Management. In this case, when creating a tendering process from the corrective work order, the corrective work order will go to a 'Quotation process’ status and will automatically continue once one of the quotations is accepted. The supplier of the accepted quotation is automatically assigned to the corrective work order.


In the corrective work order process it is possible to add , adding a mandate approval step is possible. A mandate approval is a step in the workflow where a specific authorized user or user with a specific system group needs to review the work order's total amount and can approve or reject the work order before it is forwarded to a contractor. The mandate approval step prevents work orders from being made and sent to contractors with a (unauthorized) large total amount.


If the corrective work order total amount exceeds the personal amount of the user, the user's manager is the next user to approve the corrective work order until the approver's mandate amount exceeds the corrective work order total amount.



There are three users with a manager and a mandate amount specified up to which they may approve:

  • User 1 → Manager: User 2 and Mandate amount: 500

  • User 2 → Manager: User 3 and Mandate amount: 10.000

  • User 3 → Manager: No manager and Mandate amount: 1.000.000

A corrective work order is created, and mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled.

  1. A corrective work order with a total amount of 250, needs to be approved by User 1

  2. A corrective work order with a total amount of 5.000, needs to be approved first by User 1 and then by User 2

  3. A corrective work order with a total amount of 20.000, needs to be approved first by User 1, then by User 2, and then by User 3


If the mandate approval is determined per problem type, the mandate approval can be configured in each problem type separately, where it actually applies.

Both mandate approval options mentioned above , can also be configured on at the problem type level.




  • Problem type 1

    • Mandate approval group: Mandate approvers (members are User 1 and User 2)

    • Mandate approval from amount: 1000

  • Problem type 2

    • No mandate approval

  • Problem type 3

    • Mandate approval: by manager

    • User 1 → Manager: User 2 and Mandate amount: 500

    • User 2 → Manager: User 3 and Mandate amount: 10.000

    • User 3 → Manager: No manager and Mandate amount: 1.000.000

A corrective work order is created, and mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled depending on problem type.

  1. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with a total amount of 250, no approval is needed

  2. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 1 with a total amount of 2500, needs to be approved by either User 1 or User 2 (every user in the mandate approval system group will get the task to approve)

  3. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with a total amount of 250, no approval is needed

  4. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 2 with a total amount of 20.000, no approval is needed

  5. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with a total amount of 250, needs to be approved by User 1

  6. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with a total amount of 5.000, needs to be approved first by User 1 and then by User 2

  7. A corrective work order from a request with Problem type 3 with a total amount of 20.000, needs to be approved first by User 1, then by User 2, and then by User 3


The corrective work orders module also has a planboard option. Already planned corrective work orders can be consulted in a calendar view (daily, weekly, and monthly), and not yet assigned corrective work orders can be assigned via the planboard to contractors. More F more information about the planboard see: Work order Planboard.


After the corrective work order is forwarded to the (internal or external) contractor, the work order needs to be handled by the internal or external contractor. If the contractor does not have a user account in Workplace Management to be able to handle the work order, the responsible service group or the work order is assigned to handle the work order on behalf of the contractor.

If the contractor does have has a user in the application, the contractor needs to must handle the work order themselves. Supplier access can be enabled to provide the contractors a user friendly overview with all work orders to be handled.

More For more information about supplier access see: Supplier access.


The following part describes the workflow of a corrective work order from a high-over point of view. For a detailed description, see the user manual Corrective work order module for (end)users.

Create a corrective work order
A new corrective work order can either be created manually from a request (if corrective work orders in general or for this problem type are enabled), or the corrective work order can be created automatically, determined by the problem type settings. Many fields are automatically taken over from the request (subject, description, service group, internal responsible, etc.). The user can add generic-, catalog- and/or inventory items (depending on the settings) with planned quantities and prices.


  • If the contractor is not yet determined , when creating the work order, the work order can be submitted. The contractor can be linked to the work order in the next step manually or via a tendering process during the next step.

  • If the contractor is automatically determined via preferred suppliers , when creating the work order, the work order can be directly forwarded to the contractor.


Optional: Mandate approval
If mandate approval is applicable, the mandate approver needs to approve or reject the work orders' total amount , before the work order is send sent to the contractor.

Corrective work order in progress
The corrective work order is in progress, and the contractor needs to handle the work specified in the work order. If the contractor has a user account, the contractor can directly handle the work order in the application. If the contractor does not have a user account, then the internal responsible need to handle the work order on behalf of the contractor. The actual quantity and prices used during the handling of the corrective work order can be registered.


1.10 Other relevant options

Financial administration

Via Adding a' Financial administration' step in the workflow is possible via a general work order setting (which applies to corrective, preventive, and LTMP work orders), adding a 'Financial administration’ step in the workflow is possible). As soon as the invoices from the contractor have been handled (checked and paid), the corrective work order can be manually closed. Incoming invoices can also be automatically matched, and the corrective work order can automatically be closed as soon as the corresponding incoming invoices are handled. For more about incoming invoices, see: Incoming invoices

2. Automatic emails send in the workflow(s)

Workflows can automatically send emails after a certain task is executed or a workflow has been in a status for a certain amount of time. The default emails need to be activated per workflow. For more information on how to enable the default workflow emails, see Workflow emails.

For the corrective work order module, the following default workflow emails are available:

Email content

When is it send

Send to

The confirmation to the contractor to handle the work order, including a PDF attachment with more details about the work to be executed

Once the corrective work order is forwarded to the contractor

The contractor of the work order

A request to the mandate approver(s) to approve the corrective work order total amount

Once the corrective work order is forwarded to the contractor (only if mandate approval for corrective work orders is enabled)

The mandate approve(s) of the work order


For more information on enabling the default workflow emails, see Workflow emails.

For the corrective work order module, an overview of the default workflow emails can be found in the user manual: Corrective work order workflow emails

3. General corrective work order module settings

To navigate to all the general corrective work order model settings, go to Modules settings → tab corrective work order. Hover over the available settings to get more information about a specific setting:


4. Additional information on this module

More information on the Corrective work order module can be found in the following related articles: