Preferred suppliers

Preferred suppliers

With preferred suppliers, requests (or work orders) can automatically be assigned to the preferred supplier based on the role specified in the problem type. Preferred suppliers can be applicable in general (for all buildings), per building, per area or per asset. A preferred supplier is a combination of a supplier (contact) and a role. Roles are customer-specific labels and can be created for specific industries/businesses, where suppliers operate in.

For example:

  • Supplier A - Role: IT

  • Supplier B - Role: Landscaping

  • Supplier C - Role: Furniture

If a request is submitted with the problem type role 'IT', the application checks if there are preferred suppliers:

  1. If an asset is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that asset with the role 'IT'

  2. If an area is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that area with the role 'IT'

  3. If a building is linked to the request → check on preferred suppliers for that building with the role 'IT'

  4. Check on preferred suppliers in general with the role 'IT'

If a preferred supplier is found, it will be automatically linked as the contractor of the request or a corrective work order being created for this request (if applicable and if corrective work order module is activated).

Preferred suppliers can be enabled via the ‘Module settings' → ‘Requests: Preferred suppliers’ tab. Preferred supplier roles can be managed via the navigation menu 'Requests’ → 'Roles’

Preferred suppliers can then be managed via:

  • Navigation menu 'Requests' → Preferred suppliers [For the general preferred suppliers]

  • The ‘Preferred suppliers' tab on the building [For the preferred suppliers for that building]

  • The 'Preferred suppliers' tab on the area [For the preferred suppliers for that specific area. This is very specific and only relevant in case of exceptions (e.g. supplier X is the preferred supplier for cleaning for the entire building, expect for this specific secure room, which is supplier Y)]

  • The ‘Preferred suppliers' tab on the asset [For the preferred suppliers for that specific asset, same as for area’s, to avoid a lot of managing work, should only be used for exceptions]

User with the system group '5. Manage problemtrees' can manage the preferred suppliers (See Authorizing users for more general information on authorizing users).

Preferred suppliers in general
Preferred suppliers on building level