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Difficulty: novice


Table of Contents

Learning Objectives

After reading this article, you’ll be able to:

  • Identify at which steps Quality Assurance can be done

  • Perform Quality Assurance at each step

Quality Assurance (QA) is done throughout the installation project, since there are different steps in the project.

Following excel contains the different steps. Make sure to download, sign and save with the project information.

View file
nameWorkplace Quality Assurance Checklist.xlsx

Quality Assurance before installation (only for LoRa sensors)


Motion sensors connect over the LoRa network. Make sure you install your LoRa hub before installing the sensors (check out LoRa Gateways / , Hubs installation guides for more information).

‪1. Spacewell Implementation Consultant to check gateway status on sensor platform

‪2. If possible: Spacewell Implementation Consultant to add sensor upfront to Studio and check after gateway installation if data comes through in Studio

Quality Assurance during installation


If the situation you are facing deviates from these instructions/prerequisites, please contact Spacewell. Pictures / Drawings say more than a 1000 words.

  1. Use the Placement Guides that are made available by Spacewell, see Install & Configure Gateways & Sensors .

  2. Place the sensor sticker to the sensor plan or fill in the prepared excel (see Prepare batch import file before installation)

    1. When installing sensors that have been installed elsewhere in the past (procedure to be defined with Spacewell Implementation Consultant): indicate the sensor ID on the sensor plan. Remember that every

    1. Browan sensor device ID is in hex (The values of a hexadecimal digit can be: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F)

  1. Installer to take snapshots / examples of sensor placement during installation

  2. Scan the sensor plan with the stickers of the sensor IDs

  3. Send the snapshots and sensor plan to your Spacewell Implementation Consultant, who will use it to import the sensors in the Workplace Platform and will keep the files in the internal project folder

  4. ‪Visual inspection

    1. Check that sensors are placed according to sensor placement guides; not hindered by cables, pipes, light fixtures or other obstructions

    2. Blue light when waving hand in front of sensor

Quality Assurance during configuration/sensor deployment in Workplace Platform

  1. ‪Remember most (LoRa) device IDs are in hex (The values of a hexadecimal digit can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F)

  2. If device ID not readable in sensor plan: check sensor platform

    1. Does the device ID exist?

    2. Is it connecting to the correct hub?

  3. If mapping done based on excel (see Prepare batch import file before installation)

    1. Export sensor devices excel from Studio

    2. Export MCS location IDs excel from MCS

    3. Use VLOOKUP to map to sensor device ID to MCS location

    4. Once VLOOKUP is executed check manually if done right

    5. Check begin, mid and end of excel

  4. Check

  5. Check for white spaces on live floorplan (red on Studio health view). These location could be missing mapping.

Quality Assurance after configuration/on-site

The Quality Check after configuration/on-site can happen after the mapping of the sensors in Workplace back-end Studio is done.

  • ‪To be done by someone who didn’t install the sensors

  • ‪Make sure you have access to the live floorplan via

    • Can be accessed via mobile phone as well

  • ‪Make sure to bring the sensor plan

  • Ideally you have access to , so that you can immediately make some changes

Below verifications should be written down, signed and added to the project documentation.

title1. Walk around through the building – high level check
  1. ‪Check where the sensors are installed.

  2. Check that sensors are placed according to sensor placement guides; not hindered by cables, pipes, light fixtures or other obstructions

  3. Check if sensors are falling down

  4. ‪If desks or meeting rooms are occupied

    • Compare occupied workplaces and meeting rooms with the occupancy on the floorplan

    • Count employees and compare to info on live floorplan

    • Note that in some cases people may have just left the room or desk but color on live floorplan did not yet shift to green (take into account the configured occupancy decay)

title2. Comprehensive test for occupancy sensors (live floorplan: occupancy, utilization)

The comprehensive test must be performed for at least 1 meeting room and 1 common workplace area (if set up)

  1. ‪Take a couple of pictures of the sensor placement and the surroundings

    1. Make sure to take a detailed picture of the sensor as well as a picture of the whole desk/room & environment

    2. This will make it easier to understanding the setting in case later someone, who doesn’t know the site, needs to check the pictures as well

  2. Verify dimensions

    1. for a workplace:

      1. Write down the dimensions of the desk: length & width (depth)

      2. Write down how far the sensor is installed from the end of the desk (seated side)

      3. Verify with initial measurements, calculations and sensor plan

    2. for a room (large or small):

      1. Write down the dimensions of the room: length & width + height

      2. Write down where the sensor is installed

      3. Verify with initial measurements, calculations and sensor plan

Quality Assurance

QA after config, for Workplace installation (


Browan -motion)

title3. Verify the view direction of installed sensor aligns with the required view direction

1 Sensor with cap per desk should be installed differently depending on desk mode:

  • Normal workplace: vertical/ downwards + perpendicular to table (short side sensor parallel to long side table)

  • Height adjustable desk: the longest face of the sensor is parallel to the front of the desk and the lens facing downwards (long side sensor parallel to long side table)

title4. Comprehensive test for Open spaces (workplaces, informal areas)
  1. Sit down at a desk and check if occupancy is triggered

  2. Check if sensor does not trigger another room on live floorplan (check if every sensor is correctly mapped with location)

  3. Check Live Floorplan for white spots

    • This means the sensor is not linked

    • Do you have the correct sensor IDs? If not sure, take a picture of the sensor ID

title4.1. Walk by test
  1. With chair: walk by tables without sitting down, walk closely to the chairs

    1. Make sure the sensors do not trigger false positives; the floorplan must not color red

  2. Without chair: remove the chairs and walk at 30 cm of table

    1. Make sure the sensors do not trigger false positives; the floorplan must not color red

  3. Without chair: remove the chairs and walk closely to the table (0cm)

    • Occupancy must be triggered, floorplan must color red

title4.2. Wiggle test

Sit down at a desk, wiggle your legs and turn the chair. Make sure the sensors of neighbouring desks do not trigger false positives; the floorplan must not color red

title4.3. Additional tests
  1. Sit still at a desk for 15 minutes (minimal movement) and check live floorplan (false negative)

  2. Leave the location and check if it is freed up within 15 minutes (ref. decay in Studio)

Quality Assurance

QA after config, for Meeting Room installation (


Browan motion)

title3. Verify the view direction of installed sensor aligns with the required view direction

Sensor(s) without cap should be installed on the ceiling, in the middle of the room: perpendicular to room (long side sensor parallel to short side room)

title4. Comprehensive test for large Closed rooms (meeting rooms)
  1. Walk in test

    1. Enter a meeting room, without sitting on a chair

    2. Check if occupancy, and in case of headcount sensors utilization (people count), is triggered & correctly measured on live floorplan

  2. Sit down test

    1. If indirect utilization is set up: in the meeting room, sit on a chair and check if other chairs are also triggered (see Utilization & Occupancy Matrix)

  3. If not possible to enter the room due to presence of people: check floorplan for occupancy and in case of headcount sensors, check for people count

  4. Check if sensor does not trigger another room on floorplan (check if every sensor is correctly mapped with location)

  5. Check for white spots: this means the sensor is not linked

    1. Do you have the correct sensor IDs? If not sure, take a picture of the sensor ID

  6. Check if meeting rooms, if not measured per work place, are completely colored

Quality Assurance

QA after config, for ‪installation in ‪Rooms under 4x4m (


Browan motion)

title3. Verify the view direction of installed sensor aligns with the required view direction

Sensor without cap should be installed on the wall next to the door (at the entrance of the room), facing inward. If the door opens to the inside, there might be a reflection on that door. It might be advisable to then place the sensor behind the door (assuming people close the door to start using this space – and thereby trigger the sensor).

title4. Comprehensive test for small Closed rooms (concentration rooms, booths, ...)
  1. Walk in test

    1. Enter a meeting room, without sitting on a chair

    2. Check if occupancy is triggered & correctly visualized on live floorplan

  2. Walk by test

    1. With the door open, walk by the small room. Sensor should not be triggered

  3. If not possible to enter the room due to presence of people: check floorplan for occupancy

  4. Check if sensor does not trigger another room on floorplan (check if every sensor is correctly mapped with location)

  5. Check for white spots: this means the sensor is not linked

    1. Do you have the correct sensor IDs? If not sure, take a picture of the sensor ID

  6. Check if meeting rooms, if not measured per work place, are completely colored

Quality Assurance

QA after config, for Pointgrab & VergeSense

title3. Verify the view direction of installed sensor aligns with the required and configured view direction

Walk along the edge of the Count Area and verify when the sensor detects occupancy.

Compare the Count area of the installed device with the configured area(s).

Especially when workplaces are tracked by a Pointgrab device, it should be easy to verify that the correct workplace area lights up when the relevant location is occupied.

Quality Assurance for headcount setup

title‪4. Verify count area size (live floorplan: occupancy, utilization)

Verify the count areas are set up correctly, not too large.

When walking in a count area of the sensor, occupancy must be triggered:

  • location in Occupancy view must color red

  • location in Utilization view must indicate number of people detected

When walking next to a count area of the sensor: Make sure the sensors do not trigger false positives; the location must not color red on the floorplan.

title5. Comprehensive test for occupancy sensors (live floorplan: occupancy, utilization)
  • ‪The comprehensive test must be performed for at least 1 meeting room and 1 common workplace area (if set up)

  • ‪Take a couple of pictures of the sensor placement and the surroundings

    Make sure to take a detailed picture of the sensor as well as a picture of the whole desk/room & environment

  • This will make it easier to understanding the setting in case later someone, who doesn’t know the site, needs to check the pictures as well

  • Expand
    title5.1. Comprehensive test for Open spaces (workplaces, informal areas)
    1. Sit down at a desk and check if occupancy is triggered

    2. In case of headcount sensors: check if utilization is being correctly measured

    3. Check if sensor does not trigger another room on live floorplan (check if every sensor is correctly mapped with location)

    4. Check Live Floorplan for white spots

      • This means the sensor is not linked

      • Do you have the correct sensor IDs? If not sure, take a picture of the sensor ID

    title5.2. Comprehensive test for Closed rooms (meeting rooms, booths, ...)
    1. Walk in test

      1. Enter a meeting room, without sitting on a chair

      2. Check if occupancy, and in case of headcount sensors utilization (people count), is triggered & correctly measured on live floorplan

    2. Sit down test

      1. In the meeting room, sit on a chair and check if other chairs are also triggered

    3. If not possible to enter the room due to presence of people: check floorplan for occupancy and in case of headcount sensors, check for people count

    4. Check if sensor does not trigger another room on floorplan (check if every sensor is correctly mapped with location)

    5. Check for white spots: this means the sensor is not linked

      1. Do you have the correct sensor IDs? If not sure, take a picture of the sensor ID

    6. Check if meeting rooms, if not measured per work place, are completely colored


    For Vergesense sensors installed in open spaces, Quality Assurance should include 50% of the desks.

    Quality Assurance for traffic / footfall count

    title‪4. Verify count area size (live floorplan: traffic in/out)

    Verify the traffic line and count areas are set up correctly, not too small.

    When walking in a count area of the sensor, traffic count must be triggered:

    • people coming and going while using the whole space should be picked up by the sensor (see green arrows in below example)

    • people coming and going close to traffic line might not be picked up by the sensor (false negatives) (see red arrows in below example)

    Image RemovedImage Added

    When walking further away from a count area of the sensor: Make sure the sensors do not trigger false positives.

    Quality Assurance after Dashboard setup

    See Dashboard activation Dashboards

    Final Validation at project end

    Acceptance document stating deliverables (hardware, dashboards), date, name

    Description of the project

    • Floorplans: changes, rendering, upload

    • Sensors and hubs: delivery, assistance in installation, upload, mapping

    • Setup live floorplan and kiosks, available through

    • Creation of dashboard XYZ, available through

    The volume and quality of the above-mentioned goods and/or services are in accordance with the agreements and scope agreed upon. Consequently, the elements stated above are fully accepted.


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