To manually create a user, create a contact (person or organization) first and enable access for that contact. This action generates a System User in the background and links it to the contact. The contact's details, such as email address, are utilized for sending login credentials.
Username: The system generates a username based on the ‘Username format’ setting, which can be found via Module settings → Masterdata → Users tab. However, you have the option to change the username and password by using the ‘Change username/password’ button.
Default Usergroup System group and Profile: If a default user system group and/or default user profile is set in the Module settings → ‘Users' tab, the user system group and/or user profile will be automatically assigned to the newly created user. User System groups and user profiles determine the user's access to specific modules of the system. Without them, the user won't be able to log in. More information on user system groups, user profiles, and how to assign them can be found in the 'Authorizations’ section. see Authorizing users
language: A users language is actually the languages of the contact (of that user). The language of a contact is determined by the languages of the organization of the creator (the user that creates that contact).
User License: A user license is automatically assigned to the new user based on the default setting in the Module settings → ‘Users' tab. You can also directly modify this value using the 'User Licenses’ dropdown menu on the user page. For detailed information about user licenses, refer to the User licenses section.
For more information on the other basic user settings, see: Personal settings
Some relevant additional user settings to mention are the ‘Debug access' and ‘Debug' settings. Obviously, these settings can be used for debugging purposes.
In both cases, this can be used by an admin user, when debugging certain issues a user is facing. Both options can be switched on for a specific user before the admin user switches to this user. Make sure to switch the option(s) off again after the debug is done.
Debug access: if this setting is enabled, the debug access log button becomes available on the top right corner of the each screen. With this option, the access rights of all elements (functions, page functions, objects, page includes) currently shown on the screen can be evaluated.
Debug: if this setting is enabled, the executed scripts are shown in a logging section. The user can see if scripts are being executed correctly (information can be shown from scripts via echos*).
*An echo is text which can be added to a executable script, which will be displayed to the debugger, when the script is executed. This text can be helpful to show the debugger what is actually happening in the script or what part of a script is executed.
Emailing Login Credentials
Username: The username displayed on the system user page.
Password: An automatically generated password. A standard default password (e.g., welcome2024) cannot be specified. Password requirements and whether the user must change their password after the first login are determined by the general password setting. For detailed information, refer to the Password General password requirements section.
Login URL: The client-specific URL indicated in the Client settings → ‘Authentication’ tab → ‘Login’ field.
Just like the other data import sheets, it is also possible to import users based on an Excel template. For more information about the default data imports, see: Imports Default imports.
Standard Employee Interfaces
This interface connects Workplace Management with the customer's employee management application, such as Okta or Azure. By integrating with this application, user accounts can be automatically created and archived based on data from the active directory. For detailed instructions on setting up this integration, refer to the documentation on Standard Employee Interfaces here: Standard Employee interfaces
Custom Employee Interfaces
If the customer is also using Workplace Experience, it is possible to automatically create a contact and related system user based on a login into the Workplace app.
For further details on this integration and user creation within Workplace Experience, refer to the comprehensive guide available in the general article about user creation in Workplace Experience: Users & and Groups