Release date 08-02-2025
Key | Release note |
Announcements: Managing announcements as a non admin user: In the past, it required the administrator system group to be able to create and manage the announcements that can be displayed on the startboard of the users. As of this release, an additional system group has been added: FMB-G165 '5. Manage announcements'. If a user is given this system group, he or she can also create and manage the announcements via the navigation menu (without needing administrator access). | |
Compliance: Added option to copy documents to other objects: It is now possible to copy an uploaded document from one legislation document to other legislation documents. For example, a maintenance report linked to an elevator can be copied to a list of related elevators that also require (the same) maintenance report. This option is available on the page of the legislation document that contains an uploaded document, for users with the system group 'Compliance manage documents'. When copying a document, the execution data will also be copied, and the workflow of the target legislation documents will be updated. If applicable, this will result in those workflows progressing to a ‘compliant’ status. This enhancement streamlines the process of linking documents across multiple assets or buildings, significantly saving time and effort. | |
Compliance: Building filters now also take sub buildings into account Multiple overviews (e.g. Compliance issues, graphs and documents) already had the option to filter on (multiple) buildings. However, if a parent building was selected, the results did not take the child/sub buildings into consideration. This has been updated and the results now also include data related to any building that is part of the building hierarchy of the selected building. | |
Compliance: Compliance graph pie chart labels: The compliance graph pie charts now only show the number of compliant vs not compliant object directly within the pie chart and any relevant details when you hover over the chart, instead of next to the pie charts in labels, as this resulted in sizing and scaling issues. | |
Compliance: Expiration date hidden or never, instead of 05-05-5555: If a legislation document never expires (if it is only need once), it showed the expiration data as '5-5-5555'. This has been changed and if a legislation document does not expire, the expiration date field on the page of a legislation document itself is hidden and in relevant overviews, it now shows the text 'Never' instead of the date '5-5-5555'. | |
Compliance: Filter on document type: The option to filter on a specific document type has been added to the filter pages of the compliance overviews. | |
Compliance: Legislation documents related to the building also visible directly via the asset: Previously, users had to navigate to the building page to view legislation documents associated with it, even if the legislation was also linked to the asset the user had open. To improve user experience, a new section has been added to the Compliance tab of the asset. This section displays building-related legislation documents that are linked to the same legislation as the asset. this way, all both assets and building related legislation documents can be viewed via the asset compliance page. | |
Invoicing: Contact financials tab: The tab 'financials' on a contact is available if the incoming or outgoing invoices module is enabled. However, this tab showed a lot of fields and options related to financial options and processes that are not used in the Workplace Management baseline. This tab has been optimized and now only shows relevant options and functions. | |
Reservations: Register hand out/take in reserved items via reservation tab: In the previous release, the options to hand out/take in reserved objects was updated, and the option to register the handout/take in was only possible via the reservation startboard tab. It is now also possible to register the hand out/take in of reserved objects via the 'Hand out/take in items' tab on a specific reservation for users that have the hand out/take and reservation coordinator system groups. | |
Reservations: Tracking No-Show Brain Rule and Late Cancellations: When a reservation is canceled using the ‘noShow’ option (configured via a Workplace Experience brain rule), it may bypass general or object-specific cancellation restrictions. This behavior is allowed, as the cancellation is triggered by a deliberately configured rule. To indicate that the cancellation occurred after the permitted timeframe, the 'lateCancel' field will be updated accordingly. These reservations are also tracked in report FMB-REP-1057 [accessible via Reports → Folders → Reservations]. This tracking provides administrators and reservation coordinators with the necessary information to follow up with requestors if required. | |
Administrator: Client settings: The client setting pages have been updated. Some obsolete settings are removed, certain settings are only shown when 'Show advanced settings' is enabled on the settings page and some of the pages have been slightly updated in look and feel. | |
Administrator: Deduplicate Function Improvements: The Deduplicate function, available in the Organizations, Persons, and Addresses lists for admin users, has been enhanced to improve usability. While the function allows admin users to deduplicate selected objects, it was not user-friendly due to unclear labels, options, and a lack of guidance about the consequences of certain actions. To address this, the feature has been updated with clearer labels, improved options, and helpful texts to guide users effectively. In addition, a new general Deduplicate function has been added to the navigation menu under 'Admin.' This feature automatically scans for potential duplicate Organizations, Persons, and/or Addresses and provides users with options to resolve duplicates. For more details, please visit:,+Persons+and+Addresses | |
Administrator: Search on unique reference of object: Via the administrator startboard option 'Find object via reference', an additional option is added, to search on the unique reference of any object and find the related object. Since unique references are often used in integrations, this way, the related object can quickly be found, without already needing to know the type of object it is related to (e.g. Area, Asset). This is mainly relevant for debugging purposes. | |
Administrators: Outlook and Google calendar integrations: When an external calendar integration is setup with Outlook or Google calendar, it is no longer possible to set certain reservation restrictions within Workplace Management, as such restrictions do not exist in Outlook and Google calendar, and would lead to conflicts and out of syncs between the external calendar and Workplace Management. The following options are no longer possible if this integration is enabled:
If the external calendar integration is activated later on, while some of the above fields or options are used, an error will be thrown to explain that the setting or option must be cleared first. | |
Administrators: Technical details tab on recurring reservations: Similar to the technical details tab on a reservation, a technical details tab has also been added to the recurring reservation page. This tab is only visible for administrators and shows more technical details related to the recurring reservation, which can be used for debugging purposes. |
Key | Release note |
Compliance: Bulk upload: The bulk upload option did not always show results to progress after uploading documents. This has been fixed. | |
Corrective work orders: Send work order via email setting not taken into account: When the function 'Forward work order' was used in the corrective work order process, the email to the contractor was always send, even if the setting 'Send workorder via email' on the work order was set to 'false'. This has been fixed. | |
Missing functions when using Android tablet: When using an Android tablet in landscape mode, pages were not always displayed completely, resulting in certain functions (e.g. ok, back) to not be visible. This has been fixed. | |
Work orders: Save function not always visible: The 'Save' icon was not always visible in the work order processes for certain users. This has been fixed. |